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The silence in the two-story country house, which Frank and Miranda rented, was hardly disturbed by anything, except for the meowing of their cat and now the loud exhalation of smoke from the cigarette that Frank decided to light in anticipation of Miranda, who hesitantly waited in the next room, experiencing at that moment some awkwardness from everything that is happening, but at the same time looking forward to the most unusual event in their life together with Frank.

This strange magic locket, which could turn into the person who wore this clothes most of all in life, they used not for the first time when they touched clothes. However, now for the first time we decided to try it in sex life, finding casual sexy clothes for the image of a woman from a second-hand store and the most brutal and masculine for a male image.

And yet, a lot of the merit in this was Miranda, who was able to persuade Frank to try to get to know someone to have sex from the point of view of the other sex. It was a long and difficult process, but in the end, Frank gave up, on his own, without telling Miranda, realizing that he would also like to know what it was like.

Hearing the irregular click of heels and smelling the smell of cigarette smoke, Miranda smiled, realizing that now she would finally see him in this image.

Dragging the smoke of a cigarette with his plump lips, Frank tried his best to look brutal looking at the smiling Miranda, who looked at him from an unusual angle, now becoming taller than him due to the fact that she herself was in an unfamiliar male body

- Solo hago esto porque te amo (I'm only doing this because I love you)

Frank said sincerely believing that he speaks English and understood only from the surprised expression on Miranda's face, only that she was surprised at something

- Honey, I don't understand you at all.

With a smile and trying to be as soft as possible in her voice, Miranda confessed, but it still turned out very brutal

- Que dijiste? (What did you say?)

A little taken aback by how strong Miranda now seemed to him and feeling weak, Frank said, trying to still look courageous, despite all these outfits that his girlfriend persuaded him to wear. Like Miranda, he was just as surprised when he heard from her lips her male voice, which spoke in a language unfamiliar to him.

- En que idioma estas... oh oh oh (What language are you... oh oh oh)

Without having time to finish, Frank barely managed to keep his balance on high heels and accidentally pressed the light switch, turning off the light in the room, but Miranda, who arrived in time, managed to catch him...


- Everything is fine?

- Digo que no te entiendo, carajo! Este jodido medallón parece habernos cambiado no solo externamente

- tengo que verme (I must see myself)

Pushing Miranda away, Frank said, heading, barely balancing on his heels, to the adjacent bathroom to the touch. The feeling of regret that he agreed to this only intensified at this moment, despite the fact that Miranda helped him not to fall, but his manhood was hurt. For the first time at that moment, he experienced some unusual feeling of weakness for him from the fact that some man helped him, although he understood that Miranda was in the body of this man.

- Enciende esa maldita luz! (Turn on that fucking light already!)

Leaning against the sink, Frank called out, already beginning to feel a sense of disgust at his new voice.

In a strange way, but this coincided with the moment when Miranda found the switch and turned on the light, until Frank finally got to the sink and, with the light on, saw his reflection for the first time, or rather the reflection of the girl who had worn these clothes before

- Dios mío (My God)

Only Frank managed to say when he saw his reflection. Now he understood why he did not understand Miranda, looking at his Latin American female face with open surprised eyes and noticing how this girl completely repeats his facial expressions in the reflection.

Literally before his eyes, in the reflection on the girl's surprised face, slowly, but accelerating with every second, red lipstick and other makeup elements began to appear, becoming brighter and brighter. It happened so fast that Frank did not notice how something began to crush his neck, discovering only later that it was some kind of choker.

- Que diablos está pasando?! (What the fuck is going on?!)

Turning his head towards Miranda, Frank said displeasedly, at that moment suddenly feeling that something pricked his earlobes a little and began to pull down at the same time as a similar sensation in the navel. At the same time, noticing that everything around, including Miranda standing in the door leaf, became somehow vague, as if everything around was filled with water.

Meanwhile, Miranda did not see any changes and what Frank saw, for her everything remained the same as before ...


The image became more and more blurry and Frank noticed more and more that his clothes were changing. After earrings appeared in the earlobes and a piercing in the navel, the clothes that Frank could hardly put on himself also changed, turning into a tight red corset, tightly tightening his waist, stomach and chest so that at some point he it was even hard to breathe

The pantyhose split into two parts to form stockings and dark tight-fitting panties. Even the shoes that Miranda gave him, which were larger than Frank's leg was now, were shrinking and becoming, on the contrary, somehow tight and uncomfortable.

