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Chapter 15: Familiar Faces

I sighed at the sight of Accelerator and the mini-Misaka. It was just going to be one of those nights.

“Well girls,” I turned to my matching pair of Misakas, “ready to—”

“ ‘You must be the professor!’ says Misaka of Misaka with a big smile!”

I blinked, looking down to where the mini-Misaka was staring up at me with big eyes. She actually was wearing a huge smile too, unlike any of the other sisters. Now that I looked at her closer, I saw that she wasn’t quite cut from the same molds as the other Misaka Sisters.

The emotions were a big give away, for one.

Where all the Sisters were visual copies of the original, down to the cream vest and grey pleated skirt of the original, leg warmers included, this one didn’t have a Tokiwadai uniform on. Hell, she didn’t even have a cute yellow hat and red Shougakkou, or elementary school backpack.

I used the Japanese here, because I’d been to American elementary school, and it had nothing at all in common.

Anyway, in lieu of what some would consider Misaka-appropriate attire, the mini-Misaka was wearing a light blue sundress with white polka dots beneath a large white button-down shirt that went practically down to her knees. It was the type of outfit you’d expect a girl to wear on ‘take your daughter to work day’ or something.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I said after a moment. “Yes, I’ve heard that people have taken to calling me ‘the Professor’, but please don’t spread it around too much. I only have an honorary degree.”

I did, too. Whatever else I had to say about the man, Aliestar Crowley always held up his end of the bargain.

“ ‘You’re funny,’ says Misaka of Misaka! ‘I like you. Oh, have you met Accelerator!’” She turned and pointed toward the highest ranked Esper in Academy city—other than me. “ ‘He’s a little grumpy right now’ says Misaka of Misaka as she points to Accelerator. ‘I think he could use more friends.’”

I glanced at the boy. He was staring at me, a sharp look in his red eyes. He’d shifted too, and I got the feeling that if I made any sudden moves, I’d find that crutch in his hand flying towards my skull at mach 5. At least.

Unfortunately, it was a big mall, and he was currently outside of my range. I doubted he’d give me a chance to walk forward, especially not after Misaka spanked him in the train yard. Once burned, twice shy.

Or once exploded, as it were.

“ ‘Last Order,’ says Misaka as Misaka sighs in exasperation. ‘Fuaaa, you are bothering Mama, you know?’”

“It’s fine.” I patted 10032 on the head, and she relaxed slightly. “It’s always nice to meet more of the family.” I tilted my head. “And, Last Order? Is this where that ‘of Misaka’ is coming from?”

All three Sisters look at me. “ ‘I don’t know what the Professor is talking about!’ says Misaka of Misaka cheerfully, before turning to her big sisters. ‘Oh, oh, were you here to buy jewelry too?” She grinned mischievously. “ ‘I wanted to get a pair ring,’ says Misaka of Misaka!”

“ ‘Yes,’ says Misaka, nodding.” Misaka 19090 nodded. This was starting to get out of hand. If the original showed up… No. Best I didn’t jinx it. “ ‘Misaka 10032 and I are going to get piercings.”

“ ‘I—I haven’t decided yet,’ says Misaka as she shifts nervously. ‘I just want to take a look.’”

“‘Ooooooh?’ Says Misaka of Misaka as she looks up at her big sisters in awe. ‘That sounds really elegant!’”

I smiled. “I think it could be a good idea.” I straightened, deciding to move things along. I got the feeling that the three of them could go in circles for hours if someone else didn’t step in. “I haven’t actually met Accelerator, would you like to introduce us?”

“ ‘Yes,’ says Misaka of Misaka!”

“Also, if someone could explain what Last Order means, I would appreciate it.”

“ ‘Last Order is Misaka 20001’ says Misaka to Mama. ‘She was designed to administrate the Misaka network. Currently she is on loan to Accelerator.’”

“ ‘I’m not on loan,’ says Misaka of Misaka. ‘Accelerator just needs some help, cause he’s kinda an old man.” She took my hand, tugging me over. I allowed myself to be dragged, keeping my AIM field away from Accelerator’s as he came into my range.

I didn’t know if he’d be able to feel it, but the last thing I wanted was to be countered before we even came to blows.

Also, he was a high schooler! How was that old?

Accelerator glared at me. “Who’s the old bag?”

