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B is what many would call a diamond in the rough, the rough being the werewolf part of them, the diamond being them themselves. The type of person you can confide in, one who’s going to comfort you no matter what, one who you can fall for with ease – you’ve experienced that first hand.

It’s odd, really. That all those years ago, meeting them in your mother’s office proved to be a life-changer – for better and for worse, but the pros definitely outweigh the cons because here the two of you are, tangled up in bed sheets together, a sunbeam streaming in to shine on their face.

You stir awake first, look down to see B’s arm loosely over your torso. With a light smile, lean over, let your thumb caress their cheek gently. Their eyelashes flutter, they’re supernatural, you’re sure that your delicate touch would be enough to wake them.

“Good morning.” Their accent is thick. Their voice is a little raspy. A sound you wouldn’t mind bottling up and listening to again and again, thankfully, in this new apartment that the two of you call home, you get to hear this every day.

“Hi,” you mutter back, eyes slightly hooded as you watch B open their own.

They smile up at you, turn their head to press a kiss on the palm of your hand before pulling you in closer. “What time is it?”

“Not a clue,” you murmur, “I’ve been busy freckle counting.”

“Oh?” B questions playfully, their gaze flickering down to their cheeks and nose for a moment to. “How many have you counted?”

You pause, lean down, and press your forehead to theirs. “Don’t know that either. Waking up next to you is a pleasant distraction, believe it or not.”

They’re giving you a full-toothed grin now. It’s beautiful, genuine, picture perfect and right now, this is B as authentic as possible – no gold jewellery to use as a cover up, just them wrapped up next to you.

They edge forward, press a kiss to your chin before swiftly flipping you onto your back. B’s on top of you now, hands either side of your head, knee between your legs, a playful glint shimmering in their eyes as their plump lips find your neck. Peppered kisses. A trail of them. The feel of them so sweet and tender that they’re enough to draw an audible gasp from you.

B brings their lips up to your ear, places a kiss behind it before whispering. “I’m a fan of starting our mornings like this.”

“Hm, me too,” you hum, slightly breathless as you feel the touch of B’s hands moving to your hips, their fingers brushing absentmindedly brushing against bits of exposed skin.

They study your face, take in every feature, realise that every single one of them is their favourite and capture your lips with theirs. “Let’s get breakfast… or brunch,” B mumbles as they pull away.

Their hands over yours, an arm around your waist, a kitchen of your own and you’re sure this is what bliss feels like - you sitting on a bar stool, eating brunch with B whilst they are sitting across from you.

“Congratulations, you’re not terrible at cooking,” you tease after swallowing another forkful of the food B made you.

B rolls their eyes. “Gosh, what a compliment. I feel honoured.”

“As you should.”

You watch as they take a sip of their hot drink, B’s gaze not leaving you. “Are we staying home today?” My God, B thinks. Home. You, me, these four walls and our comforting décor.

You nod a little. “We can do.” You then pout. “Actually, I think we need to go grocery shopping.”

“Let’s go tomorrow,” B shoots back. “We can have a lazy day.”

“How do you expect us to eat?”

B glances over their shoulder. “There’s a fridge behind us with… some food,” they mumble. “Plus, we’ll order a takeaway later, your favourite, whatever you want.”

The edge of your lips turns upwards. “Slightly tempting.”

The werewolf arches a brow. “Only slightly?” B slips off of their stool and moves to your side, places their hands on your thighs, pushing your legs apart to stand between them.

Your gaze flickers over them, your food is suddenly forgotten about as your hands clasp the sides of their shirt. “I have a feeling you’re going to change it to ‘very tempting’.”

B wets their lips, inhales a quick breath as they drink you in, they tighten their hold on you. “That is the plan, sweetheart.” And once again, they’re leaning forward, B’s face hovering over yours, lips inches apart and you’re a little surprised that they don’t kiss you straight away.

You feel like you’re becoming restless, itching for them to kiss you. They may call this the honeymoon stage of a relationship, the bits where you’re desperate to be close to one another, but you’re sure that you’re always going to feel like this when B’s around.

“Are you going to kiss me?” you ask, becoming impatient.

B gives you a little smirk at that, rubs their nose against yours. “Sorry, I was just admiring.”

And right after that’s said, they do kiss you, and the two of you have a lazy day on the cards.


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