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- Oh no. No no no no no...

I gasped as I looked down at the new body I was suddenly occupying and lifting the fabric of the sweater. The huge flesh, which apparently was now MY chest, hung down with heavy weight and dangled with any movement I made while I tried to balance on my heels

- This is NOT the body they actually should have given it to me!

It wasn't supposed to be like that! The aliens promised me that I'd get a body that was "similar" to my old one! How the heck does a this woman's body count, in any way, as being similar to a teen boy's!? My breasts alone are now bigger than my head!

When the aliens first abducted me, they performed a myriad of tests on me. It was the most intensive physical I'd ever undergone, and I spent days explaining everything I could about human society and physiology and psychology and all that. I hoped after all was said and done, they'd just send me back home. Unfortunately for me, when they finished their tests and asking all their questions, I found out that last thing they wanted to do was dissect me!

I didn't care much for the plan, but they didn't exactly give me a lot of choice. It was either go along with their plan or death, so I figured I'd take my chances in whatever life I got.

choice. It was either go along with their plan or death, so I figured I'd take my chances in whatever life I got.

Looking down at my new body, I wondered if maybe I should have just taken death... I already knew that I was in the body of Maria - the housekeeper and mistress of Mr. Sherman, who lived nearby in the same cottage as I did before the alien abduction.

It seemed that pickings were slim for high class teen boys dying in an inconspicuous way that could easily be resurrected, so the aliens must have had to make some compromises. I got to rejoin a high-class suburban family, but It appeared I'd be doing so as the mistress and housekeeper instead of a son! And seeing as it was pretty unlikely I'd ever see the aliens again, it seemed I'd be stuck living as this busty bitch instead of getting to be myself. Worse still, that night I'd discover that my new life also came with a very, very amorous lover…



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