“I take it back.” My eye twitched. “You’re definitely an old man.”

“ ‘See, see!’ says Misaka of Misaka, jumping in place!”

He snorted. “Whatever.” He glanced at the two sisters, but without recognition. That’s right, he never met my Misaka, did he? Mikoto took her place at the train yard.

Well, I suppose they could have met some other time, but he’d also met by any count, at least 10031 Sisters.

Briefly, that is.

I tried not to think about that too much as I held out my hand. He was apparently babysitting Last Order. If the Sisters trusted him, then I could at least extend the courtesy of trust.

He gave my hand a brief shake, fingers limp, before pulling back. “If you’re with the Muppets, I guess you’re not here to challenge me for my spot, huh?”

His voice was rough and raspy, like he barely used it. He tried to come off as tough, too. I imagine, combined with his glare and his ranking, that it would be enough to actually frighten most people.

You know, those people who weren’t secretly ranked higher than him. But I guess I couldn’t really speak for those people.

Instead I said, “Say, have you ever met Kihara Gensei?” I slid my hands into the pockets of my jeans. “I’ve been looking for him.”

“Heh?” He raised an eyebrow. “That old bastard? Not recently.” He shrugged. “He’s not around so much, anymore.”

I looked him over before letting out a brief huff of laughter. “Makes sense. I bet you also would like to give him a piece of your mind.”

“Something like that.” He turned back towards the window, as if dismissing me.

I could feel the edges of his AIM field brushing out against me though. It was like little threads of silk, so thin as to be invisible to the naked eye.

But I had a lot of experience with silk.

“Who the hell are you, anyway?” He flicked a glance over at my Misaka and 19090. “Another babysitter?

I smiled blandly. “I’m this one’s adoptive mother, actually.” I placed my hand on my Misaka’s shoulder, squeezing gently. She looked up at me, big brown eyes unchanging.

Her cheeks though, moved into what might almost have become a smile, before subsiding back into placidity.

Accelerator, on the other hand, stiffened slightly. “…That so?”

I nodded. “It is. So I’m sure you’ll understand that while the Network can spend their time however they want, I—”

My Misaka put her hand over mine. “ ‘Mama,’ says Misaka.”

I stopped, before sighing. I did give a small smile. “Not even getting me a chance to scare off the boy, hmm?” I shook my head. “That’s practically my duty as a parent, you know. Part of the contract.”

“ ‘I do not remember that clause being in the contract,’ says Misaka, deciding that she should probably keep Mama away from Kamijou Touma in the future. ‘But—’ “

“Kamijou?” I shook my head. “Well, anyway.” I took my hand back, straightening up. “Be that as it may, we’re not here because of you.” I nodded to Accelerator. “The girls wanted to get their ears pierced.”


“Sorry,” I said. “Think about getting their ears pierced.” I looked at Last Order, who was bouncing excitedly on her toes like this was the most fun she’d had all year. “Maybe getting jewelry is a more Misaka thing than we thought.”

That got a startled snort from Accelerator. “Please.” He rolled his eyes. “The real Railgun doesn’t waste time with shit like that.”

The girls didn’t react to his use of the word ‘real’, internally or externally. For that, I held my tongue. They’d known him for much longer than I did, after all.

And maybe they still thought of Mikoto as the ‘real’ one as well…

“So let’s go, brat.” He grabbed her by the ear. “I’m not paying for a stupid pair ring or anything. And you’re getting in the way.”

“ ‘Ow! Ow! Ow!’ says Misaka of Misaka as she fights back with all of her might!” She certainly wiggled mightily in Accelerator’s grasp, but, well, it was doomed from the very start. She wasn’t even straining the boy’s wrist. “ ‘I want to see big sisters get their ears pierced!’”

“Idiot.” Accelerator picked her up, still by the ear, and shook her like a kitten.

I noticed that he also made sure not to strain her or anything. In fact, while I couldn’t even begin to make sense of his AIM field in the slightest, from the way her shirt rippled, it looked like he was lifting her up with multiple vectors. Or else just canceling out the effects of gravity, even.

It was, in essence, almost entirely for show.

I sighed, rubbing my nose. “Well, if these two don’t mind, I don’t see a problem with her watching.” I shrugged. “Call it Misaka solidarity, or something.”

