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The nobility conducted most hunting expeditions on horseback, a much more agreeable method than hiking for the corpulent nobles who rode with us. Most aristocrats were not warrior mages like my father; they preferred to be surrounded by skilled mages and knights who would protect them from beasts and monsters while they hunted foxes, rabbits, and other small game with bows and arrows.

It was finally my turn, and I lifted the bow, which I practiced with my father, zeroing in on a small fox.

'The bows are disappointingly rudimentary here,' I thought, pulling back the string made from sinew, the tendon of a rhinoxen—a tank-like creature that looked as though an ox had been summoned by the demon lord, wrapped in gray, bullet-proof skin, and then topped with a third spear-like forehead horn. 'The strings are comparable to compound bows, yet the bow is basic for the elite.'

Those were my thoughts as I released the arrow, piercing the lungs of the small red fox, instantly dropping it. 'Just one more thing to improve.'

That day I learned a lot about my power.

Equally important, I learned how to speak to nobles, how they hunt, what they talk about, and their weaknesses. That should allow for effective manipulation strategies in the future.

I wonder if I’ll lose this mindset once I gain or "cure" my emotions. I’m unsure. That makes me nervous after watching how bloodthirsty these people are. Therefore, I've appreciated the gradual introduction of emotions and this period for memorizing people’s habits, words, and statements with analytical skills.


Another year passed, and I learned a lot about my power from my hunting trips and time alone in the courtyard.

First, if I touch an object, I can break apart things connected to it without affecting the outer shell I’m touching. I tested this by separating the Xylem, the innermost layer of tree bark, and it broke down, making the bark fall off the tree without harming the outer bark or looking suspicious.

In other words, I can touch an egg and separate its fats, proteins, and cholesterol, but I won’t have access to them until I break the egg.

Second, the power works within a three-inch radius (7.62 centimeters). However, that will increase once I get to the next stage.

Lastly, it works on solids, liquids, and possibly gases. The latter is currently pointless within the range. However, I suspect I can isolate oxygen to create explosions or suffocate people somehow if the range gets large enough. An exciting future of carnage awaits me!

That’s how I think. Outwardly, I’ve learned to become the perfect noble by manipulating the way I talk to people.

I found it shockingly easy because—unlike Earth—nobles have rules. They address people with prefixes based on rank, you bow in a certain format, eat with certain forks, and even go through procedures like swirling and smelling wine and judging it before tasting.

Everything was fake, manipulative, and textbook.

It’s a paradise.

“You’re such a well-mannered boy,” an ecstatic duchess from the Marrow family, caked with way too much makeup, declared. “I wish my Gregory would be more like you.”

“You honor me, madam,” I said with a slight bow, pressing my hand against my three-piece, charcoal gray blazer and vest adorned with a bow tie. “I have only learned the best from my father.”

Speaking of my father, he is a cheeky philanderer in private with my mother and the maids, charming them with his wit and dazzling smile. However, in public, he’s a manipulative man, more skillful than most. I've learned from the best, so when I spoke, it was the truth.

The noblewoman squealed in delight and demanded that Greggory, a teen with black hair, green eyes, and a smug expression, come to meet me and learn a thing or two.

He addressed her by her maiden name, Regina, and complied before scoffing, complaining, and being as combative as possible. Nobles didn’t like their fragile egos bruised, after all.

“I hate you,” Greggory whispered in private. “Don’t forget that I can say that because my father’s a duke.”

“I hate you, too,” I replied amicably. “I can say that because I’m better than you.”

Greggory huffed, puffed, and raged in public while I stood around, trying to publicly calm him down gracefully. After he claimed I insulted him, I frowned and said it wasn’t mature to slander your way out of problems with nobles. He got reprimanded. I got an apology and praise.

Nobles are too easy to manipulate.


The best part of being a noble is that people expect you to have a terrible personality, a strict contrast to the claims of Hephaestus' despicable philandering wife. Therefore, treating people with any degree of kindness as a noble makes you a hero.

