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“…And while property damage was massive, a coordinated response from the heroes kept the New York surprisingly safe, at least, for having a pack of mutated cheetahs tearing through Time’s Square.”

“I guess we’re lucky this whole mess happened during business hours, aren’t we.”

“Well, you know what they say, Rob, sometimes work is its own reward. I’m Jennifer Farroway, reporting live from New York City.”

“Thanks, Jennifer. Thank you for tuning in to channel seven news! It’s twenty minutes past the hour, and we looking forward to another beautiful day here in Happy Harbor. But don’t take my word—”

With a click, Batman turned off the screen, leaving the team grinning and patting themselves on the back. I could feel the giddy emotions bouncing off me like the pitter patter of rain. The sense of joy and relief weighed on me.

Perhaps literally, given how Artemis had an arm draped over my shoulders.

The Caped Crusader turned to face us. “You have every reason to be proud.” This time, his smile wasn’t a fleeting thing. “Because of your tenacity, both today and in foiling the efforts that went into this assault, the Justice League and our affiliates were able hold out long enough to contain the damage.”

There was a light smattered of cheers. Batman continued, “Even though you began this mission understrength, you were able to draw the Injustice League out of position. Where your trust in your teammates was validated when they arrived in ample time to tip the scales.”

I ducked my head. The rest of the team seemed happy enough with my arrival, but then, I hadn’t said I’d been almost late because I had a spat with my academic advisor.

At the very least, cleaning up that nest of vampires was worth my time. Of course, that was why…

“By every metric, this mission was a success.” Batman folded his arms behind his back. “Take a day off, the Justice League will handle the cleanup.”

“Whoop-whoop!” Wally punched the air. “Let’s hit the beach and order some pizza. On me!”

“I demand pineapple.”

Artemis laughed, bumping my shoulder as she turned towards the rest of the team. “Pineapple? Raven we already knew you were secretly evil, no need to put a point on it.”

Raven’s emotions trembled once at that, though of course she gave nothing away. Still, I pushed a sense of calm support towards her. She’d been on my side through the worst of me, whatever dark secrets she held, I’d be a poor friend if I let little things like that stand between us now.

“Hey, Des,” Robin called. “You coming?”

I turned, quirking an eyebrow. “Is that an invitation?”

He came over, holding out a hand. “Yeah. And…sorry about last time.”

I look at his hand a moment, before reaching out and grasping it. “None of us were in a good place,” I said. “Consider it forgiven.”

Robin laughed. “Man, when did you go and turn into an adult?”

I just smiled. “I did some soul searching while I was away…It helped put things into perspective,” I said. “I’ll meet up with you guys in a bit, I have some things I need to do first.”

Wally zipped over. “You mean like catching up with that white-haired chick?” he asked. “You should invite her along too. Least we can do is say thank you, right?”

Robin snorted. “You’re just saying that because you think she’s hot.”

“What?” Wally asked. “A guy can dream right?” He trailed off for a moment, eyes going woozy. I held back a snort at the waves of puppy love washing out of his chest. “And she’s just…”

“Keep dreaming, Wally,” I said. “She thinks you’re cute, you know, like a kid sibling or something.”

He just grinned. “Cute’s good. I can work with cute!”

I sighed. “I’ll probably run into town to invite her, but I actually wanted to talk with Batman for a moment.” I paused. “Of course, Red Tornado would also be fine, if our boss happens to be gone by the time I turn around…”

A gloved hand came down on my shoulder. I glanced over to see Batman there, looking to all the world as if he’d never moved. “Cute.” He said, but I could feel the small ember of humor still burning inside of him, buried as it was beneath an immeasurable mountain of duty.

“Sir.” Then, I turned to the boys. “Save me a slice, and no pineapple on mine!”

Wally saluted. “Javol!” He dashed off, Robin giving a grin and a jaunty wave before following at a more sedate pace.

In a minute, Batman and I were alone.

He turned, and started towards the hangar, and I fell in step beside him. The silence felt open, inviting me to speak. “You’re entirely too good at this ‘silence speaks louder than words’ thing,” I said.

Batman’s lips quirked, so quickly that if not for my powers I might have missed it. 

But it still fell to me to start the conversation. “Clearly, my late arrival wasn’t acceptable,” I said. “I heard from Artemis that they went in hoping I’d be able to make it, knowing that they were pretty outgunned.”

Batman inclined his head.

“The problem, of course, is that they had no way of reaching me.” I sighed, pushing back my hood so I could run a hand through my hair. “Which adds to the other problem in that…I don’t think I can just sit around the base, waiting for some villain or another to poke his head above ground. Not anymore.”

“Your sabbatical.”

