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Walking around his office and looking at how his subordinates were working, Michael was satisfied with how well, in general, his company is doing now, although he did not show it so that his employees would not relax once again.

The low noise of a worker was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a sharply opening door and the ensuing scream of a guard

- Hold her! Stop!

- Where is Michael Pierce!?

A woman screamed as she ran. Her hair was tousled and she was dressed in some strange futuristic costume.

- Um, it's me.

Deciding not to show weakness in front of the employees, Michael immediately answered

- Oh, finally.

Said a strange stranger pressing something in her hand

- And what exactly do you ....

Not having time to finish Michael, he decided to hold his questions to the belt, the more he felt what a strange sensation all over his body, which began to spread from his chest and spread throughout the body

"Loading has begun" - came from somewhere to the right and behind Michael in some kind of computer female voice, but it seemed that only he heard it, as the stranger had already been knocked to the floor by the guards who had run in, but in a strange way a smile shone on her face at that moment

Meanwhile, sensations of change spread more and more throughout Michael's body. During the moment he heard the computer voice, he already felt a slight tingle and a sort of heaviness in his chest area, while his clothes seemed to become tighter.

Suddenly, a bright purple light, along with a quick gust of wind, came over Michael like a wave, one after the other, as the sensations of change became more and more obvious.

Paying attention at that moment that he was no longer wearing a jacket, Michael suddenly noticed that the color of his skin was becoming darker and darker, at the same time noticing how his nails were lengthening and his fingers were becoming as if thinner.

- Wow.....

The last change finally touched the environment and Michael noticed that he was now somewhere on the street. The straps of the bra were now obvious and pressed hard on Michael's shoulders, holding his large female breasts tightly pressed against the fabric of some kind of top, while his large ass was tightly wrapped in the fabric of the skirt.

- Oh.... my head....

Without even having time to explore the changes, Michael felt as if, along with a strong, sudden headache in his head, some new knowledge and memories of his life as Latisha were being downloaded in a fast stream.


- Well, it looks like she managed to fix it.

- Yes, but we were one step away from a critical mistake

Two laboratory assistants were talking to each other, looking at the monitor screens and watching the virtual world No. 134, occasionally glancing at how their colleague, connected by wires to this world, twitches a little, but at the same time obviously smiles

- Yes ... she's done well. Still, this world is largely due to her and I must admit, in this simulation everything really worked perfectly. Once I was there, I would not have thought that I was in a simulation.



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