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Margot, clad in an uncomfortably tight yellow and black short dress, stood in the stark office of the space station's main boss. Her body involuntarily assumed seductive poses, adding to her inner turmoil. The main boss, a burly man with an air of authority, examined her with an unsettling mix of appraisal and lechery.

Main Boss: "Margot, or should I call you Frank? Quite the predicament we have here. Due to a system failure, the real Margot, who was supposed to join our entertainment sector, is no more. And you, Frank, have been randomly selected by the computer to maintain the gender balance in our new colony. Now, look at you. An engineer in a stripper's body. It's clear you can't continue as our chief engineer. Your new role is, well, more... physical."

Margot's mind was a whirlwind of disbelief and anger. She tried to assert her identity, but her voice betrayed her with its seductive tone.

(What she wanted to say): "This is outrageous. My mind and skills as an engineer remain unchanged."

(What she actually said, in a flirtatiously smooth voice): "Oh, my dear, don't you think I can manage more than just physical tasks? Beneath this exterior lies the sharp mind of Frank."

The main boss chuckled, his eyes roving over her form in a way that made her skin crawl.

Main Boss: "Frank? Hard to take that seriously when you're all dolled up like this and talking in such a... tantalizing way. You've got a new job now. Your brain's been affected, your speech... it's suited for a different kind of work."

Margot felt humiliated and furious. She struggled to maintain her composure, even as her body struck another unintentionally provocative pose.

(What she wanted to say): "I refuse to be demeaned in this way. I demand respect for my abilities."

(What she actually said, with a voice rich in unintentional allure): "Oh, honey, don't be so quick to judge. I'm not just a pretty face. There's a lot more to me."

At that moment, the strip club owner entered the office. His eyes lit up as he saw Margot, and he approached her with a greasy smile.

Club Owner: "There's our new attraction. Don't waste your time here, sweetheart. Your talents are needed elsewhere."

Margot's resistance surged, but her external response was twisted by her body's involuntary seductiveness.

(What she wanted to say): "I'm not an object for your entertainment. I am an engineer."

(What she actually said, in a sultry tone): "Oh, aren't you a bold one? But I'm not some toy for you to play with."

The club owner laughed, a sound devoid of warmth, as he turned to the main boss.

Club Owner: "She's perfect. Just look at her. Those curves, that mouth. She's going to be a sensation at the club. Maybe even you, boss, will pay for a private dance?"

The main boss roared with laughter, clearly enjoying the idea.

Main Boss: "Perhaps I will. It'll be good to see how well she uses those lips for something other than talking back."

Margot felt her anger boiling over. She wanted to lash out, to assert her worth beyond her physical appearance, but her words came out all wrong.

(What she wanted to say): "You're both disgusting. I won't be a part of this."

(What she actually said, with a venomous yet seductive tone): "You think you're funny, don't you? Well, let me tell you, I've got more in my head than you'll ever have in yours, even if you're too blinded by my body to see it."


Margot, clad in her revealing outfit, standing at the doorway of the private dance room, forced a smile as her next client approached. She was wearing what she usually wore - a short white skirt and a tight shirt under which, as usual, there was no bra. However, now she felt uneasy about these clothes when she recognized Michael, a friend from her past life as Frank. The smile faltered only for a moment, aware of the ever-watchful hidden cameras. She had learned the hard way that revealing her true identity was dangerous under the main boss's cruel regime.

Margot (Greeting Michael, pretending not to recognize him): (What she wanted to say): "Welcome to a night of entertainment."

(What she actually said): "Well, hello there, handsome. Ready for a night of unforgettable pleasure?"

Michael entered shyly, his eyes betraying a mix of nervousness and admiration. Margot began her dance, her movements sensual yet mechanical. She just wanted to finish this quickly and so that Michael wouldn’t recognize her. Michael watched, admiration and a hint of guilt in his eyes. He suddenly interrupted her when she stripped down to her purple panties and was left only in them.

Michael: "I can't do this... I know who you really are, Frank... Margot. I can't pretend like I don't."

Margot (Feigning ignorance): (What she wanted to say): "I don't know what you're talking about."

(What she actually said): "Oh, sweetie, you must be mistaken. I'm just your fantasy for tonight."

Michael hesitated before speaking again.

Michael: "I need your help, Frank. We have a problem in the engineering bay."

Margot (Abruptly dropping her smile): (What she wanted to say): "Michael, I can't believe you're here. Do you have any idea how much this situation infuriates me?"

(What she actually said): "Michael, darling, seeing you here stirs up such... fiery emotions in me. It's all just too much to bear."

Michael: "Margot, I... I know it's tough. I mean, Frank, I need your help. The station's in trouble."

Margot, sensing an opportunity, decided to push for her escape from this nightmare.

Margot (Expressing her frustration and desire to leave): (What she wanted to say): "If you really want to help, then get me out of this place. I need to go back to being Frank, back to being a chief engineer "

(What she actually said): "Oh, honey, if you truly want to dive into my... depths of despair, then whisk me away from this fantasy. I long to return to my true, more... hands-on role."

Michael shifted uncomfortably, his eyes darting away as he struggled with the impossibility of her request.

Michael (Hesitantly): "That... might not be possible, but I'll try (Michael said deceptively looking away) The station has a secret, something only a few know about. You were Frank, a chief engineer... I mean, you, Frank, and you probably know."

Margot, her mind racing, realized what he was referring to – a secret she had kept even from her closest colleagues when she was Frank.

Margot (Revealing the secret): (What she wanted to say): "The station has an experimental quantum core. It's not just a power source. It's capable of manipulating space-time on a small scale. It was intended for deep space exploration – to bend space for faster travel."