I’ve always been outwardly kind and easygoing as people stepped over me. So now, as a shy boy getting treated with respect, just thanking teenage maids has made them rather… ecstatic about their duties.

They help me dress with giggles and teasing and say things like, “Don’t forget about me when you’re fifteen, okay? ♡."

Maybe when you’re eighteen, ladies.

Still, I don’t dislike the giggles and enthusiasm. I look forward to being an adult at fifteen to start looking at older women. Though, that won’t be discussed. I’m far too private to share.

Besides, I’ll be living for at least a century, assuming I don’t take an axe to my cerebral cortex, so there’s no rush for these types of things, right?


Clang! Clang! Clang!

“Swing it like you’re showing off!” Leon roared, engaging me in a mock duel of swords and wit.

“Agh!” I yelped in pain, taking a metal sword to my chest. It didn’t have an edge, so it didn’t cut, but goddamn, does it hurt. “How am I supposed to do that when you hit my right arm first?!”

“Is that what you’re going to say to your enemy?” he retorted, disappearing from my vision and appearing on my left flank. I immediately ducked to make myself as small as possible and swung my little sword at his feet.

“Too predictable!” Leon yelled, jumping and preparing for a down slash.

However, I was prepared and threw a rock I had hidden in my left palm and hit him in the crotch. Remember that I’m four, so it didn’t hurt the man as much when he swung his sword into my shoulder.

Obviously, I yelped in pain and hit the ground, as my father wasn’t fond of getting hit in the testicles.

“A Pyrrhic victory isn’t a victory,” Leon frowned.

“It is, if you call it that,” I grinned, groaning on the ground. “Moreover, I could face an opponent like you today, and I’ll die regardless. So if I can steal his manhood and get him to kill himself, I’ll do it, goddamn it!”

A Pyrrhic victory is a term used to describe a victory that comes at a very high cost, wherein the winner suffers significant losses.

A popularized example is the Battle of Thermopylae, where 300 Spartans led by King Leonidas I battled the Persian Empire. They inflicted heavy casualties, which ultimately contributed to the Persians' defeat at the hands of the Greeks. Although it's not technically a Pyrrhic victory, as their sacrifice led to the victory of their own people, the concept is similar.

I died but inflicted a grievous wound by injuring his testicles with an implied dagger, potentially ruining his life. It was the same.

Well, sort of.

“Maybe if I were a bandit, but I’m a noble,” Leon frowned. “There’s healing magic for such injuries.”

“Not if it severs and there’s not a wizard-class healer around for a few days,” I grumbled on the ground. “You might regret it if you couldn’t ‘swing it like you mean it.’

After giving me a chastising gaze for a drawn-out three seconds, the man burst into hearty laughter.

“Come on, son!” he said. “You’re right about that, and you accomplished the goal. However, your feint was predicated on your willingness to die. That’s the problem here. Is this how my little demon lord is supposed to act?”

“I suppose not,” I returned with a cheeky smile. “But at least now you know I’m not a demon lord.”

“What are you talking about,” Leon chuckled. “Endangering my manhood while knowing I wouldn’t kill you is definitely something a demon lord would do. I couldn’t think of anything more evil.”

‘I suppose he's still stuck in this loop after all these years,’ I groaned internally. ‘I’m not sure that'll ever change.’


When I was nearly five, my parents finally allowed me to enter the first ring of the forest surrounding my father’s manor in Veridia. A massive wall kept real beasts from our home, so my family felt secure enough to send nobles on petty hunts and allow me to explore.

I stopped by a stream with two bottles. The first was a noble’s waterskin made from Kaltrops, a reptilian creature akin to a velociraptor, which I kept at my hip, and the second was a small jar I carried.

After unscrewing the lid, I filled up the jar from the stream.

‘Water, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and zinc,’ I declared with my thoughts. ‘Separate.’

Using literal magic, the clean water and minerals that promote healthy bones, and boost muscle functioning, energy production, wound healing, DNA synthesis, and oxygen transport separated from impurities.

