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Hello everyone.

Thank you for your support.

As I wrote in my last status report, starting this year, I would like to try original works as well as doujinshi. Thank you so much for liking my doujinshi works and supporting me. This is my first original work, so I am excited and nervous. I feel like a mother whose daughter is just about to make her first debut. So, I would like to introduce our girls to you.

First, Momoko and Saki.

Momoko is our neighbor who just started her first year of high school. We see each other once in a while because our houses are close to each other, but she always seems to go to school alone.

One day, she suddenly fell down on her way to school and was saved by one of the boys. Perhaps because of embarrassment, Momoko left thanking him like a startled child and hurried away. She is a shy girl, isn't she? And when, a girl with rabbit ears appeared by her side. And from what she says and does, the girl seems to have a liking for Momoko. What kind of things she says and does, we hope you will enjoy in the story.

(It is one of the scenes)

This rabbit always has a poisonous and unapproachable atmosphere. He takes good care of Momoko and seems to be firm, but sometimes he has a weak spot.

One day, it was a day of rainstorm. It was twilight and the street lights were not shining again, so the road under the bridge was very dark and the path was hard to see. As I walked on the dark road, all of a sudden I heard a sound behind me. I turned around and saw that rabbit running hard away from me with its eyes closed and its ears held down. The rabbit had stepped on all the puddles of water on the road, and I was soaked by it. I wonder if he doesn't like the dark.

This is a new one I picked up. He was a bit naughty, and when I told him that I couldn't find the cat at home, he followed me home. I guess I shouldn't have done that. I just wanted to tease him. ......

At any rate, this is a new challenge for me, and I am a bit nervous, but I will do my best so that everyone will like it!

Translation by software




Very cute oc characters ❤️ looks very pretty

houkisei (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-01 22:21:57 Thank you for your continuous support!!><
2023-02-28 09:42:03 Thank you for your continuous support!!><

Thank you for your continuous support!!><


They are beautiful! 🥰


I will always support you! Your art is so beautiful and I wanna enjoy and learn from it ☺️