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- So what now?

Mike said, looking at how his girlfriend stood with her back to the door and looked at him seriously, after leading him to a separate room in a large house in which there was a party.

She had been acting strange all evening and of course Mike noticed it. She kept stopping and complaining about different things every now and then.

- What the hell?!

She suddenly exclaimed again, standing with her back to the door and seriously looking at Mike, who did not understand anything. And running her hands along her body she said

- I mean it. Clearly, you must see now that something's wrong.

- Do you mean, your outfit? But you're always wearing things like that when we go hiking (Mike said a little confused)

- I am NOT talking about the outfit. Although this is totally wrong too (she snarled at him) I mean my whole body! My skin! I'm white!

- Yes... And... I don’t understand. Is there something wrong with your body? I think your body is great and sexy... as always

Meanwhile Clark was starting to panic. Over the past hour he had been going through a few changes at this party that only he himself noticed. At first, he somehow turned into a female version of himself. Then his hair grew longer. Next, makeup appeared on his face and these stupid cat ears along with hoop earrings. Then a smell of perfume was all around him. His nails were done nicely. And his clothes became very feminine. And now his whole body finally lost his masculine pumped up muscles and changed the color of his skin and he looked like a skinny white chick.

And his best friend seemed oblivious to all of these changes. In fact, Mike even seemed to be thinking of Clark as his long-time girlfriend Clara. But the worst part was that Clark couldn't get himself to tell Mike directly about his changes. He just managed to make general observations. Which didn't help him at all.

At the same time, Clark's ex-girlfriend Judy was watching him through a magic mirror. And she was laughing her ass off. She had told him that she would get back at him for the nasty break-up. She was also a full-fledged witch. And she loved how Clark/Clara was turning out.

She was definitely going to make a better girlfriend for Mike than he was a boyfriend for her.



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