I poured the clean water into my waterskin, leaving behind the brown residue of quartz, feldspar, clay, mica, calcite, iron oxides, gypsum, carbonates, and countless viruses and bacteria at the bottom of the jar.

In essence, I retained the purest mineral water possible while discarding dirt and pathogens.

Talk about OCD dream magic!

After that, I checked my status.

Unique usages for Molecular Separation: (96/100)

Staying true to my goal, my power was extremely flexible, and there were countless ways to apply it.

From sanitizing food and water of bacteria, breaking down tree branches to clear my path, eliminating grime during cleaning, purifying the air, separating glue from chairs, and so on. The exercise was to find ways to utilize it for everything, and today, I would finally advance to the next level!

I wandered through the forest, trying to conceive new applications, an increasingly challenging task.

'I wonder if I can use Molecular Separation to carve,” I mused. 'That’s something I’ve never tried.'

After sitting on the ground and picking up a dull gold rock, I touched it with my finger. 'Limestone or calcite…' I identified, using the common and scientific names. 'Only slowly separate what my finger touches.'

With a gentle crumbling, the rock started separating like sand, trickling to the ground like an hourglass. 'It’s working!'


'It’s not working,' I groaned. 'It cracked because the other minerals in it didn’t disintegrate, destabilizing everything. It seems I need to identify every component in the rock.'

I attempted to list all other potential minerals in limestone, ensuring nothing remained undissolved when my finger touched it.

It worked! My finger smoothly removed layers upon layers of rock as I traced my way down.

'I wonder….' I pondered, picking up another stone. 'If calling dihydrogen monoxide "water" works when separating, perhaps I can group things under a name I create. Let’s try. Dolomite, clay, quartz, chert, feldspar, pyrite, siderite, gypsum. I’m calling this Common Limestone as a function. Separate.'

A function was like saying, "Do the dishes." Doing the dishes encompasses everything from adding soap to water, scrubbing, and drying them. However, it’s consolidated into three words. A common language. That’s what I was trying.

'Common Limestone, separate,' I thought.

Regrettably, it didn’t work. I suppose stating all the elements was a small price to pay when discussing separating pure minerals! I suspect I’ll become really quick at announcing these.

'It’s somewhat like a magic chant,' I chuckled, amused. 'The more intricate the task, the more words used in the chant. I feel like separating a body would require a 5th-tier spell worth of chanting.'

After drawing this macabre comparison, I picked up another rock. 'Let’s carve a tool, with the usage of making tools.'

For the next hour, I practiced my new carving ability, using limestone to fashion a hammer. Once I had it, I picked up a berry, smashed it with the hammer while thinking about cracking chestnuts, and checked my status.

Unique usages for Molecular Separation: (99/100)

I furrowed my brows, elated but confused. 'I created a tool and learned how to carve,' I mulled. 'Oh! Only disintegrating things that my finger touches!'

Following an embarrassing happy dance that I would end my life over if seen, I immediately moved into the woods. ‘There’s only one left. Let’s find some inspiration.’

As I was walking, I heard a loud snap followed by a shrill scream from a young woman. As I listened, the sound of branches breaking grew louder, accompanied by softer crunching sounds.

"HELP ME!" a young girl shrieked.

'Oh, hell no,' I thought, darting away. 'Don’t get near me! Die in peace!'

"HELP! Please help!" she implored, her voice growing nearer. I was fit from endless days of practice, yet she was catching up. 'She must be using magic to speed up! That means whatever’s chasing her is even faster!'

I darted to the left, veering away from her as quickly as possible. However, she must’ve heard because she followed me!

"PLEASE HELP!" the young girl screamed. "I DON’T HAVE A WEAPON!"

When I realized she was addressing me, I gritted my teeth. "NO!" I roared back. "The last time something was destined to kill a kid, I got hit instead!"

The girl seemed baffled, but she was running too fast to think. "You’re despicable!"

"And you’re using me as bait!" I retorted.

"I am not!" she protested, her voice pitching higher as a snarling bark, clearly from a wolf, echoed from behind.

