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It's been four days since I last updated on here, and about ten since the last Tumblr progress update. I finished K's first scene of chapter 9!

I'm really happy to get it done and over the line, it was a rather fun scene to write because it shows a very different side to them. They're still reeling from what happened in the detective's office, the compulsion, and then seeing the MC again. There are flirt options, options to get to know them more and also a few... hostile ones. 

The whole of K's scene in that first part of chapter 9 came to 10.6k words... so now just three more to go, ahh. I like to split my writing into parts so I don't get too overwhelmed with it all. But yeah, I managed to write 8k words in four days — not bad. 

I'll be starting A's or B's scene next, I think — no hate to P, it's just I like to write each ROs scene in the order I come up with ideas for them in. 

Chapter 9 is really coming along... my sleep pattern however is not so good because I go to bed late and wake up hella early to get writing done, but I'm really happy with it at the moment and for now, it has put my insecurities away in a little box... fingers crossed they won't come out and mess me up for a while. 

I'm behind on drabble writing because I'm trying to finish of the chapter to update the demo, so I'll be posting sneak peeks from K's scene on here in the meantime. 

Cheers for your support. 

Current word count: 247,411 (+10.1k) — since last progress update.


"Plus, Lehsa's supernatural friendly enough, other cities are totally against us setting foot on their land… not that that's ever stopped me visiting those cities."

My eyebrows shoot up at the last of K's words. "What do you get out of doing that?"

The corners of their lips curl upwards. "Fun. Adrenaline. Spontaneity. Risk." 



Hell yeah!! Go mila !! 🌟