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Charlotte did everything Larry said. Inside, she always hoped that Larry would change her back and turn her into Chuck. But it seemed that over time this only angered Larry more, who, although he introduced her to his parents, did not want to have a permanent girlfriend. Moreover, Larry knew who Charlotte really was and sometimes this confused him.

Maybe Larry would someday learn a spell that would help Charlotte become Chuck again, but it would take time. Larry broke up with her after a couple of weeks and Charlotte had to face her new life.

Because of Larry's spell, Charlotte was not allowed to return to college. Even if she wanted to enroll again, it would be very difficult given the fact that she was in the USA on a work visa and spoke English with great difficulty. Plus, Charlotte was officially 35 years old, which made things even more complicated.

Somehow, after the breakup, Larry changed Charlotte's situation so that she was now illegally in the United States, apparently to get rid of her faster. And soon she was already deported to her home country of Argentina. But Larry still wasn’t a terrible person and made sure that Charlotte had her apartment there and even some money savings, which should be enough for the first months of adaptation to her new life.



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