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"What the hell? There shouldn't be anyone here! Did those BodyPort assholes screw this up too?"

Hear how the taxi was already leaving behind him and Jake Donovan thought to himself with difficulty balancing on high heels as he barely made it to the front gate.

"Damn...why the fuck did the taxi driver leave so quickly. Looks like this is the wrong house."

Jake, as an experienced 38-year-old businessman, was not the first time to use "BodyPort" and it was always a successful experience. This technology made it possible to exchange the consciousness of people at a distance, well, to put it simply, it was a regular exchange of bodies.

But today everything went wrong. Jake was supposed to meet with one of his main suppliers one on one without unnecessary witnesses. And of course, this time “BodyPort” came in handy more than ever. Unfortunately, "BodyPort" was wrong when they said that there was a male donor for Jake. More accurately, it was a bureaucratic mistake. Stephanie, who was in a hurry to fill out the form, got confused and checked the wrong box, marking her gender as “male” and ended up in the system as Stefan.

Such an old, skeletal racist and a believer in traditional values as Jake was in shock when he opened his eyes and felt for the first time in his life an unusual new weight in the chest area and saw his dark skin and woman's tits under a dress that tightly fitted his body. His hands, unusually skinny and with long nails, at that moment grabbed his tits, which made him feel uneasy for some time.

It was already too late to change. Jake decided that he would deal with “these idiots” later and would definitely sue them or do something worse. Now it was imperative to meet his partner. Taking the documents with him and swearing that he had to walk in heels, feeling his new boobs dangling, Jake got into the taxi provided by “BodyPort” and indicated the meeting address.

Jake didn't immediately realize that something was definitely wrong when he got out of the taxi. It was his first time in this city and he did not know that the taxi driver had brought him to a completely different address. And it became obvious when he saw through the gate that there was some kind of party here.

"Damn...why the fuck did the taxi driver leave so quickly. Looks like this is the wrong house."

Leaning on the fence, Jake only had time to think when he saw in front of him the headlights of an approaching car and a loud male bass voice from a car.

- Oh, here comes my "runaway slut"


- And here you are! Let me go before it's too late! Although you have already buried yourself by locking me here! I'm not your stupid bitch! How many more times do I have to tell you, idiot?

Throwing the blanket towards the pimp who had just entered, Jake said, feeling how heavy it was and realizing once again how weak this body was.

- But you still put on those “humiliating” underwear that only “stupid chicks” wear.

- Go to hell! Why the fuck do you care?!

The already angry Jake exploded, not wanting to say that he only put on this underwear to see how sexy it looked on this body and out of boredom.

- Do you know WHO you are talking to?

Continuing to intimidate Mike with the already boring tactics, Jake continued.

- OU. I've already realized a hundred times who I'm talking to. And I still can't believe you're such a good actress, Stephanie. But if you want, I'll call you "Jake - scary tough man", I'm so afraid of you

- Did you call BodyPort?

- Please. Stop saying the same thing over and over again. Two days have already passed, and you are only making things worse and worse. Baby, stop. And “yes,” I called my friend at BodyPort and he confirmed to me that there was no exchange. OK. Have you calmed down?

- You're lying!

- Oh... okay... now the price for me to let you out of this room will be already 1000 dollars, well, if you pretend that you don’t know how much it is, then I’ll explain it more simply. You will have to work for me for free... so... yes... for about 50 nights. OK? And don’t forget that, first of all, the exit will open after a “gorgeous blowjob” and I will determine this. Maybe you'll get it right the first time, maybe you won't...

- Fuck you!

Jake was screwed. For the second day this Mike did not let him out. For some reason Mike was sure that Jake was Stefania - his whore. And apparently Mike was sincerely amazed and offended by Stefania's behavior, starting with the fact that she wanted to escape from him using the BodyPort.

A really long amount of time has already passed - two days. And Jake was sure that they should have started looking for him a long time ago and would have easily found him, because a driver from BodyPort brought him here. Moreover, he was an influential person. He couldn't believe that Stefania could convince everyone that she was him. His character and manner of communication were too specific. Moreover, only he knew how to properly run his business.

But the fact that no one found him here in two days was a very bad call indeed.


Perhaps Jake had never experienced such a mixed range of emotions in his life. Being in the bathroom and feeling how pleasant it was for him to feel warm water for the first time in two weeks of being imprisoned in an unfamiliar body and in an unfamiliar place, he truly felt pleasure and relief. Soft foam almost completely enveloped his feminine body and tickled the nipples of his tits, which he had already grown to hate during this time.

