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It was already dark outside the window when Brandon, a successful businessman, sat back in his soft office chair, looking thoughtfully at the glass in front of him filled with his favorite whiskey. On this workday, he was very successful, his company's stock was raised. But even such victories for him did not inspire genuine joy. All these people seemed to him only tools to achieve his goals. He simply considered himself the main person in the world, like a god or something like that.

"Well ... how can I say this ... damn boring" Brandon said to himself, thoughtfully picking up and sipping his drink. The bright colors and tastes of the liquid in his mouth have always brought Brandon comfort. After a long sip, he smacked his lips, heard a ringing notification on the computer. It was intriguing and Brandon couldn't contain his curiosity after reading the email header.

"Trophy wives, eh?" - said Brandon, clicking on the message, and began to study it more in detail, while slowly emptying the glass of whiskey. Big banner-type letters lit up the monitor screen: "Beautiful, obedient, eager to please! We guarantee a real adventure!" - this phrase caused a smile on the face of the Brandon. "Never liked romance, never thought of love as a need. But the submissive girls, oh, it is pleasant. Maybe I'll find some fresh young stuff here," Brandon chuckled.

It did not take Brandon long to make a decision, and his right hand flew to the keyboard like lightning and clicked "Apply" button on the screen. He immediately felt something in his head and a strange tingling spread over his entire body. Brandon blinked and tried to understand what had just happened, but his mind could not clearly recognize it as his body suddenly changed shape. Something touched his shoulders and back of his head. Brandon wanted take another sip of his whiskey, but his hands couldn't hold a glass.

"Oh" - said a soft, almost childish voice, barely audible and uneducated. Brandon blinked several times trying to focus his mind and slowly turned his head around. Something was moving around his neck and shoulders at that time and he realized that it must have been his hair that was reaching down to the middle of the back. Now it was blond, much brighter than before and very shiny. Lips felt fat and swollen, as if there was some kind of invisible force on the inside that was pushing them forward and separating them from each other. Tight clothes, especially around the chest which felt was uncomfortable and weight, felt constrictive like a second skin. 

Mirror on the wall attracted the attention of Brandon - the blonde woman stared at him with big eyes, blinking in astonishment, trying to determine what was happening. Slowly she opened her mouth, her  voluptuous lips moved apart as if wanting to form a sound. "What..h-what..." - she moaned, repeated all movements of the Brandon. This was his reflection.

"What?!" - the blonde shrieked in confusion, trying to stand from the chair, but stumbled over high heels and crashed back down. "The hell is...!?"- her big eyes stared at the screen of a laptop computer which was now very girly and pink. There was the image of a big banner -type letter "Welcome, Mrs. McSorrow, you're now the trophy wife! To make this great adventure, we made everything so you can better fulfill your destiny as a trophy wife for Mr. McSorrow!" the lines were written over the picture with the image of a smiling blonde. Her small pink tongue stuck out and slowly licked her lips, inviting "Mr. McSorrow" and telling that "Mrs. McSorrow will be waiting".

Brandon began to try to think logically, but nothing was logical. His mind was constantly distracted and a little fuzzy. So, he tried to think out loud: "Ohhh, okay .. so .. um..so, the girl.. I'm a girl now" - his right hand began to squeeze his left breast "...and.. it hurts" - his big eyes rolled up in disgust "and.. that letter on the laptop...is it really like that" - he stopped speaking for a moment, staring at the picture and thought "Why so difficult to think, this seems so easy..but now it's hard" - at last, the girl's cheeks flushed from such mental exertion, she picked up a laptop computer and attracted closer it as best as possible to examine every part.



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