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My name is Tom Barnes, and today I received a strange email with a link. I was offered to change my reality on this site, and when I opened it, using, of course, all the protection I could, I discovered that there was actually something interesting there.

More curious than credulous, I decide to play with this little prank program, to indulge the joker who sent me the email. 'Tom Barnes' has always felt like such a vanilla name to me. The town was settled by the Barnes family over a century ago, and half the town shares that surname.

Clicking the box beside "Race," a menu appears with options like Caucasian, Asian, African American, and Native American. As I move the pointer over the options, I accidentally select Asian. Nothing happens. I'm not entirely sure why that's surprising, but I watch as the name 'Tom Barnes' fades from the top box.

Minimizing the window, I look around, scanning for anyone paying me too much attention or for a cluster of people hiding their laughter. Nothing is immediately obvious, and I check again to see if any real work has turned up in my email. There's nothing. With a shrug, I continue, allowing the pranking to continue.

I search for popular Japanese names and click on the first selection. A flurry of gibberish fills my screen, and for a moment, I'm terrified I've triggered a virus.





As my nostrils flare, I realize it's the Japanese names I was looking for. I can't make head nor tail of them and just decide to copy and paste the last one into the empty name box.


As it fills in, I see other boxes change.




Appears in one box, the previous selection vanishing too quickly for me to recall what it said. A few of the other boxes are now filled with this unreadable stuff, and I hope the payoff is still going to work.

Again, nothing happens, and I think about moving on. Just delete this and find something to do. As I scroll down the screen, I spot an icon 'Initiate Change.' It feels like a shame to just bypass it. So I click it with the mouse. This time I feel the world whirl dizzyingly around me, swallowing me in a vortex of darkness. My body feels like cotton candy, twisting and stretching as my vision fades.

Two nylon-clad legs emerge from the skirt of a black dress that covers my upper body and torso. I run my hand along the legs and find from the touch that these slender legs in tights belong to me. I move them about to see my feet and find them to be wearing black stiletto heels. It's with this that I notice my hands, tiny delicate things that are extremely pale. I look up, close my eyes, and take a deep breath.

"It's just a bad dream," I say to myself, but as soon as I say it, my eyes shoot open, and I bring my tiny hands over my mouth. The voice that came from my mouth didn't belong to me. It was tall and sweet, but most importantly, female. I look once more at myself and again gasp as I notice something I didn't notice before. The cleavage of two pert breasts emerges from the low neck of the dress. My hands move to them instantly, to touch and squeeze them. As I do, I let out a moan inadvertently. My groping actually felt good. I withdraw my hands and turn in my chair, remembering the mirror just to the left of my desk.

I can feel myself getting aroused at this candid display, so at least I still am straight, well lesbian, or at least bisexual in this new body. I almost jump as she looks up at me after removing her second heel. She smiles at me.

"My feet are killing me," she says, falling back into her office chair. "I has had to run up and down the entire building, distributing letters. I thought that's what I had you as an assistant secretary for."

"Assistant Secretary?" I think. I was a division manager, and now I'm not even a full secretary.

"Are you okay, Suzuki?" The woman asks, looking a little concerned. "You're acting kinda weird." At this, I realize I have been staring at her, almost unblinkingly all this time, so I look down at the floor with a blush.




I am confused as to all the me’s and mer’s in this one