Patreon-exclusive Christmas Special Q&A (Patreon)
It's approaching that time of year where all good podcasters throw open the DMs to listener Questions. Harvesting the ones we're fairly knowledgeable about and discarding the ones that touch on our shortcomings and outright fraudulence, under the guise of "I only had an hour so there just wasn't enough time to get to yours", it's a festive atmosphere of merriment in which podcaster and subscriber alike can grip each other, acoustically speaking, and baste ourselves in the warm turkey juices of reciprocal respect and goodwill as we roll around on the bed of fellowship, grasping the satin sheets of inquiry as we thrust towards understanding and greater, deeper insight. Acoustically speaking. I'll try to answer as many as I can, but I only have an hour, so there may not be enough time to get to yours. Light and heavy subjects alike are welcome. Hit the DMs and I will bare my soul or at least simulate the appearance of such. We'll be pigs in blankets: seasoned, snuggled and savouring every last mouthful.