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To no surprise, university days can be rather tiring. I find myself watching the clock tick, counting down the minutes until I’m able to leave the crowded lecture hall. At the front of the hall the professor drones on, admittedly, I lost all interest in what she was saying about an hour ago – because her voice is so monotone, along with my mind drifting to a certain werewolf.

The last of the professor’s words I hang on to are ‘you may go’. Instantly I get up from my seat, and a sigh of relief leaves my lips as I throw my bag over my shoulders. Whist weaving between other students I’m able to get to the hall’s exit, and as I do, my eyes immediately scan the crowd in the hope that I’ll come across the bright gleam of gold jewellery and deep brown skin.

“You’re looking for B, I take it?” Being around the four of them for so long now, I know the hint of a Greek accent to the voice I’ve just heard is from A.

I twist around to see them standing with K and P by their side, yet it’s clear to see a member of their quartet is missing. I nod my head. “Is it that obvious?”

A light smile curls over K’s lips, it’s teasing yet genuine. “Well, you seem way less pleased to be seeing the three of us.”

I tilt my head. “That’s not true.”

P raises an eyebrow at me before a chuckle escapes their lips. “It’s completely fine if it is,” they say with ease before leaning their shoulder on to the brick wall beside us. “I wouldn’t be all that ecstatic to see A after a draining lecture.”

I watch A in front of me as their lips twist into a sneer. It’s easy to smile at the three of them, their friendship dynamic is, well annoying, but full of light-hearted humour that only bonds them closer together. Though, I can’t help but think that it’s unlike B to be away from the three of them.

“Where is B?” I eventually ask.

“They’re at home. Asleep, probably,” K murmurs.

My eyebrows furrow. “Why?”

“Why do you think?” A retorts quickly as though the answer is blatant. They watch as I blink rapidly, I purse my lips together in thought but also confusion, and it’s then A rolls their eyes and speaks up again. “There was a full moon last night.”

“Oh.” The simple word falls from my lips in frustration more than anything else, frustration at myself for not realising instantly.

The corners of P’s lips tug upwards into a sympathetic smile. “You weren’t to know,” they say reassuringly. “It’s not like humans need to regularly keep up with the moon’s phases.”

“I still feel like I should’ve,” I respond back with a small frown.

“Save the self-pity and just go and see B,” A mumbles with ease, their hazel eyes then soften. “I’m sure they’d appreciate it.”

Travelling up to Northern Lehsa isn’t as it was before. I’m finding myself more aware of the supernatural elements around me, whether that’s creatures, environmental magic, or anything else I still wonder about.

I walk down a lengthy hallway to the team’s apartment; I raise my knuckles and knock on the door twice before stepping back and waiting. A few moments pass by, ones where I’m bouncing from foot to foot, until I hear an audible groan and footsteps patter towards the door.

Subconsciously, I smooth out my jacket and immediately after the door swings open, and now B’s standing in front of me. Their eyes are slightly hooded, there’s dark circles under them, and from what I can see of their arm there’s a fresh cut on it. Though, as their eyes meet mine, it seems the visible aftermath of the full moon begins to slowly drain away. And even better, they smile at me.

“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” they ask. The gleaming smile on their lips seems to widen, and as they step aside to let me in, I take the opportunity to shuffle forward into their apartment.

“You mean that literally, I assume.” I can’t help it, my eyes flicker down to the cut on B’s arm. I can see it clear as day now. The healing process has already begun, but it doesn’t mask the red, painful looking tinge that glistens under the living room light.

In a swift movement, B moves their arm from my view, taking it out of view. “Literally and metaphorically,” B responds. “Not that I’m not happy to see you,” B continues, they take a seat on the sofa and motion towards the seat next to them, one that I take. “But what are you doing here?”

“I was going to ask you out to lunch.” The words leave my mouth in a ramble, and now I’ve said them out loud, I realise what it sounds like – even more so when I see a smirk curl on B’s lips.

“Oh, you mean a date?” they ask with ease, they avoid my eyes for a moment, then toy with the tassels of the cushion in front of them.

“I—” I begin before clearing my throat. “Whatever you want it to be.”

B laughs, one that sounds rather tired but hearty all the same. They lean towards me and considering the full moon was less than twenty-four hours ago, I know B’s enhanced powers can sense my heart hammering in my chest at the proximity between us.

“So, say I wanted our lunch to be a friend date…”

At the statement, I roll my eyes, not noticing how close B and I’s fingers are, they’re close to touching. “You’re being a tease.”

B nods. “That I am.” After the honesty ,B does take my hand in theirs. It’s warm, slightly calloused, without the signature rings over their fingers – yet the touch feels familiar.

“Are you okay?” I end up whispering as I interlock our fingers together. “From the full moon, I mean.”

Whilst keeping their eyes locked to my own, they place a hand on my shoulder. “You look worried.”

“Course I worry about you.”

B gives my shoulder a gentle squeeze. “Worrying about each other isn’t going to do either of us much good, you know that don’t you?”

I swallow hard, noticing our conversation is drifting further away from my initial query. “You still haven’t answered my question.”

“I’m good,” Butters after a moment. I tilt my head at them, expecting more. More than the rehearsed lie they’ve practiced whenever such a question is asked. “Considering the circumstances.”


“Honestly,” they add. With clenched teeth, not wanting to push any further, I give a less than satisfied nod at the question. With me accepting B’s answer, the conversation takes a turn once again. “You and I are still going out for lunch?”

“If you’re up for it.”

“Sweet.” B then drops their hand from mine, a tingle travels up my arm as the warmth leaves me. “I’ll go and get ready. Give me at least twenty minutes to look a lot less… dead,” B says before getting up from the sofa.

“No problem,” I chuckle as B gives me a sweet smile before zipping around a corner to what I assume is the bathroom.

I settle back into the sofa, seemingly getting comfortable until I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders. It’s obvious that it belongs to B, but it doesn’t stop me feeling even a little startled. First, I hear them chuckle in my ear and then I calm down and place my hand on their wrist.

“Don’t scare me like that,” I mutter.

“Sorry,” B apologises with amusement. And instead of startled, I’m pleasantly surprised when I feel their lips on my cheek. They give me a soft kiss against it, one I can’t help but close my eyes at whilst I fully embrace the sensation I wouldn’t mind getting used to.

“Thanks for checking up on me,” B mutters after, and then slinks back to get ready.

Even though the circumstances weren’t ideal, being with B does feel like some type of bliss.



B !!!!!!!! 🥴🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 My B-loved !!!!!! Hh i love them so much 😍🥲