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We're officially in September, so I suppose mindset sort of turns to work mode for the pure fact that university starts again this month for me. I feel like the summer has gone by so quickly but slowly at the same time.

Although I say work mode, I took a few days off of writing because I was feeling a bit tired and just burnt out overall. Today, I got back into it and chipped away at Beyond The Game's first chapter again, and it reminds me that writing with Twine is a whole new experience and hopefully it'll continue to be a fun one. I also managed to get extra software installed on my laptop (Visual Studio Code + Tweego for anyone interested) to ensure that Twine doesn't lag when I'm writing, and the interface reminds me of Choicescript so it's a little more motivating to get me into writing. Installing the software was beyond difficult and took 3 days in itself, so I think that's what helped cause my burnout. 

Additionally, I posted P's drabble a few days ago and I hope that was fun to read. And then I was trying to think what I could do for a drabble series on here, and I came up with the idea for the ros' pov after the Grand Royalton gala. You get to obviously see their pov in chapter 10 with Zillah, but the aftermath of it you don't — so I imagine that when I write those they'll be filled with angst, mystery, and them thinking about their night with the mc... so fingers crossed they'll be good stuff to read as I can't wait to write them and share them with you. 

In terms of IF updates, I'm hoping to get Beyond The Game out...soon. That would be great, and then either writing Golden's 11th chapter and uploading on Dashingdon, and then switch to Twine after that or just switch to Twine altogether with rewrites I have in mind — I'm not entirely sure yet, but you'll be the first to know.

Look out for the drabbles in the upcoming days, and hopefully when this new football story is out, it'll be a fun read even if you're not into sport.

Beyond The Game :

Word Count: 10.5k


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