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Since we are closing to the 100 Patron benchmark, I will release a new free map (Village Defense) for you tomorrow, as a token of my appreciation for the support you gave me. :)

After that, I will release my next scheduled map this week, which will be the Forgotten Ruins.

There will be one more map from this theme next week, which will be Mountaintop Altar. I have same cool looking ideas for it. 

Now I'd like to announce the next big theme, which will be coming in November:
The Cursed Lands!
My first map will contain encounter locations of a cursed town. Some examples: main square, graveyard, wealthy house, temple, etc... I'm working on this theme together with the awesome PrintableHeroes, and we will do some simultaneous releases with his printable miniatures. And lastly I'm cooperating with Alec Shea(tabletopmusic) too, and he will write beautiful music for the Cursed Lands.
So you guys will receive a complete pack(printable map + printable miniatures + music) in a weekly pack.

I hope that I could make you as excited as I am. :)




This is AWESOME news!!! Hopefully this is a recurring monthly theme :)


Awesome news, I can't wait.