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- Damn it, fucking heels and this body!

Michael  squeaked in his new high-pitched voice after taking only two steps and  was now leaning his little hand against the wall. His massive chest  still swayed from his steps, although he stood still and he could still  feel the ripple in his big ass. He had no idea where he was or what to  do, although the walls seemed familiar to him. His thoughts were  interrupted by female laughter from the next room and the sounds of  lovemaking. Instantly Michael remembered that he had seen pictures of  this place on the Internet and that it was an elite brothel.

He  ended up here with this body just a few minutes ago after a ritual  performed by these fucking goth girls from his school. A couple of  months ago, he slept with one of them at a party and then this girl for  some reason decided that now she would be his girlfriend. Michael  quickly told her to stop thinking and telling everyone that she was his  girlfriend, but she still wrote and called him, so Michael had to be  rude to her.

He often saw her later at  school and saw that she was angry with him. He had great authority at  school among his peers and was loved by girls, so he wanted to hide this  unfortunate incident and told everyone that this girl had invented  everything.

One evening, when he was  returning home, someone hit him from behind, and then he woke up tied to  a chair. There were several gothic girls around him and one of them was  the same girl. He threatened them and said that they would have  problems, but the girls just laughed. They stood around him and spoke  strange Latin words, as if some kind of ritual and Mark noticed that his  body was changing from these words. He felt his hands clench and become  weak and thin. Two large hills gradually formed under his shirt. All  this was accompanied by headache and burning, especially in the groin  area. He shouted and asked them to stop hearing how his voice was  gradually becoming feminine and even too feminine, at the end he spoke  like a little girl and was afraid to think about what he now had under  his shirt, because from the pressure several scares fell off and he lost  consciousness ...

Michael woke up on  the cold floor. His head ached terribly and something was definitely  wrong. He felt the cold floor with his big breasts and realized that he  was lying absolutely naked. His body now had completely different  shapes, all his muscles disappeared and his arms became small and weak.  He squatted down and felt the immense weight of his new chest pulling  his skin to the ground. In the reflection on the wall in a large mirror,  he saw his own face, even with the same hairstyle, but an absolutely  female body.

The attempt to get to his  feet failed, because, thanks to the curse, now he could not walk like  an ordinary person. He could only walk on toes (tiptoe) or heels, and  this became obvious when he saw heels next to him.


Michael touched his feet with his small palms with long nails simply because he didn't know what else to do. During these 15 minutes, while I was trying to stand and walk in heels, his muscles near the stubble hurt terribly and he touched them with his hands. From leaning down, he felt his legs touch his chest. He already realized that his chest was incredibly sensitive, but even now he felt arousal from such a touch. Thank goodness he could at least sit now. "Duck, you say you think your name is Michael and you're a guy?"

- Isn't it visible ?! Look at my face! Damn, just give me some clothes, these are all these gothic girls, I need to punish them, but first, get my body back

Saying this, he did not even try to cover his breasts, as if to say by this that he didn't care that some unknown man was looking at him.

- Let's be honest. I don't know what game you're playing and I don't care, but you scared all the girls. I am in charge of the order in this institution and our chief will be unhappy and therefore I had to speak with you personally to find out everything. I have been working here recently, but I want to do my job well. Do you want me to tell him that one of the girls thinks she's actually a guy?

"I don't care what you tell and to whom." I am telling the truth. Give me some clothes and I'll be gone. This chief of yours does not even know me, I was brought here today and …

- Stop, stop, stop. Even I know you, although I have only been working here for 2 weeks. I saw you every day with other girls, so stop thinking up and let's agree normally

- What?! Can't it be that these goth girls agreed with you ?!


The newcomer to the brothel Tommy was the first to whom Michelle told her story in detail and of course, like everyone else, did not believe her. He didn't know her, but he saw her take different men to a brothel and work here even before he came, so her story is that she is actually a guy named Michael and that some gothic girls brought her here and gave her this body seemed to him complete nonsense.

He did not want to tell this to anyone and thought that Michelle would stop telling it herself. But when the main boss called him, he had to confirm that Michelle had told him this. He confirmed that during his shift, Michelle was always in the building that day and did not go anywhere, even showed it on video cameras.

Michelle told everyone a story to freedom and said that it was true until she realized that she had no proof and that if she continued to do so, she could end up in a madhouse. It was a completely different reality for Michelle. All the people she ever knew, even these gothic girls, did not exist here and she was only wasting time looking for her old acquaintances, friends and parents.

Here she was a weak girl with a big ass and big tits, which she hated the most, especially in moments when she could not control them. She didn't want to accept the fact that she was a woman and remained that way for the rest of her life, but she no longer wanted to accept the fact that she worked as a prostitute and that was the most humiliating thing that had happened to her. Especially that first day in that stupid white corset …

Her big boss was not happy about Michelle's game, but he didn't want to send her to an insane asylum or to doctors and hoped that she herself would just return to her work in time. But a week later, Michelle never returned to work. He had to use force to make it work again.