Accelerator shot me a gimlet eye. Ah, was I butting in on his parenting or something? Well, first off, old man soul or not, he was far too young to be a dad.

Second off, he should really put Last Order down before someone called Judgement and they had to ask Accelerator—very nicely—to put her down or else they’d complain to the city.

“Whatever.” He tossed the girl. Again, she didn’t hit the ground as if he’d actually thrown her with a normal amount of force. And, of course, like a kid, she bounced back to her feet a moment later. “We going inside or what?”

“ ‘Yes! Yes!’ says Misaka of Misaka as she—” She stopped.

So did Accelerator.

I turned with them.

To be clear, I’d become much more adept at ignoring the thoughts and AIM fields in my radius. Senses were the hardest, but I could brush those off as well, since I’d had the most practice with them, so I hadn’t paid any attention when a trio of AIM fields—level 4s by my reckoning—came into my range. My range was pretty big, Academy city had a lot of people, and really, way too many of them were level 4.

All of that changed when they came into our personal space.

The three of them were high schoolers: two boys and one girl. They looked… almost preppy, for lack of a better word.

I guess most level 4s were pretty preppy, actually.

“The fuck do you want?” Accelerator turned to face them, hunched forward. His eyes narrowed to slits. “I don’t remember asking for a comedy routine.”

“Funny!” The leader said. He had a big grin on, stretching ear to ear. “Haha! Ha. You’re a funny guy, Accelerator.” His two hangers on laughed in unison. “So it was really funny when I heard that you’d lost, and to Railgun! Not even the number two? Like, hah, what a joke, right?”

“Do I look like I’m laughing, sweet heart?”

“No, no! That’s why it’s so funny.” The three of them edged forward a bit more. “You gotta laugh, you gotta—” he sucked in a deep breath. I felt his AIM field shift; some kind of emitter type.

My hand came down on his face.


The other two froze, actually of their own accord. I pushed the ring leader back.

“I’m not here to deal with this bullshit.” I glared. “I just had a very long day at work. Come back some other time.” I pushed him back. His smile faltered.

For a second I thought he was going to try it anyway, but his rhythm had been broken. Now the other two were looking at him in confusion. Did they go for it? Did they not go for it?

They were here for Accelerator, after all. Who was I? They didn’t recognize me. There’s no way I could be someone important, right?

But also, I’d gotten in front of Accelerator. A nobody wouldn’t get between Level 4s and 5s.

And on and on.

I could practically see the thoughts going through their heads. I could feel them, too, but mostly it was experience. I’d been there more than enough times myself.

Then with a pop of air, Kurkoko landed on the clean white ceramic flooring of the mall.

“I am with Judgement!” She pulled her sleeve forward, showing off her green arm band. “All of you st—P-professor?!”

“Oh, hello, Kuroko.” I turned to face her. “You got a complaint about someone abusing a child?”

“Ah, yes.” She paused, eyes going wide. “Don’t tell me that the Professor would…”

“Ms. Shirai.” My eyes narrowed. “Please don’t defame me.” She nodded rapidly. “It was Accelerator.” I jerked my head over my shoulder, and Kuroko paled even further as she caught sight of the boy in question. “And from what I could see he was mostly playing. The child in question actually seemed like she was having a fun time.”

“ ‘It’s true,’ says Misaka of Misaka, raising her hand. ‘Accelerator is a big softie inside!’”

“O-o-oneesama!?” Kuroko teleported, perhaps literally, in front of Last Order. “Wh-what happened to you?” She took the girl by the shoulders, picking her up and looking under her feet, as if she could find Mikoto’s missing height there.

I sighed. We really weren’t going to get into the jewelry shop anytime tonight, were we?

“Ms. Shirai.” I pinched my nose. “Also, that’s not Mikoto Misaka. It should be pretty obvious, especially to someone who claims to know her as well as you do.”

“Oh.” Kurko put Last Order down. Last Order giggled, then Kuroko’s eyes widened even further. “She’s still so…cuuuuuute.”

For the second time in the past five minutes, I put my hand on a level 4 Esper’s head to keep them from doing something regrettable. “Ms. Shirai.”

