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Soo, other than chipping away at the BTG demo again. I originally had this idea this morning so I’d have something to actually release. I’ve opened up Choicescript again, and my plan is to write up some interactive drabbles. So, drabbles for each ro, but you’re able to make choices like an IF. 

I did this a while back for and people seemed to enjoy them, and I think it’d be fun being about to have that interactive element with a drabble. Here’s the link to the one I did before. They’ll be from the ros’ point of view, and as the reader, you’ll be able to choose your mc’s name, pronouns, and the ros’ genders—and then there’ll be four stories for you to read! 

Whether they’ll be the crushing stage or relationship stage, I’m not sure yet, but I’m excited to write again and get choice elements involved...and also get the ros feeling/accepting the emotions they’re feeling :)

Thanks once again for your support, I can’t wait to release these stories for you. I’ll keep you updated. 



Oooo that sounds super fun!!! ^^ But don't push yourself too hard Mila! Thanks for all you do! :D