At the same time, he perfectly heard the conversation behind the door of two guys who were supposed to be next and who were waiting for their turn to receive “a great blowjob from Jake - scary tough man” and laughed every time, thinking that saying it out loud made it seem even funnier. And this only made it worse for Jake, who already could not forgive himself for what happened a few minutes ago before he had the opportunity to get out of the closed room.

Having been without news and knowledge for a long time, Jake decided that he would have to accept Mike's conditions and... give him a blowjob. But it took him several days of resistance and debate within himself to make this decision. Eventually he needed to get out and once he could at least get to the nearest phone, he could end this hell. And taking into account the fact that Jake was a truly influential person, he could find a way to take revenge on everyone, especially this Mike.

He still had the unpleasant taste of Mike's cum in his mouth and no amount of water could wash it away, and his body still felt the strange sensations from that moment when Mike grabbed Jake's long hair and squeezed so hard that Jake felt his the body reacts to this not as Jake would like, but on the contrary, indicating that he likes it.

"I just need one call and... these guys will greatly regret their stupid jokes too"

Continuing to soap his small hands and smooth dark skin, Jake thought to himself, knowing full well that it was better for him not to say this out loud now and wait for the moment when he was back in his body.


After drying his skin with a towel halfway through the bath, Jake silently looked at his reflection. There was a thought in his head at that moment that he could not drive away, despite all his desire not to think about it.

"What if I really am Stephanie and Mike is right that I'm just crazy?" Especially considering the fact that Jake, despite the fact that he was not going to admit it, felt deep inside that he liked the blowjob and liked these sensations. Besides, he really liked his reflection, and not as usual, but somehow differently. He loved how this set of underwear looked on him and how comfortable this beautiful underwear fit his sexy body.

And most importantly, despite all his confidence, he understood that it was too strange that no one had found him in two weeks. He was not an ordinary person, but a very influential one.

Although it was ridiculous and Jake didn’t want to admit it all, but now something was holding him in front of the mirror. It kept him here, in this bathroom, and wouldn’t let him go any further. It was as if something inside him was against the fact that he would call “himself” or “his friends”


A mounth later


The bright hot sun warmed Stephanie's skin with scorching rays, braiding her hair and looking into the eyes of another man who decided to pay a large sum for her famous "gorgeous blowjob from Jake - scary tough man." It is unknown what exactly excited the audience about this blowjob.

Someone came to Stephanie and paid her to do it just because it was popular and they wanted to know what it was. And someone who had already come more than once came precisely for this look. A look that showed reluctance and anger. A look that in no way matched the fact that every time Stephanie took out a hair tie and made a ponytail so that her client, if he wanted, could grab her by the hair and feel who was in charge. However, there was something... something unusual in this look. It was as if Stephanie remembered your face and enrolled you in some kind of enemy bank.

And this was partly true. At least at first, when Stephanie was just starting to work off her bad behavior and the 10 thousand dollars that she owed Mike while she was resisting.

In her head, she still couldn't come to terms with the fact that she had always been Stephanie and had never been any Jake. It was obvious to everyone except her. It even got to the point at one point that Stephanie was even able to meet Jake and tried to convince him that she was him and he was she! Of course Jake just laughed. And when Stephanie started telling him details of his life, he got angry and ended the conversation with threats.

It really turned out that Stephanie did not even officially take part in the exchange at BodyPort. But this was hidden specifically by BodyPort employees, who thus decided to hide their failure, which happened once every 1000 exchanges. Namely, such exchanges that copied the mind into one body, but for some reason did not do it in the opposite direction. Thus, in the exchange between Stephanie and Jake, her mind was replaced by a copy of Jake's mind, and the real Jake remained with his mind, confident that there was no exchange.

That evening, the BodyPort taxi driver was also involved in hiding everything and, of course, received extra money for it. He specifically took Stephanie to her pimp while the guys from BodyPort were calling Jake and talking about how Stephanie wanted to run away. Everything was done perfectly and in two weeks while Stephanie was out of touch and could not do anything, the BodyPort employees hid all evidence and traces of what had happened, even erasing the real Jake’s memory that the exchange procedure was not successful and replacing him memories so that he now remembered that the BodyPort employees had turned him away that evening.



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