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Let me show you the first Dragon Shrine map, which is for the blue dragon. Each chromatic dragon is getting a shrine this month for their native biomes. There is an objective for each of them, maybe putting in a fitting gem and defeating the statue? There will be the main shrine, which will include all the dragon statues. That map is for something grand event to happen!

We are working on a lot of new stuff, for example, a method to download all of our maps with a click of a button. it's not easy because our library is huge by now, but we are working on it. We are reworking the catalog too to make it easier to use.

As you know we wanted to introduce VTT map versions a few months ago, but the guy who started working on those for us had to stop because of real-life problems, unfortunately. We are still looking for somebody who can work with us to make VTT versions of our maps, optimally connecting with Moulinette (foundry VTT). If you are somebody who is already doing this with our maps, or you wanna work with us, please send us a private message.




These look and sound great! Any chance for variants without the dragon? Just incase the dragons come alive or something


That's a good call actually, I made a version like that for the next dragon shrine map.