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Buenas a todos

Se que esta escena es muy típica de vídeo/manga hentai, y siempre la chica acaba mal...así que invertiré las cosas 7w7

Próximamente Capítulo 1

PDT:les gustaría que le agregara diálogos a la serie? No soy muy buena en eso


Good morning everyone

I know this scene is very typical of a hentai video/manga, and the girl always ends badly...so I'll reverse things 7w7

Coming Soon Chapter 1

PDT: would you like me to add dialogues to the series? I'm not very good at it




Looking forward to it would love to have dialog in English when it's ready can you make it Downloadable?

Darren van der Valk

We all about the reversal (>ᴗ•) The setup and subversion is frankly an amazing twist that works so well in this genre, for reasons I need not state (o^ ^o) They say the best way to get better at something is practice and I think dialogue would be great to see ( ´ ω ` ) It can be a nice addition that aids story telling and world building as well as eliciting certain emotions from the audience. At the same time, the way in which you choose your shots and apply expression already says a lot without the need to utter a single word. The situation is clear and the context discernable. If anything, it'll be an interesting test to see what dialogue can do for a piece (ᵔ◡ᵔ) Either way I support it and am happy to offer assistance where I can (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