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Now that we've broken our next goal, we have new polls on what I should commission art for!

Instead of having the full list of stories, as most of them won't get updates in November, all Patrons can vote for stories that I'll be posting chapters for next month, so I can release the art work with a chapter!

I'll be doing these polls at the end of each month, so that they don't overlap with the story polls at the beginning of the month. So, what story should get some art done for it come November?



gib Taylor-sensei pls

Scott Carlson

Just out of curiosity, how much does it take to commission one of these? Or, rather, if I wanted to get one done how much would that be? How would that work?


So *I* am no artist, but I'll be reaching out to artists and commissioning stuff from them. For November, I'm talking to a friend of mine, since this will be my first time commissioning "fan art." I'll link information to any artist I commission as a matter of course, but if you want to commission from me, I only do writing commissions and currently they're still closed haha.