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"Used to be a high paid manager… now I shove my huge tits into a camera." Chester thought and sighed, holding his heavy soft tender tits, which lay heavy on his weak hands and straightening his long hair that tickled his back and caused additional discomfort

Chester was sure that it was all some kind of huge bureaucratic mistake because of which he was forced to go through the body swap procedure with Heather. Chester has always supported the law obliging all people to undergo a body swap procedure, which has been confirmed that they were indeed swapped at birth. And he even believed that the decision was correct that after the exchange everyone received money and all the other person’s belongings.

And when Chester found out that he also turned out to be the one who was switched places at birth, he was not even surprised - he always felt that this was not his life. However, the fact that 30-year-old Chester was switched at birth with 24-year-old Heather immediately raised a number of questions. And to the most important question about why he somehow remembers his childhood until he was 6 years old, the answer was that his memories were artificially changed. And this was obviously an answer without evidence - the technology for replacing memories did not yet exist and it was difficult to imagine that the mind of newly born Heather could so easily adapt to the life of a 6-year-old boy.

However, it took time to challenge the decision. And the court did not accept claims from those who were facing the exchange procedure. Therefore, only after finding himself in Heather’s body and receiving her life, Chester was finally able to file an application to court and soon realized that he did not have the money for even the cheapest lawyer. Heather, despite Chester's concerns, did not work as a prostitute or stripper. Officially, she did not work anywhere at all.

And once he was in Heather’s body, Chester realized what she lived on. She was a webcam model and the main stream of her finances came from this area of activity. And at first Chester was optimistic, sincerely believing that he could change her life in order to earn differently and pay for a lawyer...


But that turned out to be a lot more complicated. Heather had dropped out of high school. And had multiple felonies. He would have a hard time getting another job. He had no other choice but to continue to do Heathers streams. And he began to do this, realizing that otherwise he would not even be able to buy normal food for himself, and certainly would never be able to afford a lawyer to get his life back.

- What do you want...

Chester whispered dissatisfiedly under his breath so that no one could hear and straightening his gigantic soft tits, which were barely holding in his hands and were constantly about to fall out. And despite the fact that he asked himself this question, Chester knew perfectly well what the audience needed.

He already found out and understood that when Heather streamed, she definitely earned more due to the greater number of video views and donations. And now with each new video of his, the views became less and less. After watching some old videos, Chester realized why he now had fewer views than Heather.

Chester didn’t even want to imagine what all this would do, looking at what Heather was doing in front of the camera and tried to continue to just show her tits in front of the camera and smile sweetly. And now he again saw another comment in the stream chat about how boring it was.

He knew what his viewers expected. He picked out one of the more harmless looking toys and stepped back in front of the camera. He could not believe he was about to masturbate for the first time in a womans body. In front of a live audience.



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