Everything around was changing as if in a strange incomprehensible aura, but after a few seconds, Frank already began to notice the interior elements of a completely unfamiliar room, gradually replacing the familiar environment. Only when his hands finally stopped feeling the hard surface of the shell did Frank clearly realize that this was all for real, as the shell became as if intangible and became more and more transparent.

Earrings and a choker pressing on the throat, together with a tight corset, only confirmed all the sensations of Frank, who at that moment grabbed some fabric with his hands behind his back in order to continue his attempts to maintain balance, until finally, blinking, Frank noticed that all his usual surroundings vanished along with strange sensations of change. Now he was in a completely different room, and in front of him sat an unfamiliar Latin man in his shorts.

- Pasa algo, bebe? (Is something wrong, baby?)

- Um... ¡no es asi! (Um... it's not like that!)

Having already understood that Frank was speaking in Spanish, they were not even surprised that they understood this stranger.

- En realidad, ya pagué y esperaba ver un striptease convirtiéndose sin problemas en una mamada. (Actually, I already paid and expected to see a striptease smoothly turning into a blowjob)

- ¿¡Estriptís!? .... ¡¿Mamada?!... ¿Soy una especie de puta?... (Striptease!? .... Blowjob?!... Am I some kind of whore?...)

Suddenly slowing down his tone and ending his question with some sexy playful tone, Frank said, feeling a strange inner feeling that he had never experienced before.


This sensation and feeling was so strong that at first Frank did not even understand what it was, only then realizing that he received it from Selena, who, according to the "happy" case for Frank, at the time of his use of the magic medallion was just with one of his clients.

Selena was a professional prostitute in Colonia Juarez, in the famous Sona Rosa quarter not only in Mexico, and was proud that she always had a lot of clients who always left her satisfied. Of course, even now Selena could not blunder, especially in front of one of her regular clients, especially after he actually settled in her professionalism

Yielding to this incomprehensible sense of the importance of what was happening and experiencing an incomprehensible fear at that time that Frank could ruin everything, he turned sideways to the stranger, trying to portray a dance without musical accompaniment, only slowly bending his ass, experiencing a huge mass of mixed emotions and sensations radically different from each other. other feeling. From the fact that all this was wrong and humiliating, and ending with the fact that it is absolutely vital for him to do everything that this stranger said

- Como esto...? (Like this...?)

Sexy Frank said languidly looking at the stranger and putting it to his plump red lipstick lips, acting completely intuitively and perfectly understanding what to do. His hand was already stroking the skin of his Latin ass, and even the discomfort from the clothes was replaced by some strange feeling that it was all normal and right. Even movements on shoes with high heels now came to Frank easily and naturally.

Everything was as if it was not the first time with him. In his head there was already a picture of further events and actions that he would do and at the same time a feeling of complete rejection of everything that was happening, which was becoming somehow already distant and not as important as what is happening here and now


Lying on the bed and resting on the pillow, Frank tried with all his might to get out of his head Selena's haunting thoughts that he needed to get up and go to work, which he received with every second, as soon as he thought about something about something.

It seemed that it was simply impossible to fight it. Just thinking about the work of Selena Frank instantly got the desire to take someone's cock in his hands and masturbate, jump on it or suck, while imagining and already knowing how much he would do it, looking forward to the pleasure of the process and especially from receiving money.

But it is worth paying tribute to the strength of Frank's will, who, after finishing with that client, was able to overcome Selena's desires. Still, left alone, Frank felt more control, although Selena's feelings, thoughts and desires were still strongly manifested inside him.

First of all, finding a cell phone to contact Miranda, Frank realized that he had absolutely no memory of Miranda's cell phones, not even his own! Instead, he dialed some other number, hearing intermittent beeps, which meant that the subscriber was talking, and only after a while he realized that he was calling himself ... or rather "Selena" from whose phone he was talking.

Neither Miranda, nor of course Frank, knew that the medallion could not be used by two people at the same time. It was especially dangerous for the second person and, as in the case of Frank, if you turn into an existing living person with the help of a medallion, you can literally become this person and take his place in this life, having fully received all his knowledge, habits, desires and so on.

Unfortunately, Miranda never understood this. When it all started in the bathroom, Miranada saw only that Frank was transforming back into his real self and saw the slow transformation of the Latin woman into the familiar appearance of her boyfriend Frank and of course reacted with the same surprise to his words, which gradually began to sound in English. And for Miranda, Frank just turned into himself.



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