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“Damn it... again.” Grabbing his head and again feeling the huge heavy weight of Bridget’s chest, Craig thought to himself, “I don’t understand anything...”. His gaze moved from side to side, studying a place unknown to him and guessing what kind of place it was. The surroundings were fairly well tidied up, but he was embarrassed by the short, tight skirt lying on the bed and the small tank top lying next to the fishnet tights.

"Damn... did I really get into the shit this time...". Bridget's large breasts dangled uncontrollably and pulled Craig's skin down in the same unusual way as he squirmed and tried to stand up, feeling his long hair tickling his back.

Today, just a few minutes ago, Craig was just lying in bed with his girlfriend Sophie, hugging her and getting ready for bed, holding her closer to him and feeling how excited he was, when suddenly, after a while, he was already sitting again in the body of Bridget, who at this while she was preparing for her night shift in the brothel room in front of the mirror and, apparently, she was going to put on this sexy outfit.

The sound of a message arriving on the phone brought Craig back to reality, who quickly grabbed it and unlocked Bridget’s iPhone using Face ID.

“Everything is fine. Don’t be scared. This is my job. Just say that you’re sick and don’t feel well, I have the opportunity to take a day off” - reading an SMS from subscriber “Craig”, he immediately realized that it was Bridget, who quickly figured out what to do now and apparently decided to help Craig, imagining what he could do in her body now if she doesn’t sort everything out. At the same time, she did everything well, Sophie, Craig’s girlfriend didn’t even notice that her boyfriend sent an SMS to an unfamiliar number.

- Fuck... fuck... fuck...

Craig whispered in a still unusually high voice, once again experiencing an attack of slight panic and discomfort from the sensations of Bridget’s heavy breasts and big ass. He hoped that this would all be over by now, but for some reason these random exchanges between him, the college student and the prostitute Bridget became more and more frequent after that accident...


Some time ago


Standing in front of a mirror in an unfamiliar bedroom, Craig peered into his reflection, not believing his eyes. The girl exactly repeated all his movements, even the facial expressions of her face completely reflected Craig’s inner state at that moment. Although he understood perfectly well that this was now his body, he still couldn’t wrap his head around the idea that this was even possible.

Her long hair unusually touched her bare back, lying on Craig's shoulders. Her large breasts were pressed tightly against the large cups of a sexy bra and supported by ropes on Craig's shoulders, the pressure of which was felt as well as the weight of these huge parts of his body. To admit, he had never even seen such large breasts in person before and did not want to take off this uncomfortable bra at all... As if if he did not take it off, then all this would still be just some kind of fantasy. The small panties were barely held on by thin little strings that rose above the waist and further emphasized Craig's huge ass, which dangled with every movement no less noticeably than his large breasts.

He remembered this woman's face as soon as he found himself in her body this afternoon. This was the same stranger he bumped into last night, saving his girlfriend Sophie from being run over by a car. The car appeared suddenly, but Craig then reacted with lightning speed - he was able to push Sophie away and save her, but at the same time, in his fast movement, he crashed into a girl passing by, hitting her head hard...

Craig lost consciousness at that moment and woke up only a few minutes later, to the delight of Sophie, who was already very scared for him. At that moment, he saw for the first time the face of that stranger, who at that moment stood to the side, looking at Craig, but after a moment disappeared from the sight of the guy who did not understand anything at that moment.

And now he was in her body! In an unfamiliar apartment... Who is she? Why was he here? Is this all real?... So many questions and so few answers... She had already managed to talk with Bridget, who was in shock at being in Craig’s body and realized that both had no idea why this all happened. Craig was a little frightened immediately by the news that Bridget worked as a prostitute, but she quickly reassured him, saying that she had a day off today and tomorrow. Therefore, after consulting a little, they decided not to create panic that day and wait until the morning... In the hope that perhaps in the morning everything will be as it was...


But still, despite all the attempts to somehow stop the exchange of bodies between Craig and Bridget, this still happened and, as it seemed to Craig, had some kind of spontaneous character. Although he certainly tried to identify some kind of pattern, he still came to a dead end every time, realizing that he could not control the situation in any way.

That is why Craig and Bridget already agreed that if this spontaneous exchange happened, they would help each other so as not to ruin their lives and would try to do what each of them should have done, as much as possible keep it in secret, how Bridget once said - "Our little secret". Each time they exchanged messages over the phone, they agreed to give each other instructions. Calls would attract too much attention, and a message could be quietly written and immediately deleted. Thus, even Sophie had no idea that in his body there was now Bridget, who, to her credit, did an excellent job.