"YES YOU ARE!" I countered. "You’re running faster than me using magic and asking a four-year-old to kill something for you! You’re the worst!"

The girl fell silent in shock. "You’re not using magic?"

"NO!" I shot back. "I’m four, for fuck's sake! People don’t develop mana here until they’re five!"

That was the truth. However, I was born with mana, albeit only enough to use my power ten times a day.

"Who are… you?" she stammered, her voice muddled with confusion as she caught up to my right. Upon seeing my face, realizing that I was indeed a tiny child, not a bearded dwarf or something of the sort, her eyes widened in surprise. "I’m sorry! I’ll lead it away!"

As she uttered those words, I caught a fleeting glimpse of her soft features and quivering hazel eyes before she pivoted at a ghostly speed, her red hair streaming in the wind.

"Over here, you brute!" she roared defiantly. "Wind slash!"

'Compaction?' I wondered as I heard a whipping wind cut through the air, crashing into a tree. She had condensed a spell's chant into only two words, which indicated she was a skilled mage.


The wind cut through the air, slicing between two trees before hitting the wolf, albeit weakly, inciting their wrath. Unfortunately, in a twisted turn of fate, the trees fell in such a way that it separated her from me!



As a result, I became the only target the wolf could aim at, and it was significantly more dangerous.

'What did I do to deserve this?!' I internally screamed as I felt the wolf’s breath on my neck. 'Is it because I’m not a hero? I refuse to accept that! Moreover, this is a world of magic! If I were this way back then, I would’ve messed that truck up!’

“Enamel, calcium!” I yelled, drawing my sword and spinning around in a full slash.

When I did, I saw a wolf standing five feet tall with golden eyes the size of baseballs, snarling, snapping, and growling at me. More importantly, it exhibited absurd reflexes, tilting its snout to avoid the blade at lightning speed, then turning back, opening its mouth, and lunging at me.

I threw my left arm reflexively, aiming for its jaws. “Hydroxyapatite, dentin, collagen, cementum, separat—”

I couldn’t finish my chant before its massive jaws clamped down on my arm, and blood spurted everywhere.

“AghhhHHhhHhh!” I screamed, feeling its slimy tongue and hot breath on my hand. However, it only took a split second of sheer terror before the wolf yelped in excruciating pain, opening its jaws to reveal rows of missing teeth with blood spraying everywhere like a hillbilly dire wolf.


A sound echoed in my head, but I ignored it because my pain wasn’t solely psychological. The teeth still punctured my skin because they disintegrated in a chain reaction and pierced me before they could fully vanish. However, it wasn’t severe, just a gash that would naturally heal with time. My family had healing mages, so I’d be fine.

I wanted to celebrate my survival, but that beast still had its canines and was seething with rage because I'd damaged the collagen in its mouth, leaving only its muscle to hold it together, so I quickly began chanting.

However, while I’d typically feel slightly woozy after using molecular separation for a few minutes due to mana loss, I felt energy coursing through me as I chanted.

5th-tier chant—Canine Cremation.

“Enamel, calcium phosphate, hydroxyapatite, dentin, collagen, proteoglycans, cementum,” I pronounced, calling upon the full range of molecules for a wolf’s jaws and skull. Next, the fur, pelt, and claws. “Keratin, skin, glycine, proline, valine, hydroxyproline!” Finally, its muscles. “Actin, myosin, sarcomeres, and filaments! SEPARATE!”

Without giving it a chance to bite me, I thrust my hand toward it to intercept its descending paw.

To both of our surprise, its entire paw disintegrated, triggering a chain reaction that resulted in its entire front leg exploding. This left me drenched head to toe in blood as I stumbled, and as it fell, my hand went straight through its skull, causing it to bubble and subsequently explode.


Its body hit the ground with a resounding thud reverberating through my bones.

Looking at the carcass and the blood on my body, I couldn't help but cackle. “The one thing I didn’t separate was blood. Hah… haha… hahaha!”