I chuckled. “I wanted to talk to you because I figured you would get it.” I rubbed my throat. Talking so much wasn’t me, but… “Robin jokes sometimes that you don’t even sleep.”

“I’m sure.”

“There are so many worlds out there,” I whispered. “It feels infinite.”

At that Batman stopped, turning to face me. “You can’t save everyone, Destiny.”

I nodded, meeting his gaze. “That’s no reason not to save as many as I can.”

At that he smiled. We continued walking. “What are your plans?” He asked.

I let out a breath. Some part of me so relieved to have this man’s approval. “First, I’ll be looking over the base’s defenses.” I said. “We’ve been too vulnerable to attack from mystical foes, as Klarion showed. And the security through obscurity plan is clearly over and done with.” I crossed my arms. “I’ll need the League’s help for the next part. Simply put, the team needs more magic users. Especially because Raven, well…” I shrugged.

“There’s nothing wrong with loyalty.”

“…Thanks.” I rolled my shoulders. “I can help get them up to snuff, show them my wards. More importantly; however, I can teach them a spell to get my attention.”

I felt the weight of Batman’s attention. “It’s something knew I picked up,” I said. “It’s not a summoning, or anything like that, but it will reach me, instantly, no matter where I am, so that I can come back and help.”

We reached the hangar, Batman pausing at its threshold. “A good starting point,” he said. “I’ll raise it with the League. Rest assured, the team will have our support.”

“Thank you, Sir.” With that, I glanced over towards the wall, “this is the part where you up and vanish before I turn around right?”

My eyes tracked back, only to freeze as Batman put a gentle hand atop my head. “You deserve a break as well,” the man said. “Good work.” I blinked, as he pulled his arm back.

“Kent would be proud.”

My eyes fluttered, growing warm.


I looked away, dashing at half formed tears with my arm. “Thank y—”

He was gone. Empty hall and open hangar were all that remained. 

I laughed.

Leaning back against the door frame, it occurred to me that I could probably track him down with empathy. But that felt…like cheating.  More than that, as tears began to fall in earnest, I was just thankful he’d given me space to grieve.

Part of me wondered if I’d ever be done. But…I already knew the answer to that. I was no stranger to loss.  All that remained was to keep moving forward.

But maybe some pizza would help.

With a small smile still playing over my lips, I pushed myself off the wall. With a flick of my wrist, I draped a simple invisibility spell over myself and flew out of the hangar. I’d rented out a nice hotel in Happy Harbor for Ritz. She was reading some news articles on the computer when I slipped in the window.

“Hey, Ritz.”

“Taylor!” She spun to face me, practically jumping out of her chair. “These costumes are amazing, oh, and the names!” She did a little shimmy. Over her shoulder I saw several different tabs open to various superhero wikis. Wonder Woman and several other well-known female heroes featured prominently.

“You know we’re not going to be staying here.”

Ritz cocked her hip and gestured to my costume. I couldn’t stop the blush. “Okay, they are pretty cool.”

“I know right.” Ritz smiled, but it was softer, less manic. “You know, I always wanted to be a hero, but it’s still…”

I moved closer, “You okay?” 

Ritz laughed. “You were right, you know,” she said. “Even that first mission. It was just so frantic. Engagements were way more controlled.”

I shrugged.

“I was worried that I wasn’t gonna make it in time for that archer girl, yanno?” She stretched, camisole riding up. “She turn out okay?”

“Artemis? Yeah she’s fine.” I smiled. “Actually, if you want to meet them, I was told to invite you down to the beach. We’re taking a break, after the last mission.” I paused. “I’d say they usually aren’t that bad but… well…it’s not always the same type of bad, at the very least.”

Ritz snorted. “You made it all seem so glamorous before.”

I quirked a frown. “I was attempting to do the exact opposite, actually.”

Ritz only laughed. “Still, is that okay, yanno, with…” She made a mask gesture in front of her face.

“For most of us, it doesn’t matter,” I said, ticking off the rest of the team on my fingers. “Raven is dimensionally displaced like me, Miss Martian is a shape shifter, Kaldur is from Atlantis, Superboy doesn’t care about his civilian identity, Artemis and Robin might keep their masks on but Artemis…trusts me. And Kid Flash…”

Ritz quirked an eyebrow. I sighed. “He has a crush on you.”

Her lips curved into a sensuous smirk at that, a finger twirling through her white hair. “Does he now…”


“Relaaaax.” She punched me in the shoulder. “I’m not gonna lead him on or anything. But it was cute the way he tripped over himself back on the mission.” She giggled.


“Taylor, you need to lighten up some.” She shook her head, white hair whirling around her pale face. “Besides, I’m not into guys.”

