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"Hey you, you dumb broad. Your name is Amy?" George, the manager of a big office in the city was yelling at his secretary, a tall, pretty woman who looked at him with a scowl.

"No. My name is Amanda and I am tired of you treating me like this. I don't get paid enough to put up with this," the secretary was saying when he yelled over her.

"Who do you think you're talking to? I am your boss. You'll be sorry," George continued and didn't pay attention to what she said. "And if I want that my secretary has the name of Amy, you're going to be called Amy. Got that, Amy? I need you in my office, right now."

Amanda took a deep breath and looked with disgust at him putting her palms on her waist. "You need me? You really think I'm so stupid? You think that I really will allow you fuck me like your ex-secretaries?" Amanda looked at him.

"If I you want keep your job, you'd better stop all this and get your ass over here now!" George screamed "Ypu will everything I tell you, even if I tell you to dance for me and take off your clothes!"

"Seriously?! I don't think so! I think that it much better for you dance and take off your clothes." she laughed and suddely an unexpected green glow came from her eyes. George started shaking his body and dancing in the middle of his office with his belly up and down, shaking his arms.

"What the hell?! Why am I dancing?! I can't stop!" he screamed while his body was moving and his hands moved like a dancer. He feeling how his clothes were shrinking to his skin, then they became tighter and tighter. He couldn't see, but his body and clothes became more revealing. "Stop! Stop this madness! You're going to regret it!

"Oh, really?" Amanda said with a sarcastic tone. George continued dancing while his secretary laughed with irony. Suddenly he felt touching on his now naked shoulders with soft sensations like if it was long hair. "Do you like it, George? Or i should say, Amy. Now you can dance as a dancer, or a belly dancer to be exact. "

"I'll sue you for this! I'll take you to jail and... I..." He could no longer talk and keep dancing with closed eyes and mouth, his body moving without his own control and he didn't see the changes that were happening.

Suddenly George's felt that somebody touched his palm, as a dance partner. George opened his eyes and was shocked. He saw bearded man that looked like from Middle Eastern that looked at him. He automatically kept dancing not noticing yet that control of his body came back. His belly moved with the music, his hips shaking uncomfortably swaying like his big breasts.

"You're an amazing belly dancer, you're more hot that I imagined when I first saw you," he said looking at George. George was surprised.

"Wait, how you... Why we're in... Why the hell you're holding my hand?!" George finally asked noticing the hands of the man were in his own hands.

"Shhh! Just shut up and keep dancing, don't you want the sultan to get angry at you? He must bought you from me so expensive!" the man said while George looked around with terrified eyes and his heart stopped for a second.

He noticed that the two of them were in a big place that looked like a palace. Many other men were watching at George, smoking something, eating and talking, paying no attention to George or the bearded man that standed near George. "Why are you stopped? Move your damn belly!" he yelled while George looked at the man and at himself.

"Silence!" Sultan suddenly said, watching at the belly dancer who stopped dancing and talking with the man. "Why this slave stopped dancing?" He was angry looking at the belly dancer. "Did I give you permission to stop dancing?" Sultan's voice was powerful. "Your master must teached you before selling you. "

"Forgive me, your highness," the bearded man said and gave a look at George, which looked back at him. "I didn't teached this slave well enough yet, please don't blame me."

"No excuses." Sultan's eyes were fixed on George's belly and his big breasts. "I paid too much for this dancer. You must to pay me back for all the money you gained. May be she better fit to be one of my many harem's sluts, right?" Sultan said while George looked at him with terrified eyes and his heart stopped again. "Come to me and show me how you can please your Sultan by another way."

"Let's go," George's master told George and he feels something slapped in his left butt. "I'm not gonna say this twice, move your ass to Sultan and suck his dick! Don't make him more angry!" he whispered to George with an angry tone and slapped him in his ass again.



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