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To the loud melodic music of the dance floor, Mason did not notice at all, moving in a slow dance with an unfamiliar Asian woman, whom he first met here 20 minutes ago, that his body and clothes had already changed. But that was not the end, at this stage the face was still with him and suddenly for him he saw in the distance the familiar face of his girlfriend.

Their eyes crossed at that moment and the best thing that Mason could come up with then was just to pretend that he didn't notice her. In any other case, all this threatened with a scandal and the need to explain to her why he was here and danced with some unknown girl, and even hugged her so close.

- Damn it...

Only Mason said out of surprise, which coincided with a pause in loud music and the stranger, of course, heard it

Is there something' wrong'? What'... what' ze?!

The stranger loudly finished her question by speaking with a strong accent, dumbfounded, opening her eyes and looking at the perplexed Mason. Before her eyes, Mason's face was completely transformed and literally in a few seconds she was already looking completely at her copy, and not at a strange mixture of her body with Mason's face, completely dressed in identical clothes that she wore

- Is something wrong?... Fuck... why are you?

- What' are you saying'?... โอ้พระเจ้า! เกิดอะไรขึ้นกับฉัน! เกิดบ้าอะไรขึ้น.... (Xô phracêā! Keid xarị k̄hụ̂n kạb c̄hạn! Keid b̂ā xarị k̄hụ̂n.... Oh my god! What's wrong with me?! How wow the hell is going on....)

The stranger still tried to speak, and in a strange way Mason understood previously unfamiliar words, but the sound of her voice broke off and Mason was only an observer of the strange disappearance of this girl, who, without understanding why, disappeared and dissolved in the air.

Yes, and Mason himself by that time was already distracted by something else, more important! His body! His clothes! Everything was wrong! He felt like a short tight skirt, which was on a stranger, now snugly fitted to his big, weighty ass, under which he clearly felt the pressure from the thong. And in the chest area, a new heavy weight was pressed against a black tight top with an open stomach.

All this was obvious and at the same time impossible, and Mason's drunken mind decided that it was some kind of hallucination.

In the distance, Mason found his girlfriend leaving the party, and after thinking about the situation a little, he decided that he needed to stop her. Intuitively, he guessed that this could be all because of her, remembering her story about a strange device that she found somewhere.

Taking a step towards her, not knowing that he was now wearing high-heeled shoes, Mason stumbled, but expecting to fall to the floor and get a hard blow, he suddenly realized that someone was holding him by the waist

- Are you completely drunk?

He uttered a loud rough male bass coming from a man who was now holding Mason tightly by his thin female waist. It was difficult to understand what this voice was talking about, but partly by some words "you" and "got drunk" Mason understood that it was about the fact that he was drunk. However, that didn't explain anything. Who was it and why did he talk to Mason like that?!

- Candy! What the heck?! A client is waiting for you! You were supposed to be back 20 minutes ago!

A single word was clear from all the speech the stranger was saying.

- Client?!

Unexpectedly for himself, Mason said in a too high squeaky voice with a strong Asian accent, turning his head in the direction of the voice and seeing in front of him a large, buff man in a leather jacket, with a clearly displeased expression on his face

- ฉันไม่เข้าใจสิ่งที่คุณพูด! เฮ้ ปล่อยฉันนะ! (C̄hạn mị̀ k̄hêācı s̄ìng thī̀ khuṇ phūd! Ḥê pl̀xy c̄hạn na! - I don't understand what you're saying! Hey, let me go!)

The boss will be unhappy...

The stranger said and, like a fluff, put Mason on his shoulder, carrying him out of the club.



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