I blinked. “Okay.” For a moment the idea seemed a bit surprising but…

She smirked. “Yeah, the whole Viera clan thing kinda gives it away, huh?”

“In retrospect.”

“What I wanna know is how the stupid book even knew about that.” She leaned over, giving a pointed stare to where I had my mini Grimorie hanging from its scroll case. “Don’t suppose you can give me an answer on that front.”

I shook my head. “The magics worked into that book still are still so far beyond me.” I frowned. “I have a lot to learn.”

“Hey, cheer up.” Ritz reached out and grabbed my wrist. I blinked. She’d gotten annoying good at that. To the point where I’d find it difficult to escape if— “If we’re going to the beach, that means we need bathing suites!”

Existential dread poured down my spine.


“Taylooor~ Come out and let me see!”

“This is ridiculous,” I called. “I’m an adult, I’m allowed to pick out my own swimsuit.”

“Taylor, as your guild leader I demand you show your new kit to me.”

I grumbled. “That’s not at all how this works.” With a huff, I shoved open the changing booth curtain and waved my hands. “Well?”

“Black really is your color,” Ritz said. She was already in her choice of swimsuit. A white bikini with ruffles that matched her hair. I just crossed my arms. “I think that one’s good, but are you sure you don’t want…”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m sure. Now I’m gonna get changed back.”

“Put your clothes on over,” Ritz said, grinning. “No reason to change twice, here, give me the tag.”

I blinked. Leaning in, “How do you have money?”

“What,” she said. “You didn’t think I was going to sit on my butt in a hotel room all day.” She went out to patrol. Somehow, that didn’t surprise me. “I’ll meet you up front,” Ritz said, throwing on her jacket. 

“She grew up different than I was expecting,” I muttered. I pulled on my shirt and jeans easily enough. Everything else went into my backpack with my costume and the twelve pack of virgin margaritas Ritz picked up.

She’d always been assertive, of course, and that hadn’t changed. What was different was how little she seemed to care about other peoples’ opinions. The Ritz I knew in Ivalice was obsessed with clan rankings. 

I wasn’t sure which version of her I preferred better but…

“You okay in there, Taylor?” She peeked back into the changing room. “It looks good on you, okay? I promise, everyone’ll love it.”

I didn’t bother fighting back a smile. “Yeah, coming.”

She was certainly more relaxed now, in that go getter way.

“Do you have my sweats?”


“Thanks, and thanks for the help!” Ritz waved to the cashier lady after slipping her pants on. With that, she grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the shop. “Now, to the beach!”

“I’m surprised you didn’t just stroll down there in your swimsuit,” I said.

“What, and risk a bunch of randos crashing our party?” Ritz waved her hand. “I’d rather not.”

I chuckled; it was only a short walk from the store to the little tucked in cove that the team had claimed as our ‘private’ beach. Not sure if Batman had set up to make sure we didn’t get any people wandering in, or if the rest of the team was just being blasé about their identities as I was.

“Someone call for a party?” Ritz called out as we got close. She grinned as Wally came zipping, figuratively, over. “Now there’s a familiar face. The hair’s a bit of a giveaway, you know.”

“Just cause of your eyes, beautiful,” he said. I resisted the urge to facepalm. It wouldn’t help.

“You’re cute,” she said, putting a hand over her mouth. “Here, can you carry this over?”

“Sure thing!”

Ritz only blinked as he took it with what I’m sure he thought was a seductive grin before dashing off. “I…think I get what you mean about him.”

“You weren’t the one who had to watch him chase after M’gann for six months.”

Ritz smirked, pulling off her jacket and sweats again as we approached the beach. “Well, I guess I’ll deal with it.” She shrugged. “Now come on, you got a new bathing suit, you gotta show it off.”

“I don’t have to do anything.” I said. Still, it really would be a shame to have gone through that whole ordeal with Ritz and the changing booth. With a shuffled I managed shrug out of my shirt and jeans easily enough. Though…I wish I’d got something less revealing, like Raven’s one piece.

Wait, that was just her normal leotard minus the cloak.

“Looking good, Tay,” Artemis came up, giving me a high five. “And thanks for the save earlier, Wotan was gonna put a major crimp in my style with that sword of his.”

“No problem. I’m Ritz, by the by.” She held out her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Same, call me Artemis.” She threw a smirk at me. “If that’s okay.”

I hid a smile as Ritz just nodded and said. “Of course, I don’t want to put your secret identity at risk.”

“Yeah, that.” Artemis smirked. “Wanna say high to the boys? I see you’ve already found KF. Oh, and Kaldur said there were a few people he wanted to introduce you to as well, Taylor.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Really now?”

