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Cocaine bears, Kentucky drug runners, CIA gunmen and mercs aplenty.




hearing my local news reporter freaked me the fuck out

Quinn Molina

Great ep; what are the tunes you dropped in for the intermissions?

Dark Alliance

Going to listen to it now. The Bluegrass Conspiracy by Sally Denton gets onto the Lexington, Kentucky mob.


I finally got around to reading the last half of that book recently, and yeah could not recommend enough. Denton also wrote a (long stifled) piece with her husband Roger Morris, a former NSC member turned journalist, regarding Mena/Barry Seal/coke/guns/etc. Was all set to be published in the Sunday edition of WaPo circa '95 when it was pulled for no discernable reason the night before, which inevitably led a few prominent editors to quickly activate a prototype version of "Destroy Gary Webb" mode when commenting on the story (which dove into the personal papers of Seal and confirmed many key allegations against the Mena/Contra angle while leaving nearly endless new questions). "The Crimes Of Mena" was finally published in Penthouse, but by then had been discredited via prestige reduction and association amongst the ruling bourgeois scum, though the story and an accompanying commentary piece from the Telegraph can be found as a pdf by googlin the title. Well worth it imo as it helps explain how a massive story was effectively suppressed through affiliation with being "unserious" and "conspiratorial" even though effectively everyone with a shred of knowledge on the subject has long surmised drugs are good for black budgets (amongst various other lessons). The two also wrote a book on the history of Vegas that I plan to get to soon, as well as Denton's other work on the Le Barron Mormon clan (that has a tangled deep state history to say the least) and her other book on Bechtel; surface level corporate crime a mile deep so I can't imagine what else she managed to find.

Dan Hanrahan

Thank you for the best description of "operator culture" I've heard. Living in the US, post 9/11 and having to witness this idiotic & violently ignorant trend grow and be lionized in media has been tremendously depressing. The mere existence of Black Rifle Coffee Company is enough to drive a man to despair.