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Hello Everyone!

I've made some changes to my Patreon. None of these changes will affect or alter current awards, so if you're only here for Well Traveled, then I hope you have an awesome day, and I'll see you tomorrow for the update!

For people who are interested in my other stories, I'm happy to announce that my snippet collection Ten Times has succeeded beyond my wildest expectations. I've also gotten several requests asking if I have any rewards set up on my Patreon. At the time I did not, but they have now been added.

Scroll down for the first poll regarding my snippet thread!

This is the first planned reward for my Patrons regarding Ten Times. For anyone who is interested in my snippets, they can vote on which story they'd like to see a new chapter for, and once a month I will write a new snip for whichever one got the most votes. I hope this proves to be a fun and engaging new addition that helps expand our lovely community, and I look forward to seeing where it goes!

If these polls perform well, we may see more rewards for people interested primarily in my snipped collection, as well as for those who came to follow Well Traveled

As always, thank you so much for the support! I couldn't be happier to have you all here with me.


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