The moment I started laughing, some blood entered my mouth, bringing the harsh reality of the situation back to me, and I promptly hurled all over the battlefield.


Engulfed in a foggy daze, I pivoted to meet the gaze of a red-haired girl around eight. Her doe-like brown eyes trembled as they locked onto mine, riddled with shock. A delicate countenance was sketched on her thin face, harmonizing with her slight frame. A golden princess's dress, now ravaged and stained crimson at the waist, swaddled her small form.

“Please don’t hurt me….” she pleaded, her voice catching in her throat.

My gaze flitted from my bloody arms to her, and I sighed inwardly. 'I couldn’t be more terrifying if I was stabbing her parents in front of her,' I reflected before speaking. “My name is Ryker Everwood, son of Margrave Leonard Everwood. You need not fear me.”

“You’re… who I’m here to see,” the redhead said, her eyes wide. “Please forgive me, I’m Princess Rema Redfield of Verdanthall. I…” Her side wound twisted when she tried to curtsy, causing her to wince before collapsing to the ground.

'Princess? I hate my life….' I silently groaned. I didn’t have a problem helping people if it didn’t put my life in danger. When it came to choosing between my life and theirs, they could perish in the boiling pits of hell for all I cared. However, if I weren’t in danger, I’d help people survive, feed them, or anything else. I wasn’t a monster, I was just rational.

However, of all the people who could’ve discovered my power, it had to be a princess. Anyone she told would put me through hell. Still, I didn't want to come out of the forest alive while she died, so I had to act.

“God damn it,” I scoffed, rolling her to her side and touching her stomach at the wound, causing her to wince. I then chanted the names of earth elements in my head, which were mostly the same as those in limestone, except for a few others. This immediately caused the body to push out all the dirt, which I promptly scooped away.

“Now for the bacteria,” I sighed. E. Coli, Staph infection, tetanus, anthrax, Lyme disease, Salmonella, and other common diseases could be lurking in the forest, and I wanted to prevent infection before returning. I wasn’t going to take any chances.

4th-tier chant—Bacteria Banishment.

I closed my eyes and visualized. ‘Leptospira, Clostridium tetani, Bacillus anthracis, Borrelia burgdorferi, Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter, Listeria monocytogenes, Shigella, Staphylococcus aureus. Separate.’

In an instant, a substance bubbled to the surface. It was disgusting, as it was bubbling and popping from the infected blood vessels. “I suppose I’ll need to clean this.”

I pulled out my purified water and doused the area while chanting again, allowing the bacteria to wash away.

“I suppose that should do,” I sighed. Then I looked behind me with a strange expression. ‘I wonder if I have enough mana….’

That’s right! I should have more mana since I’ve completed the next level!

I opened my status window with my eyes closed.

Congratulations on unlocking the second stage of Molecular Separation without your paranoid self getting caught. JK, JK, little Ms. Princess probably heard you. Irony. ♡

Buuuuuu~t, it wasn’t in vain. You never know what openly helping people will get you. ;)

Anyway, enjoy an 18-inch… radius. As you can see, it’s more than enough to satisfy a princess.

Muah, Aphrodite ♡

PS: You have more mana, increased healing, and the inspect skill. But why talk about things that are boooooooring? Ciao!

'You’re literally my exact opposite,'” I silently sighed, rereading the message. “At least I have an inspect skill now. I’m not sure what that is, but it sounds useful.'

I pulled up my screen afterward.

Name: Ryker Alexander Everwood



Molecular Separation

Description: Magic that separates and isolates molecules.

Usage: Silent cast by touching what you want to separate, internally declaring what you’re separating, and then thinking “separate.”

Stage: 2

Requirements for the next stage:

- Saving Life (1/1)

- Subsistence (21/10)

- Killing (1/1)

- Continued Health (23/1)

- Survival (1/1)

- Create Compounds (0/1)

- Guile (67/5)

- Gift (0/25)


- Increased healing

- Increased mana

- Increase range

- ???

‘This… is depressing,’ I internally lamented, looking at my guile count. ‘Hiding my magic from my father and others only counted as one use case, but I did it in dozens of ways. That doesn’t count.’

