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Leto II: The Truthening



Dude now I have to listen to megadeth. https://youtu.be/sAvlB7eTXGA


The Ashton & Mila section of this episode, my god...this is the kind of delicious and crazy-making hollywood content I cant get anywhere else. Thank you so much


Another great episode. Can’t wait to see what you do next. Also if you see this, I always wondered… do you have a massive physical library, or are you an e-reader guy? Maybe both?


After finishing the episode, one of the salient topics touched upon is the idea of everything in culture seeming illusory and simulated. This makes me think of one of the great "meta-subjects" that runs through contemporary analysis of marketing, entertainment, social media, news, etc... they seem to go out of their way to either activate cranks or turn people who are even slightly media-literate into cranks. You've got the comical transparency of the Epstein affair, of course, but also, one of the top examples is the Woke, Latina, CIA advertisement from a year or so back... to this day, I'm still utterly baffled at how surreal it all is. Marvel are going to resort to openly inserting Qanon references into their movies to upset people next, probably (I'm joking/riffing on that last one). I think the Matt Christman analysis of "they're just dabbing on us" is the closest to the truth.


Yo Mr Ghost, loved your discussion of Pynchon and control mechanisms, have you ever taken a peek at Deleuze’s short piece “Postscript on the Societies of Control”? Think you’d find it super poignant


Mostly physical, I have a bunch of stuff on the kindle but there's something about the heft and weight of a book that I find preferable to hold. More satisfying closing that final page and putting it on the shelf I guess? Hbu?


To your points here which I agree with, I had a whole section I cut for time about those weird, unnerving clickbait articles on news sites where the image will be a stock photo of some beautiful model but the headline will be like RETIRED POSTMASTER DISCOVERS ANCIENT YAMS RECIPE - YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS! and AI already being effectively here when you consider how automated and rote celebrity PR and our political discourse is now. I couldn't quite make it all fit, but my point was going to be, you hear Kutcher yelling about AirBnB breaking down borders and unifying mankind in love, when confronted with evidence of the firm's complicity in land theft and ethnic cleansing...and you could swear that entire speech was generated by an AI algo that has no ability at all to read context. The whole world is in the uncanny valley now.


I feel the same way and do have many shelves of books and I’m currently moving and was wondering why I’ve caused myself so much pain. Was hoping that you might talk me in to using my kindle more but it looks like we’re both sickos


It's also good to be able to physically write notes on the pages, it makes it yours in a way leaving a digital note to yourself doesn't.


These two Jared Leto episodes reminded me of the Red Letter Media videos about Adam Sandler. They review Jack & Jill where Sandler plays his own twin sister and it's just him in a wig and a dress. I can't remember the exact figure but i think they mention the budget was around 90 million, and they are are shocked and appalled that this shitty cheap film cost so much. They end up doing a bit of a deep dive on where they think all the money went. Not sure what i am getting at only things are not what they seem and money is being moved around in front of us all the time, and i am increasing wondering who are they hiding this from? Why the deception? it's not like us mere mortals can do anything about all this fake money being moved from company to company anyway.


Its the same with journalism, who's consent are they manufacturing anymore? it's all deeply strange. Anyway keep up the good work Ghost.


I had completely forgot about the AirBnB rental delerium in the opening days of the war!!


Was definitely…allegedly… groped by him when i worked at a restaurant and had to seat him and his party. So yea he’s that kind of dude too unsurprisingly. And I look very young, even more so back then. Creepy rat vibes irl for sure. BARF. Thanks for these episodes and your good work <3


Adam, Honestly I disagree with the dabbing on us explanation. I think that once you study this stuff for a while (and by this stuff, I mean specifically history and parapolitics within a materialist framework) then it just all seems really illusory and simulated and even obvious because it is. It seems obvious just because it's reality and you are seeing it clearly. But I don't think they are "dabbing on us" because most people don't see it this way. I think that when most people think about this stuff at all (and they mostly don't which is probably healthier and saner) then they do realize that the world doesn't quite work the way their indoctrination taught them that it does, but they fall back on pretty simplistic explanations, like it would work that way if not for greedy people or corrupt institutions or something along those lines. Then they just get on with their lives and generally accept all that stuff that seems so surreally transparent to us. And if they are going to stray too far from the brainwashing about meritocracy, liberal democracy, capitalist markets, etc, then there are plenty of alternatives explanations for them to choose from- it's the fault of globo homo cabal soros one world wokism or putin-trump authoritarianism, all with entire carnivals of cultural resentments to enjoy, etc. This is the crank activation- and it serves the dual purpose of keeping people confused as well as making any explanations of reality look like it's crank shit too.


Ghost, You're probably already familiar with this old article which describes algorithmic uncanny valleys in YouTube kids content, but I'm going to link to it just in case you haven't. The videos the article links to have mostly been taken down now, but I watched them when it was first published and they were ever bit as weird and disturbing as the article describes. https://qz.com/1124083/youtube-videos-for-kids-youtubes-algorithms-are-harming-a-generation-of-children


Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I mean, I'm half-serious about the dabbing explanation. I realize that at its base, unrestrained market forces are degenerating everything at an alarming rate. What is even more surreal is the number of people who choose to actively, noncritically carry water for all the bullshit. One good example is the recent AI debate in the press, where they get the most gullible journalists to scare themselves into believing Silicon Valley hype. When the Musk rocket exploded the other day, my local paper ran a full page of basically a SpaceX press release with no criticism whatsoever. Unfortunately, my impression is that the "crankifying" of discourse is pushing people who want to be "reasonable" to the centre, such as it is, whose job is to hang out in the uncanny valley of technocratic problem-denying and the failure to provide any real explanatory power to anything. As a quick addendum, I will maintain that the Woke CIA ad, which would have to pass between so many hands from conception to diffusion, had to have been borne out of at least some spite and contempt for the average person.


Fantastic work. I listened to the first leto episode painting a bedroom pink for our new arrival. She’s 15 months old now. How time flies. And yet here we are in the exact same place.


Bile rising in my throat listening to the Ashton airbnb clip, despicable.

Michelle B

Great episode! As a valley girl myself (Coldwater Canyon not Laurel thankfully after listening to these episodes 🤣) I have to say you kind of hit the nail on the head with the CAA thing but you left out a pair of really interesting factors in terms of these top tier agencies. 1) These agencies are now also listed as repping the majority of democratic political representatives... Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton both come to mind, but I'm sure if you scroll through the list of people who they rep it's a lot deeper than that. Which of you think about that is quite bizarre. Especially considering it was long before Hillary had any kind of TV show. Certainly you have Reagan and Trump with Hollywood ties, But somehow even the people who are career politicians are now considered talent? And 2) the big labor- breaking moves in Hollywood have been tied to packaging that those agencies started doing after venture capital and private equity took hold of the industry. The financialization of Hollywood and recategorization of "new media" has absolutely gutted the industry in terms of pay. I would drop a link here but it won't let me 🤷‍♀️ Lots to look at there for sure!


My boy said second amendment