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Hey everyone!

I decided to start a Discord server for this awesome group that gathered here in the past months. You will be able to share your map ideas there, show photos of your sessions, or just talk about D&D and tabletop games generally.  The "lounge" room will be the place for this. 

With that I'd like to introduce a new tier, which is The Council!
This 3$/map tier will give you access to vote on some of the upcoming maps, at least one map/month. I will build the voted map soon after the vote happened.

I will make modification to the "Hero" tier too, since the reward was hard to menage, and it wasn't very popular. The Heroes will receive some of my map sketches, and work in progress pictures. So they will have a little inside of how I'm making the maps.

I'm sending out the invites soon. :)



Hello! It should be automatic. If it's not working for you, I'm gonna send you an invite in a message. :)


Interesting idea, something like what Dean does, but his setup is with votes increasing per tier of backing.


I don't want to force people to increase their reward tiers for more meaningful votes. I'd like to keep them equal.


Sure, just mentioning it. Due to the fact I don't need the pdf version. It just creates more work for me on two fronts. One, I need to cut and drop it into a file editor to get it out of the pdf into a useable format. Then format it to be a smaller file size to be friendly with my VTT, then possibly cut it for the same reason, just not worth for a guy who is using VTT instead of print and play on a table. So, being that: I'm now at $1 per map instead of $2 like I was before. Bumping $8 a month for a vote on a map likely won't be worth it for me, personally. If others are in the same boat (Not paying for more work due to VTT's on their end) this may limit your draw with this model. Not a complaint, but food for thought for you with how that's setup. Not sure how else you'd do it, but if the other folks playing on VTT's are of the same mindset as me, you may only get the folks who want to print your maps at that tier.


Sure I can understand that, but that's the only way I can make it work. :)


Sure, something I'd want to know if it were me in charge. Thought I'd pass that on, I'm not sure how split your userbase is and whether that's relevant atm, or whether it will be later on. :)


Hey, great work there. Is the Discord already open? And also ist the discord only for the $3 reward tier? Or is that only for the council?


Hey Patrick, thank you! Yes, it is open, and there is a room for everybody, a room for the Council and a room for the Heroes. Discord is not required for the council tho, I will do the voting with Patreon poll.