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"Oh god.. where am I?"

Charles thought, opening his eyes as if after a long sleep. The bright sun was very blinding and it was difficult to understand exactly where Charles woke up. But this was definitely not his king size bed in his luxurious palace in England. He definitely felt something very, very hard underneath him.

"I... I'm at some truck stop?... Am I really being kidnapped by aliens?"

Charles was puzzled by the question, remembering what happened to him some time ago and realizing that it was more like reality than a dream. In his memories, he clearly remembered how he somehow ended up in a high-tech place. And he definitely remembered that he was separated from his body and did not feel anything. He could only watch, and when he tried to speak, he only realized that he was opening his mouth, but saying nothing. From all this, Charles concluded at that moment that he was in some kind of laboratory flask.

Opposite him was a row of what looked like beds on which lay male and female bodies, but without heads. Strange-looking humanoids, similar to aliens from a movie, walked past them every now and then in different directions. And so Charles at that moment concluded that he somehow ended up on an alien ship because it was not at all like a dream.

He carefully studied the entire situation. Yet Charles was a professor at the age of 30, and not only because he was the heir to large lands in England and bore the title of Lord, which he also inherited.

He was really smart and had good manners. Charles decided to view everything that was happening as a unique experience that he could use in some scientific work. He remembered how they dropped it and then put it back, but on a lower shelf, which worsened the view.


Taking a deep breath, Charles had to wrinkle his nose at the strange sensation of something foreign in his nose.

- What it is...

Only after hearing his voice did Charles realize that the fact that he was not in his luxurious bedroom from which the aliens had abducted him, but in some unfamiliar place was now the least of the problems. Touching his nose and feeling that he was touching the piercing, Charles had already noticed strange unpleasant sensations from tight fishnet tights, the tight fabric of a tight bra, the touch of long hair and the way cold hoop earrings touched his cheek and pulled his earlobes down.

He didn't even want to lower his head. In his memories at that moment, the last moment already appeared when he saw, instead of his body on an alien ship, a female body with a huge number of tattoos. He wrinkled his eyes at that moment because it was simply unpleasant for him to look at this “ugliness and bad taste”


But still, despite all the reluctance, Charles was forced at some point after waking up to look down and make sure that everything he now felt was true. He really was wearing a terrible, humiliating and slutty outfit of some cheap whore. Brightly disgusting red checkered tights. A very short skirt, which Charles didn’t even notice the first time, but he did notice the flat crotch between the legs, covered with vulgar leopard-print panties. And the same leopard-print bra sticking out like hell from under a black top.

Charles had never encountered girls who wore such clothes. And seeing such ladies on TV or accidentally on the street, he felt a sincere feeling of disgust and arrogantly pretended that he felt bad simply because there were people in the world who “cannot even be called people.”

But the worst thing awaited him later, when he turned his head towards the truck on which he was sitting and saw in the reflection a brightly painted face with bright red lipstick and bright slut makeup. It was a shock when he finally realized that the woman's face was an exact copy of his face.

But he couldn’t get it into his head that it was him, and not some similar “trash.” He recognized some similarities, but refused to believe that this “trash” looked like him. He simply couldn’t wrap his head around the idea that his aristocratic face with its tall height and such elegant cheekbones was now emblazoned on this disgusting body.

- Hey! Hey, you! Well, quickly get off my car!

Turning his face towards the loud male voice, Charles saw a fat, uncouth man in torn jeans and a dirty shirt. His face changed from anger to surprise and then to a smile as Charles looked at him

- Oh... it's you. My favorite bitch. Have you decided to give me a morning surprise?

- I... I... don't understand what you're talking about, sir.

- Ohhohoho! Sir! These are your manners, madam whore

- I respectfully ask you not to call me that. Please help me get off your car.

- Wow. When did you learn to talk like that?

- I always talk to strangers like this. Now please forgive me. I really need a cell phone. I need to call my butler

- Ahahaha! God. What's wrong with you Candy? Did the Lord bite you?

- I am the lord!

- Crap! Didn't know I fucked Lord today. Well, Lord, would you please come to my car for your morning breakfast?

- That would be useful, I didn’t have breakfast. Do you have a mobile phone there?

- Of course of course

Unzipping the fly of his trousers and preparing his penis for Lord's breakfast, the truck driver ironically led the clumsy Candy, who was barely walking forward in high heels.


Candy, or Candelisa as she liked to call herself, had a hard time fitting into the image of a typical prostitute. And everyone was surprised how overnight their famous slutty whore Kedney suddenly changed dramatically. She really began to resemble in her behavior a lady from high society.

At first, people thought it was just a joke, then they thought that Candy was playing some kind of role or had an argument with someone. Everyone tried to find out the truth behind Candy's drastic change in behavior. But this was a plus, at least for her pimp, who increased the price for an hour with her and saw how clients more and more wanted to get to know more of the new "Madame Candelisa"

It never occurred to anyone that Candelisa was actually Lord Charlie, who, no matter what, tried with all his might “not to fall face down in the face of this trash,” as he called all the people who surrounded him. And indeed, he “didn’t fall on his face in the dirt,” but periodically he fell face down on members of some representatives of these “trash” people.

He was smart and of course tried to escape this life. However, he also understood that for some reason everyone recognized him as some kind of prostitute named Candy. To begin with, he did not tell anyone the truth and soon realized that he was unlikely to tell anyone. After all, somehow everything indicated that he had always been this prostitute. Although it’s strange, even old photos with this girl and... even some videos that he would prefer not to see were with him, or rather with Charlie’s face on this girl’s body. It all seemed like a strange all-too-real prank if Charlie didn't remember about the aliens and the fact that he was most likely confused when sent to earth and was given a body that was not his.

The most curious thing is that he was able to find himself, or rather Charles. There was not much information about him on the Internet, Charles really preferred not to be in the media, but still, judging by the photos that he saw, there was someone else in his place. Maybe even this Candy, but Charlie wasn't sure. He failed to contact “himself,” or rather, the person who was in his body now.

Trying to escape work as a prostitute proved very problematic, even for such an intelligent man as Charlie. Despite all his higher education and career as a scientist, he could not think of anything other than to continue Candy’s work. And because of his “cultured” behavior, he only became even more popular among clients and of course the pimp, seeing this, did not want to let such a popular girl go, but on the contrary, forced Candeliza to work more in different ways



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