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My laptop is about to head to the great big landfill in the sky. I have finally killed it, which means we couldn't record the final Olof Palme episode this weekend. However, I have rather craftily stored some emergency shows for just such an occasion, so I'll throw one of them up next Friday. We'll conclude Palme the week after.

I am still toying with a monthly combined Q&A/newsletter deal, with maybe some book/music/movie recs too. But we shall see.

Oh, and there is also a more experimental episode in the works. It is a bit of a departure from the usual stuff, but it will finally give us a way to ease back into the snake pit. It may be that I release two versions of it, one on here and one on Anchor. It'll be about remembering, nostalgia, hauntings, paths not taken. I think we are ready to confront the Realm, the land of hungry ghosts. (Britain). Stay tuned.



shitted the bed, did it? bummer dude.


Ever since you established that concept of the transatlantic American elites with extensive ties to ye old country I’ve always been intrigued in the other side, glad to hear it’s finally otw!