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Another update where I tell you that I'm chipping away at the Beyond The Game demo, because that's exactly what's happening. I wrote another 1k words today, which I feel like isn't that much, but it all counts!

Three out of four of the ros have been introduced officially now! E Acevedo has been introduced and they've been a joy to write. Not that I don't love and adore the other ros, but writing a character who's a confident, famous singer is great because E literally writes themselves. I'll just have an idea for a scene that E is in, and when it comes to dialogue, E just flows onto the page easily. It's definitely because they have a carefree, 'don't give a fuck' persona. It makes me excited for later on in the demo where I get to peel back those confident layers and just show them as...vulnerable. But, for now, they confident, a little arrogant, full of smirks and smiles and yeahh, I hope you end up loving E. 

Additionally, because of E's occupation as a singer/songwriter, I've literally had to write lyrics to songs. It's genuinely crazy because I love listening to music personally, but needing to write a few lyrics for E's songs was interesting to say the least. I wrote like two lines for five songs and the songs have meanings too. Soo, even though the mc of this demo is a footballer, there are so many slice of life elements in game that adds to the entertainment. The next (two) scene(s) I have to write are based on the mc in a photoshoot style setting, so after that, we'll be at meeting the next ro in game which is the lovely, bisexual L! 

I'm still pushing and pushing and pushing for a November release! My original thought was that the demo would be 50k, but I think we'll end up going over that amount. I would love it if I did because 'woo, more words and content' but also because we're close to the 40k word mark and we're still (sort of) under halfway through the demo.

With Patreon, I'm on track with releasing content regularly. I hope you've noticed and it makes subscribing to me and my little writing journey worth it. 

All of the pov Gala drabbles for the Golden ros have been released. I hope you enjoyed reading them. You may have seen the poll that I put up, and that poll was asking what you'd like to see in drabbles next and it definitely looks like I'll be writing relationship drabbles next which should be fun. Like, soft A, vulnerable K, warm B, and P being romantic — what's there not to love?

Thanks for your support!


35.1k (+ 5.4k)



Glad to hear that you're making progress!! Defo excited to see Beyond The Game when you're ready, know it's gonna be delightful 😊 [Milan gonna be so just yesss 😳🥺](Also cannot wait for relationship drabbles for Golden! Soft A 🥺🥺🥺)

Ahnzo Vincente

Even though beyond the game isn't my first choice in a genre, I am still glad to see your progress!


Aw, thank you so much! I hope Beyond The Game ends up being a fun read for you when it’s out 🩷 and yesss, soft and romantic A is going to be a joy to write ahh 🫠🥰


Thank you! When Beyond The Game is out, if you ever give it a read I hope it’s a fun experience even though it’s not your usual genre. If not, then your support means so much already.