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"Hey, what in tarnation are you doin' there? Why are you eyeballin' me like that, huh?"

Mark said in disbelief, not noticing his new country accent, looking at some hillbilly man who was unfamiliar to him and who had been staring at Mark with a strange look for several seconds. Mark still did not notice the changes that had happened to him during this time. And this is normal, because while the spell was just beginning to work and only those around him began to see it differently

"Aw, shucks, darlin', you sure do look mighty fine!"

"Y'all can go to hell! I don't... What in tarnation's wrong with my dang voice? Sweet baby Jesus! What in the heck!? How'd I end up with these big ol' knockers?"

"Get out of here, you goner!" The witch who approached at that moment shouted, having completed the magic, she returned to Mark, who was waiting for her, and was very pleased with the result, but did not want unnecessary witnesses now

"What in the world have ya done to me?! I done turned into some kinda gal with them big 'ol boobs?! And gosh darn it, I'm talkin' like some redneck now! This ain't what I had in mind! Change it all back, I tell ya!"

“Well, why should I do this?” the witch asked with a smile on her face and sarcastically

Mark wanted to say "Because I'm Mark Stevenson and you know my dad is the CEO of Big Factories and you're going to be in big trouble if you don't change that back, so stop this crap and change me back!" but instead What came out of his mouth was not at all what he expected:

"Uhm, 'cause I'm, like, uh, Jenny Smithers, and my daddy, well, he's been, like, a farmhand his whole life, you know? So, uh, you better, like, fix this thing, or else, um, there's gonna be some, like, really, um, bad stuff happening to you, so just stop with this nonsense and change things back!"

“Great Jenny, everything is as you asked. Now you can better understand how life is here, haha!”

"Hey there, I ain't no Jenny, I'm Jenny! And my old man, he's a farmhand... no wait, that ain't right! What in the heck?! Why can't I say my own name! You're gonna rue the day, I tell ya!"

“Let’s stop this dialogue, I think you have a lot of things to do at home and besides... by the way, I don’t know how the spell worked regarding your work. What are you doing now Jenny?”

"Well, y'all quit with them names, and let me tell ya, I'm a proud dancer right here, shakin' my stuff, and, uh, feedin' young'uns with these mighty fine bosoms, that's what I reckon I'm best at!"

“Stop calling me that! And I don’t work here, I’m my father’s deputy at the company!” Mark wanted to say, but instead, once again, “Whoa there, don’t go callin’ me their names!” came out of his mouth! I’m just a humble stripper, makin’ my way with these assets here, if y’know what I mean!"

“Excellent,” the witch said, finally deciding to leave and leaving the proud asshole, who came to her with demands to finally do one favor for him, fulfilling his wishes in her own way.




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