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Hope you're doing well. Chapter 10 has been out for just over a week now so I think I can breathe a little.

I, of course, am hoping that chapter 11 won't take as long to write. I have the chapter planned out in my head, so I'm hoping I can transfer that onto a screen with some ease. 

Other than the drabbles I'll be posting on Patreon (includ. B's birthday drabble on July 29... when I come up with a good idea for it), I have some other things to mention. 

Soo, first is that there'll be a follower giveaway on Tumblr. I went over the 4,000 mark which is super crazy. Numbers don't mean everything, but the fact that people have wanted to follow my blog and at least see the progress of my game at one point or another is great.

I want to add 3 prizes to the giveaway, I just need to decide what they'll end up being. 

Second of all, for full transparency, I've been looking into making Golden a Twine game. Realistically, I could've done this switch about two years ago when many IF authors were doing the same. But I was honestly worried about the coding (which I still am, but I've already learned a few things!) and the possibility of losing readers. However, Twine offers so much more as an IF writer and Golden will totally be my own with no need to publish with a company; and only get a measly 25% of royalties made when I've put in almost 100% of the work when it comes to writing. 

I'll make a full post on Tumblr about the switch to Twine when I get further along with my learning, and when I've actually ported some chapters into Twine — but I just wanted you all to be the first to know. 



If you think it's for the best and it's not a total like overkill of work to move it over, then Twine is super cool! I suppose I'm just speaking for myself but I'll read it wherever you put it up no worries!! :D


Haha, I think it will be overkill in a way for the short-term because of how much coding it's going to involve. But, the good thing is that I've already started the process to developing a UI and coding in the gender choices, and long-term we'll have something that looks cool and makes the writer (and hopefully readers!) happy :)