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Having climbed into the attic of an ancient abandoned house, Bayley did not expect to find an old chest full of various things. The inscription "Do not touch." did not stop him from examining the find, and he took the wig in his hands with a smile and examined it with a smile. Bayley, always curious, ignored the warning and put on the wig.

Nothing seemed to happen at first. Therefore, Bayley continued to explore the old estate with a smile on his face, jokingly continuing to wear a wig. However, it was time to return home. He decided to take off his wig and suddenly felt that it hurt him. It was no longer a wig. It was his hair! He felt that this was not all, because the sensations from the clothes also somehow changed. He immediately looked down. His clothes changed into a tight-fitting Chinese qipao, making him look like a woman. Suddenly, the attic turned into a busy street in China. Bayley was now Bái Léi, a young Asian woman, lost and confused.

Bái Léi's new clothes felt strange against her skin, the qipao clinging to her in a way that made her uncomfortable. Her long hair felt heavy and foreign as it brushed against her back. She felt with horror a new heaviness in the chest area from her small tits and realized that under her clothes she was naked. Everyone here spoke traditional Chinese and it was strange until Bái Léi began to understand this local language as if she had always spoken this dialect.

Bái Léi still recognized herself as Bayley, but something was wrong. Her feelings, sensations and desires were different now, which seemed wrong to her. She only knew she had to be a call girl, something she hated deep inside. On this day, 24 hours after she put on the wig, she was already with several clients and understood that all this was wrong, but she could not do anything about her new desires and the main one was to continue to be a prostitute.



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