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Hiya, hope you're all doing well!

I'm in two minds because I feel like I got quite a bit written since my last update, but feel like I haven't at the same time. I wrote near enough 3k words, and it's been really fun to get back into Golden.

As you saw from the sneak peeks (if you're on the last two tiers), I'm at the ROs' scenes, and the sneak peek from P's bit isn't a full one on one scene, it's just a general one depending on which option you chose to go with. So, that's basically just the beginning of the middle section of chapter 9, there's still so much more to come — including one on one scenes with your chosen RO, and flirt scenes. 

The plan is for each scene with the ROs to be a little different, not only for replayability purposes but so you're able to see their personalities a lot more. I'm also planning on only releasing chapter 9 this time around because I think chapter 10 is going to be pretty big and I'm conscious that it's been quite a while since I've provided a demo update. 

Do know that writing is going very well, and with only having chapter 9 in my sights, it definitely eases my worries and allows my mind to stop wandering and thinking, 'oh, I need to finish this quickly so I can get to chapter 10.' 

Your MC is going to get a lot of questions answered, and there’s the opportunity for deep moments too — and chapter 9 sort of ends on a cliffhanger, but I’ll get to that later on in Patreon updates. 

Chapter 9 still continues from the heavy content of chapter 8, so the mood is still a little down so you get to see how the ROs deal with that alongside having your MC with them. So… basically, you’re all in this deep shit together lol.

Bit of a side note, but P's birthday is May 27th so I need to start drabble writing for them... I won't lie, these birthday drabble ideas usually come last minute and I smash out over 1k words like the day before and just hope people enjoy it haha. 

I'll be posting the next Golden sneak peek tomorrow!

Thanks so much for bearing with me and being patient.

Snippet: "You're going to have a ton of questions that I can't give you the answers to. The people here can."



you’re doing so great mila!! writing two amazing ifs is hard work and it sounds like you’re balancing it all beautifully, be sure to take lots of little mind breaks so you don’t burn yourself out:)