Craig also tried as much as he could to match the image of Bridget and each time it seemed to get better and better. Of course, there were also awkward situations, such as now, when he found himself in her body, at the moment when Bridget went as an escort with one of her clients to some event.

Until this moment, the maximum time they had to spend in each other’s bodies was a day, and usually Craig, with the help of Bridget, found ways not to do her work. But now everything was different. She herself asked him very strongly so that he would not ruin everything. This client was dear to her, who also paid a lot for all this.

- Is everything okay, honey?

Bridget said, looking at how Craig, holding his head, once again tried to calm down and breathe, feeling his large chest unusually heaving with every breath under a tight pink dress.

- Um... yes...

Accepting the help of a stranger and taking his hand, Craig barely kept his balance in high heels, still not fully feeling the new center of gravity because of Bridget’s big ass and tits, imagining what a difficult evening awaits him now. The client just chuckled a little at Craig's clumsy attempts to walk straight, but didn't say anything at that moment. He only had the hope that all this would end before Bridget's client brought him to a hotel room or somewhere else... Unfortunately, his hopes were not justified...


Despite Craig's best efforts not to do Bridget's work, it was still extremely difficult to do, especially since Craig had been spending more and more time in Bridget's body this month. Exchanges became more frequent and lasted much longer. Bridget, despite her kind attitude towards Craig, has already begun to threaten to ruin his life if he does not take her job, saying that she, on her part, does everything that is required.

And it was true. Bridget really fit into Craig's role perfectly and at times it seemed to him that she even liked it. Although he believed that it was not important, it nevertheless frightened him a little. It was probably more frightening because Bridget seemed to pay less attention to their main question - “Why are they changing and how to fix everything?” It was as if all this had become less important to her this month.

But for Craig, this question remained the most important thing in his universe. He didn't want to continue living like Bridget at all. He was infuriated by her huge boobs, her big ass and the constant uncontrollable shaking of these parts of her body. And as if that wasn't enough? He also had to wear her sexy clothes and notice the unpleasant glances of passing men, obviously staring at his ass and chest, which were always visible to everyone, especially considering that Bridget had almost no modest clothes.


Today was a special day for Craig, it was a call to his area where he lived with Sophie... And strangely, the address almost coincided with Craig's address. Arriving at his next client's apartment, Craig, imagining that this time he would have to do Bridget's job again, slowly rang the doorbell, unexpectedly being met there by a whole group of his college friends, among whom was Sophie and "Craig", drunk and looking at the amazed Craig with a smile.

It was the birthday of one of his friends, for which they decided to give him an evening with a good prostitute and, of course, Bridget, when she proposed a candidate, did not know whether she would be in her body or would still be in Craig’s body. In any case, she liked the idea and persuaded everyone.

Finding himself in a closed room with his friend from college, Craig tried his best to match the image and slowly moved softly to the music, delaying the moment of rapprochement, while his friend sat on the chair with a smile on his face, and his penis was already tense and ready for further actions of the prostitute "Bridget".

Despite all his resistance and disbelief, Craig had already noticed that he began to enjoy doing Bridget's work and even began to enjoy it at some moments. But now, looking at his friend’s excited member, Craig was thinking more about how he would then be friends with this man if he had sex with him now... The obligatory program of which at the beginning included oral sex after a striptease...


"This is too much.... What the hell does she allow herself to do?" Craig thought to himself, leaning against the door frame and looking at Bridget's disgusting pink phone, which he was forced to use while in her body.

Not long ago he understood the principle of their exchange and this was confirmed in a conversation with Bridget, who, as he found out, had long ago understood all this perfectly and took advantage of it. The first and main rule was that in order to exchange, they both had to think about each other at the same time. Bridget experimented and periodically asked Craig about this casually, so that he wouldn’t guess and noticed that sometimes Craig didn’t think about her, but she wanted to get his body so badly that everything worked.

However, that was not all. Bridget had long begun to notice that a few seconds before the reverse exchange, she seemed to begin to breathe faster and her heartbeat in Craig’s body intensified, and if at that moment she concentrated on this feeling and stopped the wave, then she could remain in Craig’s body.

Bridget really liked Craig's life and also found sex in a man's body more exciting. Sophie was great and his life as a young aspiring student with great prospects was obviously very different from her life as a prostitute. And she became convinced that Craig's life was better more and more, continuing to pretend that she didn't like it either and that she also wanted her body back, but nevertheless did the opposite and enlisted Craig to do her job all the time. more and more.