Kuroko teleported back to her starting position, cheeks atomic red. “Well! I can see that there isn’t any need for Judgement here, if the Professor says everything is fine!” She took a moment to come back to herself, finally taking stock of everyone else present.

And if her gaze lingered a bit longer on the Sisters, then, well, that was just Kuroko.

“And who are you three?” She asked.

The leader huffed, his smile completely gone. “Nothing. We were just saying hi to my old friend Accelerator.”

“I’m not your friend, pal.” The tiles rattled beneath our feet. The three would-be Darwin Award recipients jumped, scooting away from the Rank 1 Esper.

“We’re using this mall currently, Accelerator,” I reminded him.

“Feh.” He shoved his hands into his pockets, turning back towards the window.

“‘They were going to get beat up by Accelerator,’ says Misaka of Misaka with a giggle.”

“‘It was a poor plan,’ says Misaka as she shakes her head sadly. ‘Truly, there is no hope for the human race.’”

“‘It would have been embarrassing to watch,’ says Misaka in agreement.”

“So many Onee-samas…” Kuroko swayed back and forth, eyes swirling. Yes, things really were getting out of hand.

It occurred to me then that Kuroko probably hadn’t been ‘read in’ on the whole Sister situation. Given how fixated she was on the Original, I didn’t think Mikoto would share the fact that now there were nearly 10000 Misakas running around in the world.

9969 Misakas, actually. Not counting Last Order.

Ah, Railgun wasn’t going to thank me for this. At all. There was a crowd of people starting to gather now, too. They’d started when Kuroko popped out and shouted ‘Judgement’, and now we had a full ring of spectators.

Any chance of this situation staying under wraps was now completely and irrevocably gone.

All because Academy City treated high level Esper fights like a spectator sport.

“Aaaaanyway…” Mr. ‘You gotta laugh’ leaned forward. His smile was back, only a few molars smaller than the original. “What’s all this with three Railguns? I mean, I didn’t really care about it before, but these two are kinda dead ringers for number three, aren’t they?” He glanced to his two hangers on. “Right, guys?”

They nodded. “Yeah. I thought they were just Tokiwadai students at first,” the girl said. “But um, well… I have a picture of Railgun as my wallpaper.” She blushed as everyone looked at her.

Kuroko’s glare turned incendiary.

“She’s just the highest ranked female Esper!” The girl waved her hands, opening her phone to show the picture. “That’s all! I just think she’s cool.”

“Okay, weird flex, but.” The leader leaned forward, looking at the picture. “Yeah, they really do look exactly like Railgun. Like, it’s uncanny.”

By now, even Kuroko had snapped out of her ‘Oneesama’ induced daze, and was looking at the Sisters with confusion mixed with suspicion. Yes, she was the type to jump to conclusions about someone trying to impersonate Mikoto to take her place. Around us, the crowd was starting to mutter as well.

And while they were all in my range, I didn’t have the control to just make them all forget.

So I said the first thing that came to mind. “It’s just cosplay.”

“Cosplay?” Someone asked. “But Railgun is a real person.”

“Yeah, but she’s the Railgun.” I nodded my head towards the first girl. “I mean, you have a picture of her as your background, don’t you?”

“Oh, yeah…” She looked down at her phone. “You know, that sounds really fun!”

I realized, perhaps a bit too late, that she also had straight, dark brown hair.

As did a great many people in Academy city, and the greater area of Japan.

Oh, Mikoto was not going to thank me for this one.

Well, I might as well deserve it.

“The real Railgun likes Gekota,” I said.



Accidentally screws over you student (mentally) decides to double down an own it.

Waldo Terry

Oh my god, that closer was pure gold! Say, how old is Taylor here? I've reread the whole of Chaos Theory and it feels like it happens only a short time after gold morning so wouldn't she herself be a high schooler (her special circumstances notwithstanding)? It just never came up in my mind because well, this is an anime setting for one (so having a 19 year old for a teacher isn't necessarily strange, especially in Academy City) and for another Taylor really has a LOT of mileage in her emotionally speaking, so it didn't seem out of place to me that she sounds so adult despite being as physically young as she is. It was only her remarking on Accelerator's age that made me wonder if it's stated anywhere how old Taylor is here and I just didn't notice... because if I'm right, she's got no business calling Accelerator an old man :P Great chapter and a very interesting start to a new arc for the story!