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Bad news first is that I don't think we'll get chapter 10 released for May. The fact that university is over sort of overwhelms me a bit now, the fact that I can spend so much time writing and then... just don't because of writer's block, maybe. It could be fatigue... I have no clue.

Good news is that a June release is like 90% going to happen! Just because I couldn't get the chapter out for May doesn't mean there hasn't been significant progress. I didn't think this chapter would be over 40k words, let alone over 50k words, so it's a lot bigger than I expected.

I'm on the last individual ro x mc scene and that's B's scene, so as soon as that's done, which I'm hoping will at least be by the end of this week, I get to write up the Zillah Arryn reveal scenes and see how the mc does when talking to her. That whole scene is planned out and just ready to be written up. When I plan out scenes like this, they usually work, the only thing that happens is that I might add in an extra choice that I think the reader would appreciate to ensure they can flesh out their mc's personality.

For example, this happened with the ro x mc scenes where I realised there wasn't much of a rude option for the mc to fire back at the ros, so I included that in and I'm hoping it'll be a nice edition.

We're well over halfway into this chapter being fully written, even more so now that I've scrapped a certain scene towards the end, but it doesn't get rid of any plot or dialogue so that's all fine.

Here's to a good writing week (well, what's left of the week!).

Word count:

363.2k (+ 6.3k)


"Have you been crying?"



Take as long as you need Mila!! Whenever it comes out, it comes out, and I'm sure it'll be great :D Hopefully you're still having fun when you do write!