“Yeah, some of his friends from the Atlantean Conservatory of Sorcery or whatever,” she said, putting on a fancy accent over the name of Atlantis’s premier institute of magical learning. “They seemed pretty jazzed to meet you, or something.”

“I suppose it would be rude to ignore them. I’ll leave Ritz in your capable hands.”

“You can count on me.” Artemis bumped me on the shoulder. “Go get’em.”

Ritz leaned in. “So, this Atlantis thing…”

I shook my head as I walked away from the already chattering pair. Artemis was the exact opposite of the last archer Ritz had been friends with, but the two of them would either get along like a house on fire or become bosom friends by the time I made my way back over. God knows which was scarier.

Down by the beach, I saw Kaldur standing with two pale skinned Atlanteans in the surf. They both looked entirely human. If not for the way their clothing mirrored Kaldur’s own, I wouldn’t suspect them of being aquatic in the slightest.

“Kaldur,” I greeted, clasping arms with him. “Who are your friends?”

“Destiny. These are my closest compatriots from the city. Garth and Tula, this is Destiny, Earth’s Sorceress Supreme.”

I gave a small smile. “Just Taylor is fine. I’m only Destiny in costume.” I gave Kaldur a look. “And Fate was the Sorcerer Supreme.”

“As you say,” was Kaldur’s gentle reply.

“So you’re a human mage?” The girl, Tula said. She was friendly, with dark red hair and freckles that reminded me of M’gann’s human form. “I’ve never met a practitioner from the surface. It’s a pleasure.”

“Likewise. Let me welcome you to my shores.” I said, switching easily to Atlantean. Garth and Tula blinked in surprise, but Kaldur only looked on with a smile.

“Taylor has a skill for language,” he said in Atlantean. “I was taken by surprise as well, when she first began using my mother tongue.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet a surface dweller who is so verse in our culture,” Garth said, shock giving away to a welcoming smile. “This is even better than anticipated.”

Kaldur put a hand on my shoulder. “As I said, there would be no trouble at all for us to visit Atlantis. That is.” He turned to look at me. “If you were willing to accept the queen’s invitation?”

“To visit Atlantis?” 

Tula nodded. “Kaldur keeps speaking about what a marvelous sorcerous you are. Queen Mera sent us to ask if you would be willing to visit the Conservatory and speak with her as well.”

I hummed. I could sense only genuine interest in me. Perhaps all Atlanteans were as open and honest as Kaldur. “I think that would be…nice. You’re all mages, then?”

The three of them shared a glance, I felt a brief frission of guilt from Tula, accompanied by the sting of an old pain, not quite forgotten, from my team leader.

“I once studied in the Conservatory,” Kaldur said. “But then our king, Aquaman, selected me as his protégé. Now I follow the path of the warrior.” He gave a shrug. “While at one point we were at the same level, I admit that my duties leave little time for the study of the mystic arts.”

I nodded. “If you like, I’d be more than happy to teach you a few simple spells to round out your arsenal.”

“I’ve seen the spells you call simple, Taylor.”

I smirked, bumping him in the shoulder. “There’s no reason to limit yourself. Besides, I’d be a poor ‘sorcerer’ if I wasn’t able to judge my students’ abilities.”

Amusingly, I felt a brief spark of jealousy from Tula, even as she shifted closer to Garth. I was beginning to get a sense of what might have happened there

Still, she quashed her feelings quickly, reaching out to take Kaldur’s hand. “I think that would be a good idea, Kal, before you left you were one of the best of us.”

“Indeed,” Garth said. “It would be an honor to stand across from you in the ring of challenge.”

“Thank you for your support, my friend.” Kaldur raised his hands, taking a small step back. “Perhaps I will take her up on that offer after all.”

“And what’s this I hear about a ring of challenge?”

Garth nodded. “As students of the Conservatory, we often test our skills against each other, in order to improve our own abilities.”

“Now,” I said, unable to hide the small smile playing across my face. “That sounds interesting.”



Letting a parahuman partial energy being plains walker into a student competition? Did they do something to you Argentorum? That's not even slightly fair. On the other hand it seems like a great way for Taylor to mooch spells. She can still pick them up just by seeing them right? Still it sounds great fun for Taylor, Raven probably won't mind a fresh library to plunder, and I'm sure Ritz can find somebody down there to sword with. Fun for the whole family.


Yeah Taylor *would* have swept a school competition if it came to that. But as you can see from the next chapter, it was a more casual affair, you know, before Ocean Master crashed the party. She did mooch some spells, but turns out Atlantean Magic is pretty much all about manipulating existing water, who'd a thunk it?