I’m not sure why it bothered me, as it just proved I was good at hiding my power and manipulating a noble—requirements in politics—so it was a compliment. Still, seeing a concrete number for my manipulation was somewhat depressing.

'Still, it seems these use cases have carried over, and one thing, like fighting a dire wolf, can provide multiple benefits such as killing and survival,' I pondered. 'I’m sure that’s to prevent someone very strong from becoming stagnant by mass killing small creatures instead of progressing by putting themselves in danger. What a drag.'

After grumbling, I opened up the details on the inspect skill.


Description: Identifies the name of non-Earthian items

“Wow, you really know how to keep my best interests in mind,” I sighed, acknowledging that Aphrodite, or the person manipulating her, gave me the exact skill I wanted most. Even if it only gave me the name, that meant I could research different items and isolate them, even if I didn’t know their uses. It was a boon!

“Guards should be swarming here soon,” I muttered, glancing at the princess on the ground. So it’s best to dispose of the evidence.

After picking up Rema, I moved her behind the fallen trees so she couldn’t see me. Then I walked over to the wolf and recited the molecular compound for blood to separate it, effectively cleaning it from my clothing.

Even though I used touch-only separation, I didn’t want to use it on my skin in case I had cuts. I had a feeling that the power wouldn't work on me, as I share many traits with wolves. However, I didn't want to explode by testing it out!

Therefore, I only used my power on my clothing and planned to wash off any remaining traces in the river afterward, attributing excess blood to the princess.

Once that was done, I used a wider range to dissolve the entire wolf’s body, from the pelt to the blood, leaving nothing as if I had dissolved it into red ashes.

Seeing nothing but a pile of different compounds, painted red after the water separated from the body, was somewhat disturbing. It created a macabre, sterilized, perfectly clean stream. However, I didn’t think about that as I mixed the substance into the dirt.

Only once that was done did I pick up the princess, rinse off in the river, and use my power to separate water from my clothing to dry off.

Molecular Separation was indeed the most convenient power in existence.


“PRINCESS!” a knight yelled as I emerged from the forest carrying the redhead with almost pristine clothing. I say almost pristine because I had severe bite marks I was hiding. How I would resolve that issue was unclear, but it was necessary. Otherwise, I’d be labeled the demon lord for getting bitten and having no blood on me afterward.

Either way, presenting it to my father was far preferable to exposing it to the kingdom. Therefore, I cleaned all my clothing to avoid raising suspicion among the guards. As for my shirt, I was bitten from just below my elbow to my shoulder. Therefore, I wrapped up my sleeves, and if someone pointed out a tear, I could explain it in myriad ways.

It worked.

“She’s fine—just unconscious,” I said, handing her over without resistance.

“What happened?!” the bearded knight snapped, his green eyes fierce.

“We ran into each other in the forest while a dire wolf was chasing her,” I explained. “Then she used wind magic and scared it off. She was a bit disoriented from blood loss, started mumbling, and then lost consciousness. So I provided her with first aid and brought her back.”

The knight scrutinized my clothing, which was only marred by the princess's blood. Otherwise, it was pristine. “You look a bit too clean.”

“I’ll stop you right there,” I said, my tone icy. “My name is Ryker Everwood, son of Margrave Everwood. You would do well not to insinuate accusations without evidence of wrongdoing.”

His eyes widened in shock, and he immediately kneeled. “My lord,” he said. “I apologize. My name is Sir Caleb Riles, Head Knight of the princesses’ royal guard. Dire wolves released by bandits attacked us, and Princess Redfield was separated from us.”

'Bandit beast tamers,' I silently noted.

“Save the formalities, Sir Riles,” I responded. “Don’t you have a princess to attend to?”

Caleb’s heart pulsed, and he looked down. “Yes! We’re off track, and bandits ransacked our supplies. Please, Lord Everwood—”

“Of course,” I replied. “Let’s depart for my estate at once.”

Everyone nodded, and we dashed back, weaving through the forest.

