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Helloo, I hope you’re all doing well.

Mentally, I’m still not doing great, but writing has really been helping me with that.

There isn’t much on the Golden front since I last posted an update on here as I’ve been working on the new WIP, I want to get the demo out for it before mid-April and right now, I’m well on the way to doing that.

Originally, the Before Dusk Sets In demo was going to stop when you meet 3 of the 5 ROs, but I want readers to get a feel for all 5 of them. Though this will mean more writing until I can release the first part of the demo, I think it’ll make reading it more enjoyable so everyone can flesh out their gang members.

I’ve just added in the height and skin tone customisations for the gang members. As I’ve mentioned previously, if your gang member is a poc, then this will influence the story. I haven’t seen this feature much in IF, and I want to add as much representation as possible, so I’m hoping that this feature will be both realistic and enjoyable to read — showing that poc don’t always have negative experiences.

With what I’ve written in the demo so far, you’ll meet R and Shilohand two side characters, next I’ll be writing L’s bits with your gang member — L didn’t get as much love as the other ROs when it came to the polls, but I’m hoping that they end up being a pleasant surprise when you read about them in game. I’ve got just under 14k words written, still a few thousand to go, but as promised, you’ll be the first to get any updates and read it when it’s done.

I hope you’ve been enjoying the sneak peeks too. There’ll be more soon!

That’s all for now, talk to you all soon <3


Snippet of what I’ve been working on – Before Dusk Sets In edition:

I slouch in my seat. "What's the worst they could do, anyway?" I ask with raised brows.

The look Daryl and Nia share should tell me all I need to know. The Order don't mess about, they don't take things lightly and it makes me wonder whether my bosses have experienced this first-hand.


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