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Mark tried to quickly finish his household chores in the kitchen so that he would have at least a little time to enjoy the minutes of rest until his husband James would come into the kitchen for his breakfast.

Once James would arrive he would take his order and prepare his breakfast. After James had left for work he would have to clean the house. Then go grocery shopping. Followed by working out at the gym. And then squeeze in a fast trip to the mall to buy some new sexy clothes for James to enjoy. By the end of it all he would have to rush home to be ready for James to arrive back home from work. And then he would have to prepare his dinner and entertain him. Mark was terrified of James. Not surprising. Especially when you consider that Mark was a middle aged man just three weeks ago. James had kidnapped Mark. And when Mark awoke he was quickly taught to respect and obey James. He was a warlock. And he immediately showed him his powers. He transformed a young and beautiful woman into a cockroach and then teleported it away into the wilderness. A minute later Mark found himself turned into the same woman that had been turned into a cockroach. And James had pleasure explaining his new fate to him. He was now his new wife. And he would be the perfect wife. If he made too many mistakes he would be turned into an insect or animal like all of the wives before him. Luckily for Mark he was a fast learner.

"What do you want for breakfast my love?" Mark asked as James entered the kitchen. "I don't know. Do we have fresh bacon?" James asked. "Of course. As well as eggs and..." Mark started to list off. Much to the anget of James. "I didn't ask about eggs!" he snapped and Mark quickly fell silent. Fearing that any mistake might result in him being turned into a rat. "Do you want a blowjob while you are deciding?" Mark finally asked after a few seconds. James smiled and nodded. James was very pleased with his new wife. He was especially pleased with her skills in the bedroom. Mark was in fact one of the best wives James ever had. The only reason James got himself a new one eight months later was boredom. Mark was too good. But as a reward his new body was human. Still, Mark did not have an easy life after he got turned into a newborn baby girl and transported to an orphanage in a third world country.



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