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- So, baby, are you ready? This will be a one way ticket

Mike said to his girlfriend looking at two wigs

- Will this change us both for sure?" And we will be completely different people? Together?

-  Certainly! Believe me, I have already been this rock musician for a day  and it was insanely cool! The old woman said that she enchanted the  second wig so that you will also be my girlfriend with me! And not just a  girl, but a fashion model! Baby, this is the best life we can have!

- Okay, Mike...let's get started already.

Both  took wigs and slowly put them on their heads. This was not the first  time for Veronica. Of course, she was not very happy with her life, but  it was still her life, and when Mike announced that he wanted to use  magical wigs to change their lives forever, Veronica began to doubt  whether she wanted it. However, it was difficult for her to resist all  the arguments that Mike prepared for her. And even now, when they had  already agreed and Veronica decided, she still doubted.

- Give me your hand after we put on the wigs and then we will be together

- Stop what? You... you didn't say that

- Just do what I tell you!

Mike  freaked out when Veronica once again doubted. And there was something  to doubt, Mike had not previously spoken about this and she began to  guess for a long time that he simply stole the wigs and in fact had no  idea whether they would be together or not and what would happen at all.

Although  they were indeed paired wigs, Veronica was right - Mike stole them and  just hoped it would work. He liked Veronica and at the same time he was  madly in love with the girlfriend of the rocker that he was and when he  found out that the wigs were paired, he immediately decided that he  would steal them and apply them without a reverse use spell.

The moment of truth finally arrived and excited Mike took the wig to put on his head and gave it to another Veronica.

Now, close your eyes and give me your hand.

Feeling  Veronica's hand, Mike closed his eyes imagining how in a few moments he  would again become a rock musician and together with his girlfriend  they would be ... but his train of thought was suddenly interrupted and  he realized that he had given Veronica the wrong wig, and that meant  only one thing, what he...

Quickly opening his eyes, Mike realized  that he had made a mistake, feeling at the same moment a new weight in  the chest area and the tight dress of Juliet - rocker Tim's girlfriend,  which he should have been, feeling a man's hand in his hand.


Mike  did not know what she hated more now - her new female body, the heavy  weight of breasts that dangled in a strange humiliating way with every  step, her appearance and sexy seductive dress, the fact that from the  very first minutes he did not even notice how easily she walks on heels,  or that he mixed up the wigs and fell into the trap he was preparing  for Veronica.

Of  course, the first thing Mike realized about his fatal mistake was that  she tried to take off her wig. However, the magic had already worked and  now it was his, or rather

her  real hair. Mike at that moment did not even allow the thought that now  she would be Juliet for the rest of her life, hoping that the old woman  was deceiving them and the wigs were temporary. The most disgusting  thing about it all was that she had prepared revenge for her girlfriend  and now she herself fell into it. Juliet wasn't really rocker Tim's  girlfriend, Juliet was an escort and a favorite high-class prostitute  who was often ordered by Tim to serve him and do whatever he says. The  coolest thing Mike thought when she was a musician Tim wearing wigs is  the adaptation feature. She loved it madly when she tried it - she  remembered how in those moments she felt like a genius, how she knew how  to sing and come up with songs, to be on stage! It all seemed to her  just gorgeous. Now, this function of magical wigs frightened her. And  the more Mike thought about Juliet from Tim's old memories, the more it  scared her.

Especially  now, standing in Tim's hotel room. She looked at the musician who was  talking on the phone and realized inside herself that she was thinking  only about how to make money on this musician. Although she perfectly  understood who she really was, more and more thoughts and a desire to  suck or masturbate Tim appeared inside her so that he would pay her  more!

Sadly,  Mike already realized that her girlfriend Veronica didn't wear a wig. It  was clear from the very beginning when she tried to start a  conversation by calling Tim Veronica and seeing the bewilderment and  questioningg expression on his face.


With  every minute, Juliet's desires only grew stronger inside Mike, and it  became harder and harder for her to resist, especially when she was next  to Tim. At some moments, Mike even forgot why she was here and all her  thoughts and desires were filled with only one thing - to earn more  money from this musician. Her whole body contracted with pleasure as  they hugged in front of other people and she imagined how they would be  together that evening and what she would do.

Juliet's  thoughts about money and pride in how easily she earns it captured  Mike's head more and more and at some point Mike felt proud of his work  and how high she had climbed with her work in export. Pride overwhelmed  her and

knowledge  from her profession only complemented this. But at the same time, Mike  felt that it was all wrong. She fiercely resisted her new desires, which  she received along with this magical wig. These knowledge and desires  were receptive to her, unlike the time when she was Tim and internally,  at the same time as new desires and knowledge appeared in her, she  experienced shame and rage, trying to somehow drive away new thoughts.  And she managed to overcome her new desires for a few minutes only when  she was alone in the musician's hotel room after all the ceremonies in  which they were together. Mike decisively stopped herself at the moment  when she went to the shower to wash herself.

