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The Black Dragon Shrine closes the line of the chromatic dragon shrines. This map can be expanded with our Modular Swamp-themed maps.

We started working together with a talented writer that just entered the industry after finishing his studies as a creative writer. He will write us interesting and unique plot hooks and descriptions for the maps. Hope you guys will enjoy it as much as we do! You can find his social media here, please drop by if you enjoyed his plot hook.

The air hangs heavy with the stench of rotting plant matter simmering in long-stagnant water. The only semblance of vegetation lies with the occasional tree corpse: grasping skeletal branches that punctuate the sallow fog. It is unclear if the mounds bobbing at the roiling surface are simply stones, natural decompositions, or something more sinister. Fighting the nauseous fumes and sucking mud with every step, one thing becomes certain: This is the place where things go to die. Through the fetid miasma emerges a large dais of carved stone reclaimed by the noxious bog. At the center, curling in a protective posture, stands a draconic statue bearing vicious horns, dagger-like teeth, and blooming wings. The stone relief’s gaunt features and cruel snarl mark it as a black dragon—a likely denizen of such an environment as this. Resting in its taloned grip lies a gemstone as dark and unending as a pool of tar. The stone is the size of two fists, each facet flashing with what little sunlight seeps through the midday haze, spilling an iridescent shimmer across the blackness like an oil slick. Upon further inspection of the dragon, the craftsmanship is immaculate—unthinkable for such fine detail to withstand nature’s harsh embrace. The eyes, in particular, fixated on the black gem, look so real the beast could spring to life at any moment.



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