My manor was typically a peaceful place where maids busily tended to the plants and washed clothing. However, when my father’s guard saw a dozen knights rushing towards the house, they sounded a battle alert until they saw me.

Naturally, I explained the situation, and my father summoned healing mages to treat the princess, who promptly sought me. Naturally, this immediately sparked a debate on whether I had killed the dire wolf.

“My apologies, Princess Redfield,” I said, taking a knee. “I do not mean to contradict you. However, I did not kill a dire wolf with my bare hands.”

I showed my tiny four-year-old hands to her.

“Your wind magic scared it away,” I continued. “You were extremely unstable due to blood loss.”

The redhead’s eyebrow twitched. Like me, she was trained to be a people person who could sniff out manipulation, and she had latched onto my deceit. However, politicians also have another remarkable trait: they can sense when some things are best left unsaid.

“I see,” Rema replied, a small smile gracing her face as she looked at my pristine clothing. “I appreciate you bringing me to safety.”

“It was my pleasure,” I replied.

There was an awkward silence after that, as no one was questioning the obvious:

How did a four-year-old carry a seven-year-old out of the forest? Why was a four-year-old deep in the forest alone? Why was a four-year-old capable of dressing wounds and communicating with adults like a thirty-two-year-old? What’s that ominous glare in the princess’ eyes?

“You did well, son,” Leon said, placing his hand on my shoulder with a beaming smile while gripping it until it hurt. “May I speak with you?”

“Sure, father,” I replied, following him into a room and shutting the door.

“What on earth happened?” Leon asked.

“A dire wolf attacked me, but before it bit me a goddess called out in my mind, making me mutter strange words like… enamel and phos… something. Then when it bit me, its head exploded and its body burned into ashes. I cleaned my clothing because if I showed up carrying Princess Redfield drenched in blood, the yelling knights would cut me down. That’s what happened.”

To corroborate my story, I unbuttoned my shirt and showed him the wound, which was already healing.

I couldn't hide something so conspicuous, especially under the watchful eye of the princess. Therefore, I trusted that my father would act in my best interest and give me a health potion, thereby dispelling the greater issue—the kingdom learning about it.

My father was dumbstruck by my words and story.

“While I want to chastise you for doing the wrong thing, I would’ve done the same,” Leon sighed.

“Thank you, father,” I replied, buttoning up my shirt again.

“That said, this won’t stand,” he warned. “We must inform them privately that a goddess protected you so as not to disgrace Princess Redfield. They’ll understand why we didn’t disclose these facts.”

“With one health potion there won’t be any evid—”

My father cut me off with a stern glare. “You’re a prodigy, Ryker,” he said. “You have impeccable manners, considerable strength, can play musical instruments, and can read. Soon, you will learn magic, and we expect the same. Such prodigies only come once a century, if not a millennium. Therefore, in a world ruled by power over influence, Princess Redfield is here to assess you.”

My jaw slowly dropped until my mouth was wide open, looking around in disbelief until I stammered out an “Uhhh….”

“Political marriage, son,” Leon smiled. “To a princess. Prince-ess. If there was ever proof that you were a demon lord, both these things are exceptional. I’ll arrange a sit-down to explain your goddess treatment.”

After a couple of light pats, my father left the room, leaving me stunned and confused.

So that happened: an arranged marriage. The puppeteer behind this development? Aphrodite, obviously.

I wasn't certain, but it was convenient. Marrying into the royal bloodline or attaining a high noble rank was the only avenue through which I could gain access to the royal library and secure a skilled magic tutor.

It was an advantageous arrangement. However, I refused to let politics control my life. Therefore, I had to use this week to prove that I was worth more than just my strength. To do that, I needed to demonstrate that I could revolutionize this world, and I had the perfect thing in mind: luxury soap and mass production techniques.


[A/N: As of this chapter, Patreon is 23 chapters ahead and has extra content. You now know that all of these chapters are ridiculously long, so it's binging gold. Check it out! https://www.patreon.com/Traxler]


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