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As you have probably guessed we're getting into some hellishly complex underworld history now, not helped by the fact that more than a few accounts of this period are not, strictly speaking, the recollections of people with honest or even sane motives. So chapter 4 is going to be late by a day or two while we finesse the material and make the necessary edits (some stuff is going to be used in chapter 5 instead).

Chapter 5 will be a breakdown of Danny's death and explore further details about the intelligence/OC underworld he was stumbling through. After Danny's death...well, the story only gets darker and wilder. Many threads to chase, many secret cities to be explored.




Totally chill by me!

Brian Stewart

You’ve taken on a notoriously rabbit-hole-y topic. Your thoughtful distillation is a huge contribution—appreciate you taking your time to do good work!