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Ashton Blake is used to nightclubs because of his status thanks to his rich daddy. However, today it was unexpected for him. He fell asleep in his luxurious bed in the mansion, and now he opened his eyes in a night club, sitting on a leather sofa, and not in his own luxurious bed. He squinted against the flashing lights, trying to dismiss this as a dream. Standing before him was Rick, a burly man with an air of disdain.

"Alright, Marissa, time to shake what you've got. You're up," Rick said crudely, eyeing her with a smirk.

Ashton, attempting to maintain his usual assertive demeanor, was shocked by the sound of his own voice. "Like, what are you even talking about?". Ashton, now Marissa, was momentarily distracted by her own voice, which sounded high-pitched, frivolous. "Oh my god, this is, like, totally bizarre! Why do I sound like a ditsy blonde?"

Suddenly now he felt an unfamiliar weight on his chest and when he looked down Ashton's eyes were widened - he had boobs under a tight short top with an open belly! Long hair cascades down his shoulders and tight leggings on his legs. In shock, he began to examine himself in front of the unexpected Rick.

Rick watched with an amused grin as Ashton, now Marissa, stared in shock at his new appearance. "Like, what the... This is crazy! I've got... I mean, look at these!" Ashton was exclaimed holding his new tits in his hands and feeling how soft and sensitive they now became.

Rick's amusement was evident as he mimicked Marissa's voice in a mocking tone. "Oh, like, what's happening? Why am I all curvy and stuff? This is, like, soooo weird!"

Ashton, as Marissa, felt a surge of embarrassment and anger. "Stop it! This isn’t funny! I'm not some, like, bimbo for you to laugh at! This is, like, totally freaky! I've got... I've got boobs! And this outfit, it's so... skimpy! 'm not some stupid chick!"


Rick couldn't help but continue his mockery as he watched Ashton, now Marissa, grappling with her new and unfamiliar body. His grin was lecherous as he imitated her voice, adding his own vulgar twist.

"Like, oh my gosh, look at these!" Rick said in a mockingly high-pitched tone, eyeing Marissa lasciviously. "You're not just some chick, Marissa; you're boss's little slutty girl, all dressed up and ready to tease."

"This is ridiculous! I'm a dude, not... not whatever this is!" Ashton's voice remained incongruously high and ditzy.

Rick couldn't resist one last taunt as Marissa. He leaned in close, his voice dripping with condescension. "You know, Marissa, you talk like a dumb blonde, but if you really think I believe any of this, you're even dumber than you sound."

Marissa, feeling increasingly helpless, clung to the last shreds of her self-esteem. Her high-pitched voice quivered as she attempted to defend herself. "I... I'm not dumb, okay? This is all just... so messed up!" She looked down at her curvaceous body, still bewildered by her new form and the skimpy outfit that barely covered anything.

Marissa had had enough of this bizarre situation and decided it was time to leave the nightclub and return to her mansion where she lived as Ashton. With a determined yet unsteady resolve, she rose from the sofa, her legs wobbling in the high heels that were so unfamiliar to her. Rick, who had been watching her every move with an air of surprise, couldn't resist making a snide comment in his signature style.

"Well, well, well," Rick quipped, his lecherous grin widening as he emphasized Melissa's apparent transformation. "Look who's finally decided to get off her ass and go to work," he said, making it clear that he found the situation utterly comical. 

Slapping Marissa on the ass, he happily rested his palm on her soft, round butt, which fit perfectly into his palm. "The locker room's on the other side, sweetheart," he added, his voice dripping with condescension.



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