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Title is the announcement.

Last week, I got sick quite suddenly. Originally thought it was the flu, but then I took a rapid covid test at the urging of a friend and it turns out I have the coronavirus! Yay me! 

Sarcasm aside, please don't worry too much about me, my symptoms are towards the mild side and I am vaccinated and boosted. I expect to make a full recovery, it's just for the time being I find writing, or focusing on doing much of anything, to be a very tiring endeavor, which is why I haven't been updating the past two weeks.

(Before that any missed updates were because I forgot or just missed them, as per usual, but I have a good excuse for these last two!)

Currently not sure when updates will resume. I appear to be recovering, from day to day, but we'll see. I have a chapter for next week that I've lacked the energy to post, so I'll at least be doing that I hope, but other than that I'm just sleeping a lot.

Happy holidays to everyone! Please remember to stay safe during this winter, hopefully no one gets sick right before Christmas like I did!



Hope you feel better soon.


Happy Holidays! May you get well soon!