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Looking at her reflection, Marina still found it hard to believe that it was really real. That it was really 1980, that she was in Moscow in the Soviet Union during the 1980 Summer Olympics. For her, it was all like a dream come true, she even periodically experienced slight dizziness when she was not concentrating on reality.

Her large breasts hung with a heavy weight so that even closing her eyes it was impossible not to feel it, as well as the touch of the soft fabric of the transparent nightgown, in which Marina was now standing in front of the mirror.

She lived here alone, but she understood, or rather knew, that it would not be for long. Soon she was to meet Francois, an Olympic athlete from France. They will meet during the celebration of the French team's victory in one of the disciplines at the moment when Marina will serve them while working as a waitress in a restaurant. Soon Francois will fall in love with Marina and take her with him to France, and then, after another five years, in 1987 they will find themselves in the USA, where they have a son named Marcus.

Marina knew her future and knew that this was going to happen, at least she knew it as much as Marcus knew, who found himself in the body of his mother the year she met his father. Marina / Marcus understood that all this was because of his wish, which she used back in 2023, being in a deep crisis and finding an unusual object in old things.

Difficulties during a severe midlife crisis led Marcus to despair and he, not believing that anything could change his life, holding that trinket in his hand, then wished “to be the person who could really change his life.”

Now Marcus had already been in Marina’s body for several days. Speaking Russian and having large breasts was already strange in itself, and considering that Marcus ended up in the past in the body of his own mother, then it all looked even too unrealistic. However, time passed and nothing changed. Marcus realized more and more that he would have to accept his new body and the name "Marina", and if he wanted to somehow return to the USA, then he would have to meet... Francois and make him fall in love with him. Which was easy, given Marina’s sexual curves, and difficult, given the fact that “she” still did not experience any sexual attraction to men and was at heart a heterosexual man with all the ensuing consequences.



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