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The water in the pool was not as warm as Marcus would have liked, but it was still better than staying at home. So he at least felt that he was busy with something instead of constantly waiting for people in black to come for him, or rather for her.

It was not obvious to everyone in the world, but after meeting the men in black, Marcus' life changed radically. And this is understandable. The Men in Black are a secret organization that no one in the world knows about. That is why they were able to hide the disappearance of even such a famous person as Markus Warkufer, a German bodybuilding champion.

Now his name was Marika and to help the new girl adapt she was sent to a resort in southern Europe. Marcus has been here for several weeks. For the first days and weeks, he didn’t even want to go outside and didn’t believe that he now had a pair of breasts, a big ass and a woman’s vagina. Doctors even confirmed that the entire body was fully functionally female.

The men in black said that they would come for him after they had compiled the entire legend and covered all traces of Marcus’s existence. He had no idea what kind of legend they would give him and did not want to accept his new body at all, truly afraid of what the men in black might come up with for him


Tracy, as Brandon now called himself, was proud of her gorgeous body. She absolutely loved the attention, especially from her followers on Instagram and other social networks, in which she mainly posted her brilliant images in different clothes - mostly swimsuits and mostly with a very exposed butt and breasts.

In her fantasies, she could not even imagine such a wave of popularity after she swapped bodies with porn model Genevieve Paly and was able to prove to everyone that she was not Genevieve. It was a very loud process and few people believed her. However, they were able to convince the main judges of this trial that it was indeed a body swap and that in Genevieve’s body there was actually Brandon, a 25-year-old American guy.

She did not continue Genevieve's work and began a creative career describing her new life. She planned to write a book, but soon realized that even her Instagram photos describing her adaptation to her new life were now receiving a huge number of views, especially after the trial made headlines around the world.

Reveling in success, Tracy noticed that at some point there were fewer and fewer subscribers and advertisers. Then she had not yet posted candid photos. Slowly, first her legs, then part of her ass, Tracy began to post photos of her sexy body and noticed that this again attracted subscribers to her and over time she didn’t even notice how she turned from a body-swapping phenom into an ordinary Instagrammer who earns and lives off her body and followers, mostly men who like her body. And soon she completely realized that Genevieve’s work was not bad at all and could bring Tracy even more money


“Damn it, if I had known that this stupid desire would turn me into a local chick, I would have come up with something better.”

Francis thought after the initial shock had passed. His long hair unusually touched his shoulders and arms, swaying with gusts of a small wind. The new, still unusual heaviness from the breasts and big ass seemed to be felt even stronger than in the first minutes after the transformation

"So, let's summarize. Obviously, I'm a woman now and according to my documents, my name is Antonia Moralez. Judging by my clothes, I... well, I guess I have money, because I don't look cheap. This means that I'm not a whore and that already good..."

Expecting a trick from the wish-fulfiller, Francis continued to think, not noticing how a car stopped nearby and two men got out of it, heading towards Francis

- Debemos acompañarte hasta tu padre (We must escort you to your father)

He said one of them in Spanish, approaching Francis. Oddly enough, Francis understood them and did not even notice that the conversation was in Spanish. He tried to compare the appearance of these men with his desire “to be a local and the most protected person here.”

He soon learned that, because of a wish, he became the daughter of one of the richest drug dealers


"I should have used someone else to do this... more discreetly."

It was hard to deny the obvious as Ryne watched the reactions of the local boys who couldn't take their eyes off his curves. And he understood them perfectly because he himself could not restrain himself when choosing a “cover” for himself in order to penetrate inside the agency.

The main building was already nearby, but doubts had already appeared in the head of the novice “body thief”. He needed to do everything secretly and leave quickly, but in Gloria’s body this was not so easy

- Hi baby

The sound of an unfamiliar male voice came too close to Ryan, who at the same time felt someone's hands tightly squeezing his big ass

- What.. I.. mhhmhmhm

Before he could finish speaking, Rine felt someone’s tongue in his mouth, guessing that it was a close acquaintance of Gloria. With difficulty, but he managed to escape from the stranger's embrace and push him away

- God, baby, what is it? I'm just glad to see you and glad that you changed your mind about leaving today

- I haven’t changed my mind... or rather, yes, I’ve changed my mind about leaving and I urgently need to go to work

Trying to remain calm and try to pretend to be Gloria, Ryan said, taking a step towards the agency and realizing that the strong hand of a stranger was holding him and he could not escape

- Job? You were fired yesterday

- What?! Fuck!

- So, maybe let's get out of here before your jealous boyfriend sees us?

Finding himself in an awkward situation, Ryan already wanted to leave, but for the exchange he needed to return to his house, in which his real body was, in which Gloria was sleeping at that moment. And this means that he had to somehow get rid of the new stranger, who, apparently, was not going to let go so easily



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