In addition, these waves, which anticipated the reverse exchange, became less and less frequent, and Bridget almost always knew how to control them. And when she didn’t succeed, in the following days she concentrated so much on the desire to become Craig that Craig could not resist it, in his naivety thinking that all this was an accident...

“We have to do something! This can’t go on any longer...” Craig thought, still looking at the cell phone. Bridget wrote to him after their conversation about the principle of exchange that she was not going to give Craig's life back and this made him terribly angry that morning after he read this SMS.


A cool breeze blew across Craig's exposed belly, which he couldn't see because of his huge tits covered in a short top, through which the outline of his nipples, erect from the cold, were easily visible. Throwing a sweater over himself to keep warm, Craig looked in disbelief at Sophie, with whom he was finally alone and to whom he had finally told everything. But for some reason her reaction was not at all what Craig expected. She didn’t even seem surprised, and after a few sentences there was an awkward silence, as if they had nothing to talk to each other about and as if they were strangers to each other.

- And how do you like this.... (Sophie finally said, pointing with her gaze at Craig’s huge chest and ass)

- It's horrible!

- Seriously? But looking at your appearance, it doesn’t seem so to me. It's like you even like to show it all off

- What nonsense, Sophie! I would never do this if I could...

- Oh.. That is, you had no choice (Sophie answered just as skeptically and seriously)

- What does this all mean? Why are you talking to me like that... It turns out... that... you knew everything? (Craig responded with the same skeptical look to Sophie’s strange questions)

- Yes

- And why didn’t you say anything then, because I did so much because of this... stop! How long have you known this?

- Oh... enough to understand everything

- What does it mean to “understand everything”?

- Do you remember that party in the evening...

- Um... What party?

Craig's heart began to beat faster. He tried to pretend that he didn’t understand what his girlfriend was talking about, but he already guessed that she was talking about that evening when he came as a prostitute “Bridget” for his friend

- I think you understand what I mean...

- Darling...

- No. Stop. Don't... I... I thought that night that Craig... I mean Bridget was joking, and that you weren't that... damn... I can't... you cheated on me! And I thought that she was not telling the truth when she said that you enjoy her work! But... but...

- No! I never!

- Do not lie to me! I loved you! And you... you! Bridget is a much better guy than you! And this is the last time I called my boyfriend that! Bridget it's you! You fucking whore! Get out of my house!

Unable to bear the surge of emotions, Craig’s girlfriend shouted, noticing that at that moment the door opened and “Craig” entered the yard.

- Craig! Cute! God bless! Help me get this damn whore out of our house!




Craig sincerely tried to bring everything back, but despite all his attempts, he remained in Bridget’s body, in which he had already been in Bridget’s body for more than two weeks even when he went to meet Sophie. He was sincere when he said it was "terrible" when answering Sophie's question about Bridget's sexy body, which he had been possessing off and on since saving her from being hit by a car. And her reaction really struck Craig, who at that moment was taken aback and only after threatening to “call the police” stopped pursuing Sophie and “Craig”, who blocked “Bridget’s” phone number and also threatening the police and more, said that “ Bridget no longer came within a kilometer of their house

Craig really dreamed that this would all end and that Sophie, after he told him everything, would help him, because they really loved each other. He had no idea that he could break her heart so stupidly without even wanting to do all this.

But, although he did not admit it, he internally understood that he really liked to experience everything that he experienced while working with clients. Even as he once again put on sexy tight clothes, Craig intuitively imagined that he would like it when everyone looked at him with admiration, wanting sex with him.

All these thoughts seemed to be not his and at the same time his. And Bridget and Craig themselves did not know that when they collided that evening, they found themselves in the so-called “quantum field” created by a large hadron collider far in Europe, which at that very moment was once again colliding microparticles among themselves in another experiment.

At that moment, there was an instant exchange between Bridget and Craig between their main internal basic desires in life. Bridget, without realizing it, thought that she simply liked being Craig herself and therefore deliberately did not want to change back. And Craig, who also received her basic desires from Bridget, although he rejected them, but sincerely enjoyed working as a prostitute just as Bridget did.

That is why he did not look for another job, explaining to himself, of course, all the time with various reasons, starting with the fact that “he doesn’t want to improve the life of this bitch” and ending with the banal “this is temporary and brings good money,” but deep inside he unconsciously sought to leave this work only by improving your skills in this...



bz lq

great caption series,thanks