At  that moment, Mike stopped herself with great force of will and  resolutely closed the door to the bathroom. Tim was already lying and  almost falling asleep at that moment. And Mike … Mike suddenly felt  disgusted with the memories that she had just sucked the cock of this  musician with appetite and that at that moment she herself was enjoying  it. She spat out sharply and almost vomited from the vile sensation and  memories of it, at the same time remembering how the musician's hands  touched her breasts and how his cock was in her vagina.

She  took a deep breath in the hope that now she could control herself, but  Tim's voice, who called her back to his bed to hug him, again awakened  Juliet's desires in her and she answered something affectionately went  to the shower, thinking only about how to wash quickly and get back to  bed with her favorite client who pays well.


Tight-fitting  dresses, bright sexy makeup, high heels, sexy lingerie, regular gyms  and regular sex with clients for money - all this was an integral part  of Juliet's successful exorcist. And when she first finished her work  with Tim, she naively believed that her work would end there. Everything  turned out to be

quite  the opposite - everything was just beginning. That same evening, when  she was alone, her phone rang. At that moment, for the first time, she  began to independently and seriously think about how to fix everything  and become back a guy named Mike …

or at least just a guy.

But  the call "pleased" her with another client, whom Juliet appreciated no  less than Tim! A rich billionaire, whom she also served and pleased, and  all her thoughts from that moment were already filled with a completely  different person. And so it went on again and again and again and  again. It seemed that Juliet simply did not feel tired. And when she was  left

alone and  she had a minute to start looking for a solution to fix everything,  then even in those minutes she woke up with a strong desire to go to the  gym or to a beautician. There was always something to do to continue  the successful life of a high-class escort.

Juliette  was getting ready for her next outing with a wealthy client when she  suddenly remembered that she needed to take a photo for another client  who didn't like selfies. Looking around, she saw a girl who was doing  something here and handed her her


- Hey, you

- Em. I?

- Yes, yes, you! Take me a photo

The  dissatisfied expression of the face was immediately replaced by  something more tender. She knew how she should look in the photo for  this client. However, the girl who took the reverse photo was very  unhappy that she was being treated so rudely by some "highly paid  whore", but nevertheless agreed to do it. - Please

- Stop… You…

Juliet  looked in shock and recognized Veronica in that girl! All her memories  of her past life as Mike flew through her head and,

trying  to say something else, Juliet only sighed sadly when she saw on the  face of her once girlfriend an expression of contempt and discontent.  Juliette again felt all the shame and shame for what she did and what  she didd.She again became restless from the feeling of the wrongness of  everything that happened to her. She held a phone in her hand with a  photo that she asked to take and already wanted to throw it against the  wall with anger, but she could not and stopped at the last moment.  Feeling her tears welling up, she sent the photo to her client and only  then was

able  to throw the phone violently on the nearest soft surface, which she was  looking for for several seconds, afraid of breaking the phone due to the  fact that she would lose customers!


Epilogue (or not…?)

Juliette danced sexually in front of her next client, who this time was a wealthy man from Canada,

slowly  taking off her underwear to the music, watching that the client was  already ready for sex. However, she was in no hurry, this was part of  her professionalism, and slowly, stretching out the pleasure, she played  with her client.

She always knew what to do when she was alone with her clients. Someone liked fast, someone

slowly, someone wanted to use various toys, and someone just ordinary sex. She always found the

right  approach. So now, Juliet, as if she had read this man as soon as they  were alone and already knew perfectly well her entire program for that  evening. Approaching closer and closer, she was already sure that this  person would want to photograph her "for memory". Yes, of course, she  knew perfectly well that he was taking this photo only to brag to his  rich pervert friends, but she pretended to like it. She leaned against  the wall, showing off her

beautiful  beautiful breasts and tossed strands of her hair, curving herself in a  way that was as sexy as possible. The sound from the phone, indicating  that the photo was taken, suddenly reminded Juliet of the incident that  happened a few days ago when she asked Victoria to take a picture of  her. At that

moment, something inside Juliet changed. And it was obvious. Even her face has changed

-  Is there something wrong? The surprised rich client said when he took  another photo in which Juliet was clearly unhappy. He was aroused and  his penis stood in such a way that everyone would envy this and from  that his heart was beating wildly. However, he noticed how loud and  dissatisfied Juliet began to breathe. Her plump sexy lips formed and  displeasure was read on her face.

-All wrong!

Juliet  screamed loudly as if she had endured for a very, very long time and  finally managed to do it. The client thought that this was part of some  game that he did not like at all and wanted to say something, but Juliet  was the first. She abruptly took the phone away from him and threw it  against the wall so that the phone fell apart into fragments and then  quickly walked towards the door shouting loudly

-  I hate it! I hate it all! For a second, she slowed her pace, glancing  at the client's men's clothing and, without thinking twice, took them  with her, slamming the door on the other side of the hotel room.



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