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I really felt very awkward and uncomfortable here and now under all the gazes of passers-by and especially men. And I understood them, but damn it, with all my heart I don’t want to be here myself, but I can’t leave this place.

This was where she told me to meet her, I checked it a few times to make sure. She wouldn't just run away, would she? Standing here in this body, which was alien to me in many respects, I began to feel more and more embarrassed that passers-by were looking at me and intuitively constantly tried to lower this skirt and understood that this was impossible. I should have at least taken off the earrings, but I don’t even know how to do it... I’ve never worn any earrings before and the touch of them was very strange, I can’t imagine how you can constantly wear such heavy earrings, my lobes already feel discomfort. I'd rather not come here

I came to Spain for a bachelor party as a guest. The groom didn’t really know me, I was more familiar with the best man, and they took me along to increase the number, I wasn’t even invited to the wedding. But a cheap drunken holiday is not something you can pass up, so I came anyway.

On my first night at the club I hit it off with a local girl. Her English wasn't very good, but some things are universal. She invited me to her place, where we slept together. The next morning, although I discovered that I had woken up on the wrong side of the bed, I was literally speechless when I saw myself getting dressed while still lying naked in bed.

Somehow our bodies switched places and I found myself inside the body of a young Spanish woman. The woman who was now in my body explained that she had business to do that week and needed a man's body to do it. She told me that she will get my body back in a few days and until then I will enjoy my time in her body.

To my chagrin, I found that I could not protest properly because the English words simply did not come. I spoke Spanish fluently now, which was strange to me because on one level I had no idea what I was saying, but on another I definitely knew.

So, time passed and now I was waiting for my body to return. I tried to follow the advice of the woman, who I learned was named Maria, and tried to have fun, but I was so scared of all the new information in my head that I couldn't. Even though I was never told about Maria, I knew everything, even such personal things as her PIN code. And if I knew this, she must also know the same about me.

Another hour passed and nothing was sold. A man walked by and asked if I needed a ride home. I felt so vulnerable and just wanted my old body back. My flight home was in a few hours, and I had a feeling that my body would be there, leaving me alone in a country unfamiliar to me, in a body unfamiliar to me, with no way back.



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