(What she actually said): "Oh, the station's little naughty secret? It's got a quantum heart, honey. Not just a powerhouse, but a real space-time temptress. It can bend the rules of reality, all in the name of faster, deeper exploration."

Michael leaned in, his voice laced with urgency.


Michael leaned in, his voice laced with urgency.

Michael: "Margot, if you know the access code to the quantum core, I need it. It could help us solve the station's issues."

Margot hesitated for a moment, weighing the potential consequences. She knew the power and the risks involved with the quantum core. But she desperately wanted her past life back.

Margot (Revealing the access code): (What she wanted to say): "The code is QX-372-Gamma. Be careful with it. The core is powerful and not fully tested."

(What she actually said): "The little secret key is QX-372-Gamma, sweetheart. Handle it with care, it's much more than just a flirtatious plaything. It's wild and untamed."

Michael quickly memorized the code, his expression a mix of excitement and concern.

Michael: "That's brilliant, Margot. Thanks to you, Margot, I'm set to become the chief engineer. Who knew your little secret would be my ticket up?"

Margot (Furiously, yet forced to maintain her role): (What she wanted to say): "You promised to help me, not to use me for your gain!"

(What she actually said, with a seductive edge she resented): "Oh, Michael, playing with a girl's hopes. You're as naughty as you are cunning."

Michael laughed at her, his tone dismissive and cruel.

Michael: "Oh, Margot, let's be real. Serious discussions about engineering? Secret codes? That's hardly your scene anymore. You're more about the dance than the data, aren't you?"

Margot, standing with one hip cocked to the side, her posture intentionally provocative, felt a mix of humiliation and rage. She had a hard time even with the new skills she acquired with this body, and her pride took its toll.

Margot: (What she wanted to say): "This is demeaning. You know I'm more than this."

(What she actually said, in a breathy tone): "Oh, you think you've got me figured out, darling? Remember, it takes more than curves to master the art of seduction."

Michael: "Master the art, huh? Well, the only art I see is the way you spin around that pole. That's your kind of engineering now, isn't it?"

Michael (Tauntingly): "Look at you, Margot. You've adapted so well to your new... environment. It's almost like you were made for this."

Margot's eyes flashed with anger

Margot: (What she wanted to say): "I despise you for enjoying my misery."

(What she actually said): "Oh, Michael, you always know just what to say to make a girl blush. But beneath this glitter, there's more than you realize."

Michael: "Look at you, all glammed up and playing the part. It's hard to believe you ever were Frank. And here you are, referring to yourself as 'girl' and you just told me about master the art of seduction. It's quite the transformation, Margot."

Shocked Margot did not know what to do. Hope was so close, and now her old friend had treated her so treacherously. At these moments, she even forgot about how she looked now and how she spoke, until she caught Michael’s gaze looking at her breasts.

Michael (Dismissing her anger): "Alright, enough of this chatter. It's time for your lap dancing. That's what you're here for, isn't it? Let's not forget why you're really here. As you said at the beginning, let's continue night of unforgettable pleasure. Sorry for stopping you, you can continue, you don’t want to fall out of favor with our big boss?”

Margot realized that she had lost. A forced big smile appeared on her face again, and her hands reached for the elastic bands of her panties. Her hips arched in the usual manner, forced to continue her performance, moved away from the wall, taking slow, deliberate steps towards Michael.


Margot awoke in the cybernation chamber, still groggy and disoriented. She was unaware of the profound transformation her body had undergone during her extended sleep. Margot's heart raced as she tried to sit up, immediately noticing the unfamiliar weight on her chest and the strange sensation of her body. She glanced down, her eyes widening in shock at the sight of a body that was not hers, distinctly female. She was wearing a short top under which her female breasts were clearly visible, the weight of which she felt very well, as well as the touch of her long blonde hair. Standing up and walking a couple of steps, she looked at her reflection in shock.

The computer's voice broke the silence, "Good morning, Margot. You are now awake."

She spoke slowly, puzzled by her new voice and not expecting that she would say it completely differently, not the way she thought in her head.

(What she wanted to say): "Margot? What happened? I am Frank, the chief engineer."

(What she actually said, with an uncontrolled seductive tone): "Margot? What's this naughty little surprise? I'm supposed to be Frank, the one who takes charge of all those intricate engineering tasks"

Her shock at the way she expressed her thoughts was too strong.

The computer, unresponsive to the nuances in her tone, reiterated, "Your records indicate you are Margot. There is no Frank listed."

Frustrated, Margot tried to understand at least something.

Covering her mouth slowly and sexually, Margo said, not believing her ears and what she just said. Something had to be done. She couldn't leave it like that

(What she wanted to say): "Who is this Margot? Why do I sound like some kind of whore?"

(What she actually said in a slutty manner): "Who's this delicious Margot, huh? Why is my voice dripping with such seductive charm, darling?"

"Margot is assigned the role of a stripper in the entertainment sector of the space colony. Her function is to provide leisure and relaxation services through dance and interaction. Your vocal modulation is designed to align with Margot's occupational role. It is essential for individuals in these positions to communicate in a manner that is engaging and provocative to their audience."

(What she wanted to say in shock):, "I can't believe this. I'm not meant to be a stripper. I'm an engineer."

(What she actually said in a lecherous manner): "Oh, this can't be real. A stripper? Surely, I'm more than just a tantalizing voice and alluring moves. I'm meant for more technical pursuits."

The computer, interpreting her response as an acknowledgment rather than a protest, simply stated, "Margot, please proceed to fulfill your designated responsibilities as outlined."



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